However, when Nissen opened the door, several hungry vampires rushed over. They had already occupied the fire escape.

"Get away!"

Frank yelled and Neeson scurried away.

"Da da da da da!"

After a sudden burst, the vampire was temporarily repelled, but this fire escape was absolutely unreachable.

"Is there any other way out?"

Frank asked while suppressing fire.

Neeson replied while holding a pistol and shooting at the vampire.

"There is an emergency exit, but it's not on our floor, it's on the ninth floor!"

Frank gritted his teeth, took a grenade from his waist and threw it into the fire escape.

"lead the way!"


There was an explosion, and taking advantage of the chaos caused by the grenade, Nissen hurriedly took Frank upstairs.

At this moment, upstairs, a black figure was holding a blue-white sharp blade. He raised the knife and dropped it, killing a vampire.

Eric flicked the blade and looked at the timid vampires around him.

Suddenly the sound of gunshots and explosions attracted his attention.

"Is there anyone else here?"

Following the direction of the sound, Eric walked downstairs. To him, the current vampire was not even a trash fish at all.

On the ninth floor, on the central floor of the Youster Building, in a luxurious office, a pale-faced man sat in the office. There was a coffee cup on the table, and the cup was filled with scarlet blood.

"Hey, a bunch of stupid guys are causing trouble at this time."

The man frowned in great displeasure, then stood up and walked out of the office.

Soon, under the leadership of Nissen, Frank arrived at the stairwell of the ninth floor.

"Damn it, what are these unkillable monsters?"

"That's Mr. Vampire. Ordinary weapons can't hurt them unless they are made of silver."

"When have you ever thought about telling a story? His grandma has never suffered such a loss when facing off against an entire gang."

The exhausted Frank couldn't help but curse. There was a hideous wound on his right arm where the bulletproof vest couldn't cover it. This was caused by the vampire during the charge.

"Sir, let's go quickly. Although you blew up the stairs, the vampire can take the elevator up."

Frank frowned.

"I see."

Frank briefly treated the wound on his arm, then took the butt of his rifle and smashed the door lock of the green channel.

However, the expressions of the two people turned completely stiff at the next moment. The entire ninth floor was actually a gathering place for vampires. There were more vampires in the corridor alone than the vampires encountered on the lower floors combined.

Like evil tigers, the vampires rushed towards them all after seeing the flesh, and the two of them pulled the trigger without hesitation.

"Sir, what should we do now?"

Nissen's inner fear reached the extreme, but the more scared he became, the calmer he became.

"Damn it, where is the emergency exit you mentioned?"

"Next to the big office, right in the middle of this floor."

Frank looked at the only two magazines left on him.

"There are not many bullets left, let's rush over!"


Nissen had already fought hard. Although he was still scared, his courage to fight before death was not fully aroused.

The two of them rushed towards the center of the floor and soon arrived at the hall.

The vampires also gathered over, almost all the vampires were here. They surrounded Frank and Neeson, but they were not in a hurry to take action.

"Where did this little mouse dare to cause trouble in my place? It turned out to be the famous Punisher."

A man in a suit slowly walked out. He was the person in charge of the company and a transformed high-level vampire.

"Hey, isn't this a new employee of our company? I didn't expect you to be still alive."

The Nissen people were so numb that they finally found a job, but ended up in a vampire's lair.

"Juste Aranka, your crime is not small."

The Punisher looked at the man in front of him. He was also on his kill list.

"Hahaha, I have long heard rumors that the punisher will kill the guilty, but can you kill me today?"

Yost clapped his hands, and immediately the vampires swarmed and rushed towards the two of them.

"Da da da da~!"

Frank pulled the trigger and fired the full bullet, bullets pouring out, but this time there were so many vampires that the bullets couldn't even slow down the speed.

"Ding Dong~!"

Just when the two were desperate, a metal can rolled into the crowd, suddenly bursting with intense light, directly burning a large number of vampires to ashes.


"The person who wants your life!"

Chapter 58, Punisher and Blade


Yost yelled in the direction where the UV bomb was rolling.

"The person who wants your life!"

Eric walked out of the darkness carrying a cross gun blade.


Yost recognizes Eric, the vampire hunter who makes vampires fearful. But his company has obviously set up enough disguises and cover, so how did the Blade Warriors find this place.


