As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere in the training ground suddenly became awkward.

Eric also looked at Nissa.

Nissa glared hard at Scud who said this.

"That's true. You also know that before these reapers appeared, you and your companions were our biggest opponents, but I can guarantee that now all of them will obey your orders."

As soon as Nisha finished speaking, a troublemaker appeared.

Hallet walked up to Eric with an unhappy look on his face.

"I will not take orders from him. There is no reason to be the boss when I first come here. Who will be convinced by this? Do you think so?"

As soon as Hallett's words came out, other members of the Blood Guard also started making noises.

"You guys! That's enough!"

Nissa wanted to stop them, but they guys didn't listen to Nissa at all.

Finally Eric spoke.

"That's enough. I'm here to cooperate, not to take care of the children. Tell me, little devils, how will you be willing to obey me honestly?"

"Who are you calling the brat?"

Hallet stepped forward and grabbed Eric's collar.

Eric looked at the big bald head in front of him and said calmly.

"Why, hasn't anyone taught you that it's rude to grab someone else's collar like this?"

As he said that, he stepped forward and got rid of Hallett's big hand with one move. He grabbed a bomb on the table and inserted it into the back of his head.

"Be careful what you say next time, otherwise your head will explode."

Eric said and raised the remote control in his hand.

"You bastard!"

Hallet became angry and wanted to give Eric a lesson, but due to the remote control in his hand, he might really get a headache if he wasn't careful.

Putting away the remote control, Eric took off his sunglasses, revealing his dark green eyes.

"Who else is dissatisfied?"

All the members of the vampire team were shocked to know that Eric was actually a vampire! Didn't their intelligence say that Eric was just a half-human, half-vampire hybrid?

Under their horrified gazes, Eric slowly put on his sunglasses.

"Okay, since you have nothing to object to, let's get ready to go. Nyssa, do you know which mother body is most likely to appear where?"

Nissa finally recovered from the shock and replied.

"Know, according to our investigation, which Reaper mother is most likely to be in the House of Pain."

"Really, then let's set off."


In the base, Mu En received Eric's message and immediately dialed Stark's phone number.

"What's wrong with Mu En? Is there any news from Eric?"

Mu En nodded.

"Yes, he got information about the Reapers from the vampire elders, and the vampire elders also gave him an elite vampire team called the Blood Guard. Now they are planning to go to a place called the House of Pain to hunt down the Reapers. Matrix.”

"The House of Pain? What kind of place is this? There is no such place in Jarvis's database."

Mu En rubbed his eyebrows.

"I think there may be a secret meeting point for vampires. It doesn't matter if I can't find it. I can determine its location through the positioning on Eric's body."

"I understand, do we need to take action immediately?"

Mu En thought for a moment.

"No need, the current Eric is no longer something ordinary vampires can deal with. We just have to wait and see what happens."

Stark said with a smile.

"What I'm saying is, are we going to take action on the House of Pain?"

Mu En immediately understood what Stark meant.

"Sure, why not?"

Chapter 111, Old Comrade-in-arms

On a construction site, Frank dressed up as a demolition worker and swung his sledgehammer towards the wall.

Among the intelligence he had collected before, he discovered a detail, that is, the guy who was hiding behind the scenes to sell memories especially liked to use small gangs as a way of doing business. And he learned from the gangsters he had wiped out before that there was a gang composed of workers on this construction site who wanted to contact the black hands behind it in exchange for a high commission.

Therefore, he wanted to blend into this group of gangsters and take the opportunity to find out the real mastermind.

"Ding dong——! Ding dong——!"

Frank hammered one after another, hitting the broken wall hard.

Behind him, a group of people sat around and smoked cigarettes, watching Frank work diligently. In their opinion, Frank was just a stupid guy with no brute strength.

"You stupid bastard, how did you get such a big brain and you can't see anyone here?"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I really didn't mean it."

A timid voice sounded.

I saw a young man pushing a scrap cart accidentally brushing the clothes of a bearded worker. Frank, on the other hand, recognized who the young man was at a glance. He was actually Nissen. But Frank pretended not to know him and went about his business. I am here to check things, and I will never interfere with other things between achieving my goal.

"His grandma's, is there any use in saying sorry?"

The worker went up and punched Nissen hard on the ribs. Nissen arched his body and covered his ribs with his hands and stepped back.

The other people, who were recognized as watching the fun and not taking it too seriously, began to boo, whistling and swearing, inciting Nissen to fight back.

"Come on, boy, fight back if you can!"

The bearded worker yelled and went up and kicked him to the ground, leaving Nissen collapsed on the ground and wailing.

"Boy, go home and feed yourself. This is not the place you should be."

As he spoke, the bearded worker took out Nissen's wallet from his pocket and slapped Nissen's face hard with Nissen's wallet.

"No! Give it back to me, you can't take him away."

Seeing his wallet being robbed, Nissen struggled to resist, but the bearded guy kicked him again.

"Get away, I don't want to kill anyone yet."

As he said that, he counted the money in Nissen's wallet, put the money into his own pocket with a look of disgust, and casually threw Nissen's wallet into the cement pool, causing the other recognitions to burst into laughter.

