Marvel: I Have Severe Mental Disorder

Chapter 310 The great clown, His Majesty, officially arrived in New York today (under revision, dads


The heavy iron door opened gently.

A figure stepped out of the boundless darkness, and the dim incandescent lamp hit his face, forming a special tone of mixed light and dark.

It added a bit of mystery to him, and he felt like a great messenger who came out of the epic.

He seems to be destined to bring something different to this world. That thing may destroy this world, or give it a new life.

What exactly will happen?

Everything is still hard to say, everything is still in doubt.

Looking at the very strange young policeman in front of him with a mysterious aura, Obadiah's back was tense, and the hands behind him were clenched little by little, turning into fists.

He felt a fear, a fear he had never felt before.

Just looking at the young police officer, Obadiah felt that he was being spied on by something unspeakable, from the inside to the outside.

What exactly is that?

Is it a strange ability?

Or are there really invisible ghosts in this world?

Huh! Obadiah took a deep breath, calmed down, and forced a calm posture. He squinted his eyes, smiled, and asked in a low voice: Hi, good morning Mr. Police Officer, I don’t know why you are looking for me? Judging by your police rank, you should not be qualified to see me, Nath, right?”

Whose man are you? Whose orders are you following?

Could you be a careerist, a careerist who wants to invest in me...Sorry, I have no intention of going out from here...

The way you stunned the guard made me feel a little stupid. I don't like to cooperate with stupid people.

After hearing this, the clown Zhou Ran stretched out his hands to pick out his ears, and a very helpless smile appeared on his face.

With graceful steps, he slowly walked in front of Obadiah.

He sighed softly, took out a white towel from his arms, looked down at Obadiah, and said slowly: Mr. Obadiah, it seems that you haven't realized the seriousness of the matter... I really don't know where your self-confidence comes from.

You think I'm here to rescue you from here?

Mr. Obadiah, I have let you down. I am not here to save you...I don't have such a big heart, and I'm not the kind of saint who can't see people suffering...

I'm here to end your ridiculous life, yes, that's what I came in for, Mr. Obadiah, you can call me The Undertaker!

Come to kill me? Obadiah raised his eyebrows, sneered, stood up abruptly, looked down at the clown, and said, Officer Nath, who gave you the courage to kill me? Who told you to kill me? Why do you despise me so much? This is really the funniest joke I've ever heard in my life.

This is much more interesting than the Soviet jokes made up by those guys.

Officer Nath, this distance is enough for me to teach you a profound lesson.

There was a smile on the corner of Obadiah's mouth, he raised his clenched fist, and slammed the clown's head hard.

This punch was very powerful.

As the major shareholder of Stark Industries and a criminal tycoon who smuggles a large amount of arms every year, Obadiah has never been a weak soft tofu. His muscles are also very well developed, and he is proficient in various thermal weapons.

Iron Overlord, but the man who almost killed Tony Stark.

All in all, Obadiah is a very deterrent murderer in front of ordinary people!

Of course, that was only in front of ordinary people.

But unfortunately, the clown is not an ordinary person.

Obadiah, doomed to fail.

Sometimes, face slaps come so quickly.

The clown grabbed Obadiah's attacking fist, shook his head, sighed softly, and said, I wanted you to go quietly, but you didn't cherish this opportunity.

Obviously I don't have the capital to resist, I obviously feel the danger, I'm already trembling, I'm already caught in the shadow of fear...Why are you struggling so desperately?

When the fish in the sea come to land, they are doomed to die of lack of water and suffocation...Mr. Obadiah, don't you think you are a smart person and never communicate with stupid people? Why are you acting like a stupid person now? Hahaha, you haven't seen the reality clearly yet, have you?

You really don't have the slightest resistance in front of me. If you choose to kneel down and kiss my leather shoes, I might consider letting you go...

Clown Zhou Ran curled his lips, his tone full of sarcasm.

How is it possible? Looking at his clenched fist, Obadiah suddenly opened his eyes wide. He stared at the clown and asked viciously, Who the hell are you?

The clown Zhou Ran smiled, but didn't speak, he increased the strength in his hands.


Obadiah's hand bones were all crushed by the clown, his face was pale, and he knelt on the ground in pain.

At this moment, he was so painful that he forgot to scream...

When Obadiah wanted to yell out and vent his pain, a clean white towel had been stuffed into his mouth.

The clown Zhou Ran let go of his hand. He looked down at Obadiah and said with a smile, I prefer to see kneeling rather than standing. Only in this way can I clearly feel my own greatness.

Mr. Obadiah, you shouldn't have called off the curtain so early, but who made you offend someone you shouldn't offend? It's also a scum like you, an ambitious man like you, living would be better than dead.

Hahaha, I didn't expect that I, a super villain, would do a good deed one day...

Obadiah shook his head violently, kowtowed desperately on the ground, begging the clown to spare his life.

He is a smart man, he knows that the clown is definitely not something he can defeat at the moment, and the only right choice is to beg for mercy.

He wants to live, he doesn't want to die.

As long as you are alive, there is hope, then there is the possibility of starting all over again, and then there is a chance for revenge.

The clown smiled, lifted Obadiah's chin with his feet, blinked his eyes full of confusion, and said coldly: Hey, I know you want to survive, that's like me showing you can Do what you can to survive!

No, look, Mr. Obadiah, my shoes are a little dirty!