These low-level vampires were not afraid at all when they saw the Blade Warrior. They were recently transformed vampires and had never heard of the Blade Warrior.

The ignorant are fearless, and these low-level vampires rushed forward.

Eric snorted coldly and waved the cross gun blade in his hand, one strike at a vampire and the other at a child. Moving freely among a group of vampires is like no man's land.

But things are not going so well for Frank. Their weapons are basically scraping toys for vampires, and he is almost out of bullets.

"Sir! I'm out of bullets!"

Qian;:'::Looking for free, free!" Xiao;' said.;':"skirt;!2,?5..5".'5:;9;,;'.5:"?!" 3!?:,0;?',0 Nissen's pistol was the first to run out of ammunition. It originally had a small ammunition capacity, and Frank didn't bring many magazines.

"Catch it boy!"

Frank gritted his teeth and threw the magazine he was carrying along with the rifle to Nissen.

Without his weapon, Frank could only fight the vampires with his bare hands.

Eric on the other side saw this and pulled out the special pistol that he no longer used from his waist.


With a strong flick, the pistol flew out from the gap of the vampire, and Frank caught it.

A vampire attacked from behind and rushed directly towards Frank.

Frank turned around in the air, pulled the bolt of the gun, and pulled the trigger, all of which were perfectly executed.


The bullet came out of the chamber, and the bullet penetrated the vampire's forehead and instantly turned into ashes.

After getting professional weapons, Frank once again turned into a murderer, shooting one at a time. No vampire can dodge his bullets.


Seeing his younger brothers being eliminated one by one, Yost stopped standing and watching the show and directly transformed into a vampire and rushed towards Frank.

"Damn Fake! What the hell is this?!"

Two consecutive bullets hit the target, but they were of no use at all. The bullets that could easily kill vampires could not even penetrate the skin of the monster in front of him.

"Leave this to me!"

Eric rushed towards the vampire with a cross gun blade, and killed the vampires who came to stop him with one sword. Eric slashed the vampire on the shoulder with one sword.


The sword fell and directly knocked back the vampire ghost.

Frank was stunned for a moment when he saw the power of Eric's sword, and then turned around to help Nissen out.

"No! It's impossible! I've obviously become the supreme species, why can you still hurt me!"

Eric smiled disdainfully.

"The supreme species? How dare you, a monster, call yourself the supreme species!"

Another sword slash struck the fang-blood ghost, and this sword directly penetrated the scales on his body.

"You're still a vampire, don't you know that I specialize in killing monsters like you?"

Another sword hit the vampire's chest hard.

The people of Yust are all numb. Did they agree to join the glorious evolution and become the supreme being? Why can a guy with a cold weapon hurt me? Why?

"It's time to end!"

A totem lit up on the right hand of the cross gunblade that Eric was holding tightly. It was the totem of the chariot among the four chess cadres.


The sword fell, cutting it in two from beginning to end.


With an unwilling scream, Yost turned directly into colored glass, then shattered and dissipated between heaven and earth.

With the death of Yost, all other vampires were wiped out, and the piercing siren sounded at the right time. The New York police were belatedly received the report.

Frank looked at Eric in his overcoat.

"I know you have a lot of things you want to ask me, but this is not the place to talk."

Frank nodded and followed Eric to leave here.


Neeson called out to Frank.

"Kid, don't follow us anymore, the police will protect you next."

"But sir..."

Frank ignored Nissen and followed Eric directly into the building.

Nissen was a little disappointed, but he knew that those two people were definitely not something that an ordinary person like him could contact. He was lucky to survive under their protection.

On the roof of a tall building somewhere, the evening wind blew, and Eric's coat rustled in the wind. The two of them stared in the direction of the Yost Building. The police had completely sealed off the scene. But even if they turned the shaking building upside down, they probably wouldn't be able to find anything. As for Nissen, I'm afraid no one will believe what he says, and he himself will probably regard it as a nightmare.

Frank lit a cigar and took a long drag.

"Damn, what happened today is really magical. Do you want one, buddy?"

As he spoke, he handed a cigarette to Eric. Eric looked at the slowly rising sun in the sky, and then took Frank's cigarette.

The two of them were smoking cigarettes and watching the sunrise. They obviously had a lot of things to ask each other, but they were both the type who would take action and never say a word. They were both tough guys.

After smoking half a cigar, Frank couldn't restrain his curiosity and spoke first.

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