Marvel: All the Famous Scenes Were Exposed By Me

Chapter 16: Thor is down to earth

   "Fry, the Hulk Bruce Banner, is that also the person you envisioned at the beginning?" Natasha Romanoff couldn't stand the quarrel between the two old men, and quickly asked a question.

"Yes, I really don't want to let the big guy go. After all, he is too strong." Nick Fury has nothing to hide. "But I didn't plan to absorb him so early. His stability still needs to be observed. "

   "Speaking of this, remember the video I just watched, did Rocky say something when I was talking about Hulk?" Tony Stark suddenly remembered a detail.

"Yes, there is such a conversation, Rocky said, "I have an army," you said, "We have Hulk." As a spy chief, Nick Fury's memory is even more effective," and Rocky said. I thought that the big guy was lost', thinking about it, Loki's words seem to have a lot to say."

   "What does he think Hulk is missing?" Natasha Romanov continued, "Does that sentence mean that he did something against Hulk?"

"Rocky is never a rash man who can only do things. On the contrary, he is more calm and prefers to use his brain." Tony Stark analyzed, "Just that video, when I said that our Avengers would go to him, He actually tried to control me, let me deal with the Avengers, let us fight each other, would he also do something similar to Hulk?"

"It's very possible." Nick Fury agreed with this view. "I'm not sure if Hulk is the strongest fighter in the Avengers, but he must be our biggest weakness. The enemy defeated us from the inside. The best breakthrough point."

"So it's no surprise that Rocky started with Hulk." Nick Fury said to Tony Stark. "Stark, why don't you take the time to meet with Dr. Banner and see if there is any way to solve him." The problem."

"You can meet each other, but you don't have to have any hope to solve the problem." Tony Stark shook his head, "That's not my research field. If Bruce Banner can't solve it by himself, I can't help it. ."

"Can you only rely on this answer? Hope that rewards for solving Dr. Banner's mental problems will be given in the future?" Nick Fury sighed lightly, and Bruce Banner was almost the strongest he had ever seen after his transformation. The creature, except for the young Captain Marvel that he would know, no one can match his combat power. What a good fighter this is!

   But this warrior is too "partial", the physical body is a mess, but the mental loopholes are also a mess.

   If someone succeeds in catching this loophole and drives him crazy, the consequences will be unimaginable.

   He didn't dare to imagine who could control this big guy in the absence of Captain Marvel.

   "Speaking of which, have you noticed that Stark had just appeared in the previous video and tried to attack the portal device, and his armor was full of scratches?" Nick Fury suddenly thought of a detail.

   "Fry, what do you mean?" Natasha Romanoff asked.

"At that time the portal had not opened, the Zetarians had not yet arrived, and Stark hadn't seen Loki yet." Nick Fury said in a deep voice, "Then how did the battle traces of Stark's armor remain? What? Who is he fighting with?"

"You mean Hulk?" Tony Stark thought for a while and shook his head, "Isn't that possible, if I really fight that big guy, how can the armor be left? It was broken into a pile of broken copper and iron. Got it!"

"Who said you played against yourself? Don't our future teammates still have Thor?" Nick Fury said, "Since Thor is a god, and you can join forces with you to defeat the mad Hulk, I must be able to do it? "

"Fry, this inference of yours is crazy and may not be correct, but in this case, you have to guard against it. Being big is indeed a considerable weakness." Tony Stark said solemnly, "We are best. Prepare in advance, or you will be used by others."

   [The fifth question starts, please be prepared. 】

   [Excuse me, after Thor came to New Mexico, was he knocked down by what weapon? 】

  【A stun gun】

  【B Pistol】

  【C submachine gun】


  【The answer to this question is correct, reward a healing potion, as long as the heart and brain are not dead, injection can cure all diseases and injuries. If you answer this question incorrectly, one year of life will be deducted. 】

   As soon as the fifth question came out, the three people in the answer space were surprised.

  Because this question actually gave a clear location!

   "Thor Thor will descend on Earth in New Mexico!" Nick Fury said immediately, "I will send people to Mexico to wait for the arrival of Thor, the new member of the Avengers to'welcome' Thor!"

   "This is the most important news for answering the question so far." Tony Stark said sternly, "If you really wait until Thor arrives, let me know as soon as possible."

   "And me." Natasha Romanov also said.

   "Okay. UU reading www.uukā" Nick Fury directly agreed, "If I see Thor, I must tell everyone immediately."

   The reason why everyone attaches so much importance to the news of Thor's arrival on Earth is really because this news is directly related to whether the video is a future clip or not.

   If Thor really arrives in New Mexico as the title says, then it means that the question they answered is really the future, and then the threat from Rocky and the Zetaru is real.

   In addition to verifying the future, Thor's identity is also crucial.

Firstly, Thor is a member of the Avengers and their future teammate. Judging from the performance in the video, Thor is a very powerful warrior, even if he does not call for the wind and rain as in the legend. In terms of physical fitness alone, he is better than Captain America. Not bad.

  Secondly, Thor is the brother of Loki, the black hand behind the Battle of New York. He must have some knowledge of Loki. Everyone is eager to get information about Loki through Thor.

"Then, let's analyze the problem." Nick Fury said, "First of all, A can rule out that Thor will be knocked down by a stun gun. This is simply a joke. Although this **** may be different from our imagination, don't forget, Thor's younger brother Loki can resist even bullets, and Thor should be able to do that too. So B can also be eliminated."

   "The submachine gun is more lethal than the pistol, but after watching Rocky's performance when snatching the Rubik's Cube, I don't think the submachine gun can work." Natasha Romanov said.

"Then there is RPG left?" Tony Stark hesitated, "In my opinion, it is also the most reasonable RPG. Not talking about Rocky, just look at Thor's own few appearances in the video. , It’s not like the three items of ABC can be solved. But if you choose D like this, this question is too simple, right?"

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