"Forget it, just let it continue to sleep."

Kurim looked at Mu En again.

"What are you going to do next? I heard from Stark that he has transferred the property of Valentine's Orphanage to your name. He also joked that you are now the youngest director of the orphanage in the world. "

Mu En thought for a while and finally spoke.

"I would like to visit the orphanage first and see everyone. If necessary, I would like to build a base underneath the orphanage."

Mu En has decided that since the orphanage is now in his name, he will never allow the same thing to happen again. Since he can build an underground base, why can't he build a second one.

Having made up his mind, Mu En plans to go to the orphanage now.

Valentine Orphanage, as soon as Mu En got out of the car, he saw a tall figure playing with the children in the orphanage.

Only Little Chengzi, who was standing in the corner, was the first to see Mu En and ran towards Mu En like crazy.

"Brother Mu En."

Tears rolled down Xiao Chengzi's cheeks.

Mu En hugged Little Chengzi distressedly.

"Little Chengzi, don't cry, brother is here."

"Brother, my grandma is gone, and my uncles are also gone. Brother, I am so scared. I am so scared that my brother will never come back."

Little Chengzi's cry was like a sharp knife, piercing into the soft part of Mu En's heart.

Mu En hugged Little Chengzi tightly.

"Don't worry, my brother will never leave you again. He will never leave you again."

Chapter 83, understanding

"Brother Mu En~!"

The children swarmed up and surrounded Mu En.

Mu En put down Little Chengzi and hugged everyone one by one. At this moment, they are a family that will never be separated again.

The tall man saw Mu En and quickly took out a photo from his pocket to compare it.

"You are Mr. Mu En! You are the new dean, right?"

The man asked a little excitedly.

Mu En nodded and looked at the young man in front of him.

"Excuse me, who are you?"

He wiped his hands, then extended his right hand and introduced himself.

"Hello, Mr. Dean, I am Nissen Mosti, a new employee."

Mu En also stretched out his hand and shook hands politely.

"Hello, welcome to join us."

After thinking about it, Mu En said again.

"Let's do this. You call everyone in the orphanage together first. There are some things I want to talk about."

"Okay, I'll go and notify the attackers right away."

Nissen immediately ran towards the orphanage.

"Okay kids, you can play by yourself for a while, and I'll go talk to my uncles and aunts about something."

In the hall of the orphanage, all the staff of the Valentine Orphanage, including security guards and cleaners, were gathered, a total of thirty-seven people.

Except for two of them who were survivors of the attack, all were reconvened by Stark afterwards.

Mu En stood on the podium and looked at everyone. He took out his ID.

"Everyone, I think everyone has heard about what happened half a month ago, and some of you here have experienced it first-hand."

Mu En spoke slowly, as if telling a story.

"That is the past that we don't want to recall, but it is also a fact that we have to accept. For me, this place is like my home, although I was adopted when I was six years old. But I will never forget it. The nun gave me the grace to raise me. Now the nun has left us forever, but the orphanage will continue to go on, and the children in the orphanage still have a bright future.

So I hope to work with everyone in the days to come so that children can grow up healthy and happy and embrace their future. "

He had experienced so many things that Mu En had forgotten that he was not even a sixteen-year-old child. But people will always grow, and Mu En is just one step faster than others.

"Okay, I've said all I have to say, let's disperse first."

Mu En waved his hand to indicate that everyone could leave, and suddenly he saw a familiar figure among the crowd.

Mu En stopped Frank, who was wearing a security uniform.

"What's the matter, Mr. Dean?"

Looking at Frank, Mu En scratched his head.

"Go to the office, this is not the place to talk."

In the office, two people, one large and one small, looked at each other.

Frank spoke first.

"Unexpectedly, the two of us would meet again on such an occasion."

Mu En breathed a sigh of relief.

"Thank you for what happened that night. I heard what Eric said. If you hadn't informed him, I'm afraid the matter would have become more serious."

As soon as he heard Mu En mention what happened that night, Frank clenched his fists and his murderous aura was revealed uncontrollably.

"It's all my fault! If I hadn't been so incompetent, nothing would have happened to them."

Frank was extremely remorseful. He hated himself and his own incompetence.

I hate myself for not being able to save everyone in the orphanage, just like I couldn't save my wife and children back then.

"No! It's not your fault! It's all the fault of those damn pests!"

Mu En said coldly, his murderous intention was no less than Frank's.

The office became quiet for a while, and neither of them spoke anymore.

What happened that night in the orphanage was an indelible scar for both of them.

"Go save the children!"

