Banner didn’t know what Suke was thinking at the moment, he didn’t know Suke, but he still shook Suke’s hand politely.

“Hello, I’m Bruce Banner!”

“I know who you are!” Suke smiled and said, “I have a brother, similar to you, if I have the opportunity in the future, I will definitely introduce you to each other!” ”

However, hearing this, Banner shook his head with a wry smile, and then said: “Believe me, no matter who your brother is, he can’t be like me!” ”

There is no doubt that what Banner is talking about is naturally the Hulk in his body.

Suke did not continue this topic, but his heart was looking forward to it even more, he had already decided to release Di Kui next time and let him have a good fight with Hulk.

The duel between the Invincible Hulk and the Earth Demon, it’s really a little exciting to think about!

But at this time, Tony was a little uneasy, because in his opinion, the contact between Suke and Banner was extremely dangerous, he clearly knew that Dr. Banner’s body hid an extremely dangerous and uncontrollable big man, if Suke accidentally released the big man, then everyone would be in danger!

If Suke gets angry again, then everyone will die!

This is so dangerous….

Thinking like this, Tony still had the slightest hesitation, and hurriedly said to Natasha: “Natasha, you take Suke to see Nick first, and Dr. Banner will hand it over to me!” ”

Saying that, he directly pulled Banner away.

Natasha naturally knew what Tony was worried about, so she didn’t say anything, and directly took Suke to the command center of the sky carrier, and Nick had been waiting here for a long time!

The moment he saw Suke, Nick was first startled, and then hurried over.

“How? You don’t want to see me? ”

Suke smiled.

“No it’s not… I was just… I just didn’t expect you to really come, but God forbid, you’re here! ”

Nick said with some excitement.

To be honest, he really didn’t expect Suke to come.

As for what happened before, Nick has already thrown it out of cloud nine, after all, compared to Captain America, the safety of the earth is the most important.

But at this moment, Nick suddenly thought of something, and then looked at Suke with a bitter face: “Suke, promise me, don’t destroy this sky carrier, this is my last home…”

“I try!”

Suke patted Nick’s shoulder and smiled.

Nick was even more upset, and he even began to wonder if it was right or wrong to let Suke help…

Not long after, someone walked in one after another, and Suke knew all of them, basically all members of the Avengers, Loki got the space gem I don’t know how to be known by Nick, so Nick invited Banner, because the energy of the Cosmic Cube is very similar to gamma rays, and you can rely on this to find Loki’s specific ~ location.

But of course, everyone understands that the reason why Nick found Banner is not because of his research, but because of the monster in his body….

All in all, everything is going on in full swing, and S.H.I.E.L.D. has used almost all its power to find Loki.

As for Suker ….

He didn’t do anything because he had little interest in any of it.

“Sir, found it!”

I don’t know how long it took, a voice suddenly sounded, instantly attracting everyone’s attention!

Only Suker excludes, because he already knows what will happen next….

Immediately afterwards, a coordinate began to appear on the big screen, and after being infinitely magnified, Loki’s face appeared in everyone’s sight.

Sure enough, it’s him!

After determining that the target was Loki, Nick looked over to Natasha and Tony.

“Let’s get moving!”

Tony and Natasha each nodded and prepared to leave.

But at this time, Suke spoke.

“I’ll go with me!”

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