Su Ke was too lazy to guess those little Jiujiu in the heart of the Holy Lord, the reason why he came over, firstly, to talk about the things he encountered today, and secondly, to see Ximu, as for the Holy Lord, Su Ke really didn’t care much, anyway, this guy’s strength is too weak now, and he doesn’t dare to do anything out of the ordinary.

When the blood is full, it will be everywhere, and if the blood is broken, it will be a low-key person, and the Holy Lord is still very slippery in this regard….

After a tired day, when he returned to the villa in the evening, Suke couldn’t help but relax with Emma again….


Early the next morning, a doorbell rang.

After a night of tossing, Emma was still asleep, and Suke didn’t want to disturb her, so he got out of bed lightly and walked towards the door.

Who is so unsightly this morning!

Could it be Nishiki?

No way, this guy has always used to fly.

Could it be the Holy Lord?

It is even more impossible, the Holy Lord does not know that he lives here.

“Hello, does Mr. Suke live here?”

Just as Suke was guessing who was coming, a voice suddenly came in from outside the door.


Suke was slightly stunned, this voice sounded very strange, he should have never seen it.

As soon as the door opened, Suke saw a tall red-haired beauty standing in the doorway, and behind her there was a bald head in a wheelchair.

This is….. x~Professor?

So this girl is Jean Gray?

For a while, Suke guessed their identity!

In order to save Emma, Suke had single-handedly destroyed the entire X-Men squad, he originally thought that Professor X~ would find him quickly, but after several days in a row, there was no reaction from the X-Men, and Suke gradually forgot about it.

But what he didn’t expect was that Professor X~ actually came to the door at this time!

“Hello, I’m Jean Gray, this is Professor X~, you must be Mr. Sucker, right?”

Jean said with a smile.

“I know who you are and what you’re here for, come in and sit!”

Suke said, letting go.

Jean pushed Professor X~ and walked in.

At the same time, Emma, who was sleeping in the house before, also woke up, and she walked out, but the moment she saw Professor X~ again, her face became a little ugly.

“Hello! Emma! ”

Professor X~ smiled at Emma.

Emma didn’t speak, her eyes were a little panicked, she thought that Professor X~ was coming to arrest him.

Seeing this, Suke immediately walked over, took Emma’s hand and whispered: “Honey, I’m a little hungry, you go do something!” ”

As he spoke, he gave Emma an affirmative look, and the meaning was obvious.

With me in everything, you don’t have to be afraid!

You must know that Emma is already Suke’s woman now, Suke will protect her no matter what, anyone who dares to hurt or wants to take Emma from him, Suke will let him feel the wrath from the devil!

Emma nodded, then turned and went into the kitchen.

Suke sat down on the sofa again, and then looked at Professor X~ and Jean in front of him.

“Are those guys all right? I was a little angry, I didn’t control my power, and I didn’t know what happened to them! ”

Suke asked lazily.

“Fortunately, except for Steel Lux and Storm Girl, who are more seriously injured, everyone else is just skin trauma!”

Professor X~ said with a smile.

“What about Wolverine? How is he? ”

Suke is more concerned about Wolverine, because it was this guy who hit the worst at that time, and the physical damage Wolverine may be able to recover quickly, but the psychological damage is not so easy to recover!

In fact, Suke guessed correctly, since the events of that day, Wolverine seems to have changed as a person, drunk all day, and completely lost his combat effectiveness, which is why Professor X~ is reluctant to mention him.

But since Suke asked, then Professor X~ could only answer.

“Logan, he’s been in very bad form recently, and the previous battle had a great impact on him, but he will recover!”

“Got it!”

Suke nodded, he had already guessed that this would be the outcome, after all, he almost broke Wolverine’s will that time.

In the next second, he suddenly looked at Professor X~ again: “The polite words have been almost said, professor, let’s get down to business!” ”

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