"Kill me! I don't want to become a monster."


The security guard's words before his death kept echoing in Frank's ears. Vampires and monsters, the world began to become strange.

After a long silence, Mu En spoke again.

"Why are you in the orphanage?"

Frank simply returned.

"I need a job."

Work? Mu En looked at the man in front of him. As early as the first time he masked, Mu En felt that he looked familiar. It was only later that he remembered that this man was the famous mortal anti-hero in the Marvel Universe, Frank the Punisher. ·Custer,

It's just that the Frank in front of him is a little different from the Punisher in Mu En's impression. Under his influence, the Punisher should be ruthless, always full of killing intent, and look at everyone as if they were looking at dead meat on the chopping board.

But Frank's eyes in front of him showed not only the murderous aura accumulated from years of killing, but also a bit more humanity and confusion.

But think about it carefully. Movies are performed, and what they want is drama and excitement. What he saw before him was a human being, a living person, a person with flesh and blood, thoughts and feelings.

The previous Mu En might not have been able to understand Frank, but now he seems to be able to.

The feeling of a broken family, the rage of revenge, and the emptiness after revenge.


Mu En let out a sigh of relief.

"I understand, just work hard here. But when you are in front of the children, please control your murderous aura."

Frank nodded.

"I know, then I'll go to work first."

Frank grabbed his hat on the table and left the office.

Through the window, Mu En looked at Frank's back. When the young man named Nissen saw Frank, he immediately rushed up and followed him with a look of admiration.

Frank, on the other hand, walked to his post without saying a word.

Mu En rubbed his eyebrows, then took out a drawing and started planning.

What he wants to do is simple, arm the entire Valentine Welfare Institution and build it into a strong fortress.

Valentine's location is very special, on the corner of Queen Street, bordering the Franklin Heritage Hell's Kitchen. The most critical point is that this is New York. If the war in New York really breaks out in the future, the orphanage will inevitably be affected.

So no matter what, now that I have accepted this orphanage, I must make some plans.

"Let's start from here!"

Mu'en stood outside the church of the orphanage. Looking at the church in front of him, Mu'en seemed to have returned to the time in the children's welfare home.

At that time, I didn't like playing with a group of older children, so I would go to this church alone. I still remember that every weekend morning, the nuns would come to this church and pray to God devoutly.

Mu En strolled through the church, and the tables and chairs here were all so familiar.

But under the cross, it looks like it has been completely renovated, because that's where the damn Earl Vlad came from.

Chapter 84, Osborne and Vampire

The days seemed to have returned to a normal state. The renovation work of the orphanage was proceeding in an orderly manner. With the help of two top experts, Eric and Frank, the underground of the church was quickly transformed into a brand new base.

Mu En was squeezed out by Eric and Kurim, saying that they would leave the orphanage base to them and tell him to go back to school.

In fact, Mu En can also understand that they are all worried that they will be in trouble because of what happened in the orphanage, and hope that the relaxed and joyful campus atmosphere can heal themselves.

But after experiencing so much, Mu En's mind was no longer on campus. All he wanted was to be prepared to deal with all crises that might occur in the future.

"Mr. En!"

Peter and Harry caught up with him on the way out of school.

"It's you, what's the matter?"

Peter and Harry looked at each other. Although the truth about the orphanage was hidden, so many people who died must eventually be given an explanation to the outside world.

So there was talk about thugs attacking the welfare home and robbing charity donations. In addition, since the charity gala, Mu En has not been to school for more than half a month. Harry and Peter are worried that something will happen to Mu En. .

Peter thought for a moment and asked.

"Mu En, how are you lately? I haven't seen you in school for half a month."

Mu En showed a smile.

"Don't worry, I'm fine. I just accidentally got into a car accident and was hospitalized not long ago. I'm much better now."

As the future successor of the Osborne Group, Harry could tell at a glance that Mu En was forcing a smile.

"Hey man, we are all friends, right? If you have any difficulties, you can tell us and we will help you."

Peter also nodded, saying that he and Harry would help Mu En.

Mu En looked at the two of them and scratched his head. This kind of pure friendship between classmates was just right.

"Don't worry, I'm fine."

Peter looked at Mu En and said straightforwardly.

"Mu En, we all know what happened in the orphanage. Don't be sad. The police will catch those thugs one day. Justice will never be absent."

"Hey Peter what are you talking about!"

Harry quickly covered Peter's big mouth. Did this guy really not understand what he could and couldn't say?

Peter also realized that he had said the wrong thing, and he was full of apologies.

"Sorry man, I don't know what that means, I just..."

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