Marvel: All the Famous Scenes Were Exposed By Me

Chapter 96: US team jumped off the building

   "shit!" Thor almost exploded in anger: "Stark, you shut up! I want to fight you!"

   "Captain, Thor threatened me." Tony Stark swished and ran behind Steve Rogers, "Don't you care about him?"

   "..." Steve Rogers felt a deep headache, "Stark, if you don't shut up, I will fight you again."

   "Will the husband sing so soon?" Tony Stark exclaimed, "Your progress is too fast!"

"Stark, shut up, we were all brought into the ditch by the previous question." Bruce Banner felt that he would not speak anymore and let Tony Stark's mouth go down. Sooner or later he would be entrusted. You killed it.

   "Dr. Banner, what do you think?" Steve Rogers asked.

   "Because the previous question seems to be a question related to feelings, everyone thinks that this question is a question of feelings." Bruce Banner said, "But what if it is not?"

   "Dr. Banner, do you mean that the captain is just playing with them and has no affection for them?" Tony Stark asked.

   "You are talking about yourself! You playboy!" Steve Rogers said irritably.

   "I mean, is it impossible to be a mission?" Bruce Banner said, "Maybe the so-called kiss of the captain is simply a disguise for not being discovered by the enemy when performing the mission?"

   "It turned out to be like this." Steve Rogers was stunned, a little upset, obviously this is the most logical reasoning, why didn't he think of it?

  I was said by Tony Stark's stinky mouth for so long for no reason!

In fact, Steve Rogers is not to blame, it is true that his style has always been to go directly up to fight down enemies, sneak attack or direct attack, all use force, pretending to kiss and disguise this trick, he has never used it. Never thought about it.

   "If you look at it this way, it would be Natasha Romanoff." Steve Rogers said, "she and I are both members of the Avengers, and she is most likely to perform missions with me."

   space started to play video.

  The place at the beginning was the Tri-Wing Building. The bright sunshine shone on the building, and Steve Rogers walked into the transparent elevator.

   "Dispatch control center." Inside the elevator, Steve Rogers said.

   "Confirm." A female electronically synthesized sound immediately sounded in the elevator.

   Just as the elevator door was about to close, the crossbones suddenly came over from the outside, and when he stretched out his hand, the elevator door reopened.

   "All the members of the special team are in position."


"Yes, sir!"

   Crossbones and several agents walked into the elevator while talking.

   "Assurance Department."


   Crossbones greeted Steve Rogers: "Captain."

   "Rumlow." Steve Rogers responded.

   Then everyone did not speak.

   The elevator door is closed and the elevator goes down.

"The evidence investigation team found some fibers on the roof. Let us collect evidence." Maybe it feels too embarrassing for everyone to be silent, or maybe because they are afraid of being seen through by Steve Rogers. Should the response team be notified?"

   "No, let's see what it is." Steve Rogers looked at the ground.

   "Okay." Crossbones did not speak again.

Steve Rogers raised his head at this time and looked around. Some of those people put their hands on the guns, which looked like they were about to be pulled out, and some turned left and right, and looked very nervous. .


   The elevator stopped, and another group of people came up talking to each other. One of them said "Sorry, let me go" to Steve Rogers.

   The space inside the elevator is not big, but now some people are squeezed up, and it is suddenly full.

   Steve Rogers' front, back, left, right, oblique, no matter which direction, there are people!

   "I'm sorry about Fury." After the elevator door closed, the crossbones standing in front of Steve Rogers stretched over and said, "He's really bad luck."

   "Thank you." Steve Rogers said politely. Then he turned his head and looked around and found that some people were already sweating on their foreheads.


   The elevator that had not been running for a long time stopped again, and several burly agents walked in.

   "Does anyone want to go out before we do it?" Steve Rogers couldn't stand the tricks of those people anymore, and he said when the elevator door closed.

   There was a strange silence in the elevator.

Then, the next moment, an agent stabbed Steve Rogers with an electric baton, and the others also rushed up. Some of them were holding Steve Rogers’ waist from behind, some holding arms, some strangling Throat...

   If Steve Rogers could be taken down so easily, he would not be the famous Captain America, and he would easily knock down these agents in the elevator.

   Steve Rogers, as a super soldier's powerful physical fitness, is undoubtedly revealed at this moment ~ ~ knocks the opponent over with just one punch and kick.

   And those agents hitting him were no different from tickling him.

   Even if the electric baton that shook the electric sparks and slammed into him, it only slowed him down.

"Move the special team to the 25th floor." Jasper Hitwell, who was watching this scene remotely in the office, saw that everyone in this elevator was as relaxed and happy as they were chopped vegetables and melons. manpower.

   "Oh, buddy." Until now, the only enemy standing in the elevator was crossbones. He took an electric baton and said, "I just want to tell you, this is not a personal grievance."

  Nobody in an elevator can help Steve Rogers. How could it be possible for a person with a crossbones to be thrown into the sky by Steve Rogers, hit the top of the elevator, and fall to the ground, unable to get up again.

   "It feels like a personal grievance." Steve Rogers looked down at the thick floor of the elevator, took up the shield, and opened the elevator door.

   Outside the elevator, a special forces team armed with guns and live ammunition is approaching.

   "Put down the shield and raise your hand!" a special fighter shouted.

   Steve Rogers didn't reply, a shield cut a cable of the elevator, and the elevator crashed down.

   It was about five or six floors, and the elevator stopped.

   Steve Rogers smashed the elevator open, and there was still a special forces team armed with guns and live ammunition outside.

   Steve Rogers hurriedly closed the elevator door.

   He walked to the side of the elevator, looked downstairs, then blocked the shield in front of him, rushed forward, and shards of glass flew all over the sky.

   nearly 20 floors, he just jumped straight down!

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