Soon it was lunch time, and other recognized workers put down their tools and walked towards the restaurant outside the construction site. Only Frank was left wielding a sledgehammer on the construction site.

After receiving a severe beating, Nissen dared to fish out his wallet from the cement pool after the bully workers left.

"Wouldn't it be better to work hard in the orphanage? Why do you have to come to this damn place?"

A familiar voice sounded. Nissen raised his head and looked around to find the source of the sound. Soon he saw Frank swinging a sledgehammer against the wall.

"Teacher! Teacher, why are you here too?"

Neeson ran to Frank in surprise.

Frank didn't answer him, just waving his hammer mechanically.

"You still have not answered my question."

After listening to Frank's words, Nissen lowered his head.

"My grandma is sick and needs a lot of money. Although the welfare in the welfare home is very good, it is far from enough, so I want to take advantage of my off-duty time to do some extra odd jobs."

Frank didn't look back, he just asked calmly while waving the hammer.

"Where are your parents?"

"He died. I was caught in a gang fight while out and was killed by a thrown grenade. I was the only one who survived by luck."

Hearing that it was a gang fight that led to the death of Neeson's parents, Frank's hand visibly paused, and then continued to swing the hammer as if nothing happened.

"Your other relatives?"

"There are no other relatives left. Those so-called cousins ​​stopped answering my calls when they heard my grandma was sick. When I came to borrow money, they all kicked me out."

After listening to Nissen's words, Frank didn't ask any more questions and just waved his hammer.

Finally the last brick of this wall was knocked off by him, and he took out a dollar bill from his pocket.

"Go and eat. Don't come back here again after eating."

"But teacher!"

Nissen took the banknotes given by Frank and looked at Frank excitedly, but only saw Frank waving his hand and walking towards the top floor.

After listening to Frank's words, Nissen hesitated for a long time, and finally walked out of the construction site.

On the top floor, Frank sat on a water pipe, eating a frozen sandwich and looking at the city.

"Frank, long time no see my old friend."

A voice that was both familiar and unfamiliar to Frank spoke.

After eating the sandwich in his hand, Frank slowly turned around, and a familiar big black bald head appeared in front of him, but now the big black bald head had one less eye than before.

"Haha, Nick Fury, I didn't go to you to settle the score, you still have the nerve to come to me on your own."

Frank didn't see the expression that an old friend should have on his face. Instead, he looked like he wanted to see an enemy, with murderous intent surging.

Nick Fury looked at Frank, who looked a little depressed in front of him, and felt a sense of guilt in his heart, but it was quickly abandoned by his professionalism as an agent.

"Old friend, I need your help."

Nick Fury said the purpose of his trip straight to the point, because he knew that when talking to Frank, he could not beat around the bush. The more roundabout he was, the easier it would be to anger him.

"Hehehehe, hahahaha."

Hearing Nick Fury's words, Frank smiled. He had never laughed so crazily before.

"Did I hear you right? You, the king of secret agents and the man who controls the largest intelligence system in New York, actually need my help? Seriously, stop joking."

Nick Fury said with serious eyes.

"Frank, I'm not kidding, I really need your help."


Frank suddenly yelled. He looked at Nick Fury coldly, pressed his hand on Nick Fury's chest and asked.

"Where were you when I needed your help? Where were you when my wife died? Where were you when my child died?

my child! Nick Custer! You gave him his name! Where were you when he died? What are you doing Nick Fury! "

Faced with Frank's questioning, even Nick Fury, the king of secret agents, showed a sad expression.

"Frank, I'm sorry. I'm really sorry for what happened to you. It's not that I don't want to help you, but I was on the battlefield when you called me! I faced enemy artillery fire and bullets, and I also wanted to help you, But I can’t do it!”

Frank smiled as he listened to Nick Fury's explanation, which he had heard Nick Fury say countless times.

"Then what happened next? What were you doing when I prosecuted the murderer? Why could he get away with so much evidence? Why did you tell me Nick Fury! Aren't you an agent of SHIELD? Even a gangster or an ordinary official could you Can’t he handle it all? I just hope that he spends the rest of his life in prison. Is this too much to ask?”

"Frank! You know, you should know, that man's identity is not simple, we can't just send him to prison so easily! Even if he goes to prison, he will only be like a fish in water!"

"So! Let the guilty go unpunished!"

Frank tugged on Nick Fury's collar and roared.

"Since you can't punish the guilty, then let me do it! I, Frank the Punisher! It was you, Nick Fury, who caused this!"

Hearing Frank's hysterical roar, Nick Fury was also a little stunned. He didn't know what Frank had encountered over the years and what kind of life he lived. He only knew that he must have had a bad life these past few years.

"Man, friend, my comrade, why do you think you were able to escape unscathed after killing so many gangsters and officials? Do you know how many times I helped you block bounties and assassinations?"

"So? What do you want to say Nick Fury? We're already cleared, right?"

Frank's eyes turned cold when he looked at Nick Fury, and even the hatred and anger dissipated.

Looking at this old comrade who was like a stranger in front of him, Nick Fury had mixed feelings.

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