Marvel: All the Famous Scenes Were Exposed By Me

Chapter 82: Who practiced the hammer combo

   "Are you Thor?" Bruce Banner set his eyes on Thor again, "From the legendary Asgard?"

   "Dr. Banner, thank you." Thor squeezed an almost invisible smile on his face.

"Really?" Tony Stark asked on the side, "Tor, are you sure you want to say that you are lucky to meet, rather than'keep away from me and my brother'?" After teasing Thor, Tony Shi Tucker walked up to Bruce Banner, "Dr. Banner, it's a good time to meet. I really want to have a good time."

   "Stark, happy meeting." Bruce Banner shook hands with Tony Stark, and then whispered, "What happened to Thor?"

   Tony Stark, a very nervous guy, was reminded by Bruce Banner, only to find that Thor looked sad, as if his brother had died.

   "Tor, why is your face so long?" Tony Stark and Thor are also familiar with each other and asked directly.

   "Loki is dead." Thor said sadly.

"Oh, is it?" Tony Stark was stunned. "Tor, we all know what your brother did. I should have said'sorrow', but my heart made me unable to tell the two. Word, so I won’t say anything."

   "Stark, the New York war will not happen." Thor said with a strong smile, "I think, I should congratulate us, the future catastrophe has been avoided in this way."

   "Tor, cheer up." Steve Rogers said, "there is still a tough battle to be fought in the future."

   "Dr. Banner, Romanov knows you well, right?" Tony Stark said to Bruce Banner.

   "Although there were some misunderstandings at the beginning, but overall it was pleasant." Bruce Banner said.

   "Then your problem here..." Tony Stark pointed to his temple, "How is the solution? You also saw Dr. Banner, you are easily exploited."

"If it can be solved so easily, I wouldn't have lived in hiding for so many years." Bruce Banner paused and said again, "Although we are fighting together in the futures you show me, I will not I don’t think it’s a wise choice for me to join the Avengers."

"Dr. Banner, I believe we must have a way to solve your mental problem." Tony Stark said, "In fact, I have a bottle of Coke in my hand. Although it can't solve your mental problem, it can solve your mental problem. Being exploited by this problem."

   "Coke?" Bruce Banner said, "Drinking something that makes people fatter?"

   "That should be a kind of magic potion." Thor explained, "After drinking, you can avoid all mental attacks. This is the reward we got after answering the question last time."

   "Even so, I think it's worthwhile to let me join your team still needs to be evaluated."

   [Questions and answers will now begin, please be prepared! 】

   [The first question, may I ask if you can't hold Thor's Hammer on the surface, but you have practiced a set of combos behind your back, who are you talking about? 】

  【A Hulk Bruce Banner】

  【B Iron Man Tony Stark】

  【C Captain America Steve Rogers】

  【D Strange Doctor Stephens Tranch】

   [The answer to this question is correct, the magic immunity potion is rewarded, and it will be immune to all magical damage within 10 minutes after drinking it. If the answer is wrong, one year of life will be deducted. 】

   "This reward is also good, don't we have a witch enemy in the future?" Tony Stark said first, "With this potion, she can do nothing to worry about."

   "The Scarlet Witch?" Steve Rogers recalled the performance of the Scarlet Witch in the next video. "Although he can only be immune to 10 minutes of magical attacks, these 10 minutes are enough to clean up the witch."

"Don't rush to see the reward." Thor said, "This question is really absurd. The Thor's hammer belongs to me, Thor. No one can afford it except me. Did you forget this one? Something?"

"Tor, you have answered a round of answers, why haven't your thoughts turned?" Tony Stark said, "There is no absolute thing in this world. Your hammer, maybe 99.99% of the world. People can’t take it, but there are definitely 0.01% of people who can. It’s just that there are too few people who can take it. You haven’t seen it."

"Stark, this is not a mathematical probability problem." Thor retorted, "This hammer was tailored for me by my father. It is exclusive to me. It was set when my father built it, except for me. Besides, no one can pick it up."

   "Tor, how do you explain this question now?" Tony Stark asked rhetorically.

   "Let's take a look at the question," Thor was silent for a long while before squeezing out a sentence, "I don't know why this happened."

"On the surface, it can't be picked up. UU reading means that it can be picked up." Bruce Banner said at this time. Thor, don't you know if you take out the hammer and let us try them one by one?"

"Very unfortunate." Thor shrugged. "I didn't bring the hammer. I tried it when I saw the question. My connection with the hammer was cut off. I couldn't feel the hammer at all. In this answer space. , I cannot summon the hammer."

   "Tor, the magic immunity potion should have been readily available." Tony Stark said, "Now, we only have to analyze."

   "Tor, I remember saying in the video that your hammer is made of the nucleus of a neutron star." Steve Rogers said, "then your hammer is very heavy."

"Very heavy." Thor said, "If you consider strength, this is not a problem that can be solved by strength at all. Dr. Banner is powerful when he changes color, but he is absolutely impossible to afford one. Neutron star."

"But when this neutron star fell on the earth, it didn't hurt the earth." Bruce Banner opened his mouth, and the smell of a sub-scientist rushed over his face, "The mass is so large, but the volume is only a hammer. Then its density must be exaggerated. The earth is a piece of paper for it, which can be easily penetrated. But it is placed on the ground, but it does not penetrate the surface. This shows that the laws of physics are fundamental to it. Not applicable, so it’s ridiculous to judge whether you can pick up the hammer based on whose strength is strong."

   "Dr. Banner is right, this is definitely not physics, nor science." Tony Stark continued with Bruce Banner's words, "This should be magic, or some area that we can't understand."

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