Marvel: I Have Reality Gems!

Chapter 199: Top Secret of Sovereign

Amway's movie - "The Devil Child of Nezha Comes into the World", you will know after watching it! Don't ask why, just ask is the magic pill!


Qi Jun didn't want to comment on Jiujiapo or something, but just because it was clearly a Chinese territory, but where Yingjiang was stationed, Qi Jun didn't have a good impression of that city.

Whenever I think of the Chinese-exclusion incident between the Indian monkeys and the Filipino servants, Qi Jun would tell this city that the old family didn't even look like he was watching a play. . . Seriously thoughtful!

Forget it, the crossing has all crossed, and no matter what happens to the old home slope, it is not about Qi Jun. He thinks too much.

All in all, the thought that just one mouthful of saliva led the Sovereigns to kill Samuel Stern and the three of them, Qi Jun didn't care about the Sovereigns who were among the top five in the universe. good feeling.

"Taibai... Qi Jun has a liaison device on his body that communicates with Taibai in real time at any time." He invaded the defense system of Colin Star and paralyzed all their communications. By the way, give us a virtual guide, and let's go to their leader!

"Yes. Sir!" Taibai's voice also sounded from Qi Jun's group of five.

Qi Jun has Taibai's communicator, and naturally others have too.

"Boss!" Hulk asked. "Are we going to smash their headquarters?"9

Hulk was a little gloomy when he heard Qi Jun say that the defense of the star of Colin was paralyzed. Hulk, who has the knowledge of the Great Earth (bgdh) monk, naturally understands that once the defense of the star of Colin is paralyzed, the so-called come The army looking for trouble is naturally impossible to come again.

The defense system is paralyzed, and the internal panic is too late to calm down, so how can it be possible to come to their troubles!

However, when he heard Qi Jun asked Taibai to project a virtual route, Hulk became more fighting spirit.

Sure enough, compared to smashing each other with the steel army, it is more fulfilling to smash the headquarters of others!

"Definitely!" Qi Jun laughed, "We don't cause trouble, but we're not afraid of trouble. 35

"Since they are looking for trouble for us, then we will not passively accept it and not fight back!

"This universe, in the final analysis, it is reasonable to speak with a big fist!

Qi Jun had apparently forgotten, what Samuel Stern said, that the fight came from Hulk's spit.

Definitely, in Qi Jun's view, this is completely inexplicable, and Qi Jun won't think it's their side's fault.

Isn't it just a mouthful of spit, and it didn't spit on anyone's face. The purification column can purify it already, so why is Mao trying to get along with us?

In Qi Jun's view, this is the Sovereign targeting his subordinates!

Although Hulk looks a little fierce, Hulk is really a good baby.

Hulk did a great job building the Dream and protecting Samuel Stern.

Obviously Hulk is a good boy, but you Sovereigns want to target him, then it must be the Sovereigns who can't get along with us!

This is a problem! It needs to be cured!

"Sir, the defense system of Colin Star has been paralyzed, and the communication system has been paralyzed." Taibai's voice quickly sounded, "According to the search of information, the location navigation of the current leader of the Sovereign tribe, High Priest Ayeza, is open. 55

The shapeshifting King Kong-Taibai who has completed the super-evolution, there is nothing that he can't do in the place covered by the cosmic star network, while talking, a virtual route guidance of real-time projection appears in front of the five .

"Good job!" Qi Jun smiled and gave a thumbs up, expressing his affirmation of Taibai!

"Let's go!" Qi Jun said to the four Skye, "Let's see what this strange group of people ranked in the top five in the universe is."

In fact, Qi Jun was still a little depressed after making such a noise for a long time, and not a single "golden man" of the Sovereign tribe saw it.

"Mr." Taibai suddenly said again, "I just found out by invading the Sovereign data database"

Connection failure

"The Sovereign seems to be cultivating a super bio-warrior who can reach the level of God Father?

"Furthermore, in the top secret of the Sovereign information database, there seems to be a link with a cosmic elder.

"Oh?" Qi Jun raised his eyebrows, "With the support of this so-called elder of the universe, will this Sovereign become so self-righteous?"

"Is this their confidence?"

(To be continued).

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