Marvel: All the Famous Scenes Were Exposed By Me

Chapter 29: The green fat arrives

"Look at the title!" Phil Colson said, "The background of this question is the New York War, and according to the information now known, there are two gods who appeared in the New York War, one is Rocky. The other is Thor. Thor is on our side, so I think that this'good and weak god' should refer to Loki. Someone defeated Loki and said this."

   "So the option is at least someone who can beat Loki." Clint Barton scanned the four options, "Who can beat Loki?"

   "The answer is simple." A voice rang, but Thor said with his arms folded, "That's me."

   "Crying Nose Boy, this is not the time to speak big words." Tony Stark said, "This is a correct answer but rewards the qualification for the hammer. You should really need it."

"I didn't speak big words. Loki is a god, and it is not something that the people of the earth can resist." Thor said confidently, "and I am a more powerful god, much stronger than Loki, so this question The answer must be me!"

"Don't be so sure, Thor, you don't know anything about the Hulk and Iron Man." Clint Barton said aside. According to the husband’s description, I don’t think Loki is unbeatable. Tony Stark once knocked Loki into the air with a battle armor, so it is possible for Iron Man to defeat Loki. And the Hulk..."

"The Hulk?" Thor smiled. "I have beaten a giant several stories high. Is this nicknamed Hulk that big? No matter who you are talking about, the Hulk can't be more than me. powerful."

   "As someone who was knocked down by a stun gun, you are really overconfident." Tony Stark shattered Thor's smile with a light sentence.

"Didn't you say that I will fight with you in the future, which shows that my divine power will definitely be restored!" Thor forcibly resisted the urge to kick Tony Stark's face, "Once my divine power is restored, Who on earth is my opponent? What Hulk, I can suppress him with one hand."

   "Tor, don't be too arbitrary, just analyze it carefully..."

   "No need to analyze, the answer is obvious." Thor did not wait for Phil Colson to finish, and then gave the answer, "I choose A, Thor!"

【wrong answer! Deduct one year of life! 】

   The mechanically synthesized voice suddenly sounded, and the speed of light hit Thor in the face.

   When Natasha Romanoff and Tony Stark were deducted from their lives, they were shaking and pale, but Thor had no reaction at all, as if nothing had happened.

   "My vitality seems to have really gone..." But Thor felt the vitality in his body go by.

   My life span is indeed shortened.

   Of course, for a guy like Thor with a long lifespan, reducing one year's life span is nothing at all.

   But this has sounded the alarm for Thor. In this answer space, it is really impossible to answer questions casually.

In combination with Phil Coleson waiting for him in New Mexico in advance, Tony Stark explained that he was knocked down by a stun gun. Although Thor was still **** his lips, he had already recognized the answer space and intercepted the future. this matter.

   "It's a pity, you lost the quickest way to pick up the hammer." Seeing Thor's wrong answer, Tony Stark said.

   "That is my thing, I will pick it up sooner or later." Thor was not discouraged.

"Tor has ruled out. We don’t know anything about Doctor Strange, so we don’t think about it for the time being," Clint Barton said. "The answer lies in the choice between the Hulk and Stark, Stark. You are Iron Man, do you think it will be you?"

   "It's not me." Tony Stark denied directly.

   "Do you think you can't beat Rocky?" Phil Colson said, "Stark, this is not like you."

"No, I mean, if I defeated Rocky, how could I say that'a weak god" is so'gentle', I can say that Rocky committed suicide in shame on the spot." Tony Stark shrugged." So, that’s not me."

   "It makes sense." Phil Colson nodded repeatedly.

   "Unable to refute." Clint Barton also agreed.

   "So, the correct answer should be the Hulk." Tony Stark looked at Thor, "not you."

   "I don't know if it's the Hulk." Thor responded, "But it definitely won't be you."

   There is light in the space, and the picture begins.

The figure of Clint Barton appeared at the beginning. He swept the bow with both hands, swept a Qitarian to the ground, and pulled out an arrow from the back, and inserted it into the Qitaric fiercely. People.

   "This is indeed a Zitarian." Thor said in a deep voice.

   Several people in the answer space, only he knows what the Chitaru looks like.

  Everything in the lens, Natasha Romanov holding a stick-like weapon, with one enemy two, knocked down the two Zitarians.

  The Captain America wearing a star-striped suit is also attacking with a shield.

   But more and more Zitarians came from all around.


   At this moment, thick thunder and lightning fell from the sky, slicing the Qitarians into the inner and outer parts.

   I saw a figure stepping into the sky, bathed in thunder and lightning, like a **** descending to earth, majestic and majestic.

   No, UU reading is not just like, that is God.

   Thor, Thor!

   "Did you see it! Have you all seen it!" Thor was so excited when he saw this scene, "That's me! That's me!"

   "It turns out that you can really summon thunder and lightning." Tony Stark couldn't help but glance at Thor. Thor had appeared in the video before, but it was the first time to use this supernatural method.

   "I'm an expert in thunder and lightning." Thor was glamorous.

   "Why are the experts of Raiden..."

   "Stark, can you stop asking this question and count me owing you a favor, okay?" Thor was simply defeated.

   "What's the situation above?" In the video, Captain America walks towards Thor.

   "Can't penetrate the energy around the Rubik's Cube." Thor said.

   "Tor is right, you have to deal with these guys first." Tony Stark's voice came, but it did not appear in the picture.

   "What do we do?" Natasha Romanov asked.

   "Teamwork." Captain America said.

   "I have not settled the bills with Loki," Thor said.

   "Really?" Clint Button fiddled with his arrow, "Then you have to line up."

   Clint Barton and Tony Stark in the answer space know what this means, it must be because Loki used the psychic scepter to control Clint Barton before.

"Loki will definitely concentrate his forces on us. Get rid of him, and they will mess around. Stark is in the sky and he needs us..." Before Captain America could finish his words, the sound of a motorcycle came from the rear. .

   As soon as Captain America turned his head, he saw a middle-aged man riding a motorcycle slowly approaching.

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