Oh, damn it, what was I thinking? How could Mr. Obadiah, who is famous all over New York, shine my shoes?

After hearing this, Obadiah trembled all over, and his pale face flushed instantly.

He understood what the clown said.

He put down his dignity, and used the towel that blocked his mouth to wipe the clown's leather shoes without a trace of dust.

He wiped it very carefully, not sparing any small area.

He rubbed side to side just to survive.

Seeing this, the clown sighed, and said: Mr. Obadiah, you are a person who has done great things, but this is not enough, it is not enough to prove your desire for survival...

The same small matter of shining shoes can't be compared with the big event of exchanging lives. All in all? You don't have enough bargaining chips... However, you still let me see the determination to live, which is great. Very; people admire...

Momentary weakness will not make me look down on you. This kind of forbearance is worthy of respect... So, please continue!

The clown Zhou Ran pulled a chair and sat on it. He crossed his legs, showed the soles of the shoes to Obadiah, and said indifferently: If you want to clean a pair of leather shoes, you can't just wipe the uppers. , and pay attention to its soles.

Obadiah looked at the soles in front of him, and Tong Kong shrank suddenly, his muscles tensed instantly, like an angry lion, but he gave up after a moment.

He knew very well how weak he was in front of this guy.

Now he can only bear it, enduring this kind of humiliation that he has never suffered before.

Obadiah closed his eyes, began to wipe the soles of the clown's shoes with a towel in his mouth.

Hey, sir, open your eyes, how can you see whether it is clean or not when you close your eyes? The clown Zhou Ran shrugged and smiled.

After hearing this, Obadiah's eyes were red and his expression was extremely angry. His heavy and rapid snort and rapid heartbeat resounded throughout the room.

But what can he do?

When you can't resist, you can only choose to endure.

He began to wipe the soles of the clown's shoes.

The surface of the clown leather shoes is clean, but the soles are not very clean, full of dust.

It's time to get clean next, though.

five minutes later.

Obadiah stopped shining the shoes, which he had polished to perfection.

Clown Zhou Ran nodded, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, it could be seen that he was very satisfied.

He coughed lightly, clapped his hands, and said appreciatively, Mr. Obadiah, I didn't realize that you are quite suitable for the job of shining shoes.

I am very satisfied with your behavior. Really, it is rare to see someone who shines shoes so cleanly. This is really commendable.

The clown Zhou Ran paused, and continued: However, I'm confused. Are you just biting this dirty towel like this to prove to me your great achievements? To prove that you wiped it cleanly?

Sorry, I don't feel a little bit of your great achievements. That dirty towel is really an eyesore! Mr. Obadiah, I think you should understand what I mean... Smart people like you don't need me to waste Use your tongue to explain!

Fuck! Obadiah stood up abruptly, pulled off the towel dangling from his mouth with his intact hand, and cursed, Mother Fuck! You're playing with me! You didn't even want to Let me go!

Everything happens again and again, never again.

Obadiah finally came to his senses, he was deceived, the guy in front of him never planned to let him go, he just wanted to suffer endless humiliation before he died!

He is playing with himself!

The clown Zhou Ran nodded, sighed, and said softly, Oh, I was discovered by you. It's a pity... The game ended suddenly, it's a bit boring...

Obadiah, you let me down... You should keep trying, keep trying, and then at the last moment, I will destroy your hope, and then the game will really be over.

Damn! Who are you? Obadiah gritted his teeth, his eyes were red, and his words were full of anger and grievance: I remember that I never provoked you, why did you treat me like this?

Mr. Police Officer, if you want to kill me, just kill me...Why do you have to trample on my dignity under your feet?

The clown Zhou Ran raised his eyebrows, and said, Because that's more fun...Well, you are right, you did not provoke me, but you provoked someone who shouldn't be...

People who shouldn't be provoked? Obadiah frowned, gritted his teeth, and roared angrily: Damn it! So you were sent by that bastard!

Jake, this damned little bastard, how many secrets does he hide... Sure enough, he is the worst one, and that harmless face is all faked by him!

Damn it! Why didn't I find out about all this sooner!

Huh! Obadiah took a deep breath, overturned the table in front of him, smashed it at the clown, and then ran towards the outside of the prison with big strides.

While running, he shouted: Come on! Come on!

Seeing this, the clown Zhou Ran shook his head and said helplessly, Hey, Mr. Obadiah, you are really dishonest. Your behavior makes me very uncomfortable.

It seems that I need to teach you a lesson so that you can calm down. If you really make a little noise, it's actually nothing... After all, there are no awake policemen around here, and they have all been knocked out by me gone.

The clown Zhou Ran shrugged, took out a silencer pistol from his pocket, and aimed it at Obadiah.

The gun is fast within seven steps, and the gun is fast and accurate within seven steps.




Three shots were fired.

Obadiah was shot in all three legs, and fell to the ground, curled up into a ball.

The clown Zhou Ran slowly came to Obadiah's body, and kicked Obadiah's lower back fiercely.

Obadiah, who had curled up into a ball, spread out again.

The clown's lesson will not stop just like that, he needs to vent his anger, this damn bastard in front of him dares to do that kind of assassination of Jake!

He has announced Obadiah's death, but he will never allow him to die easily.

The clown Zhou Ran stepped hard on Obadiah's chest, and then slowly bent down.

He pressed Obadiah's head, opened Obadiah's mouth wide, took out a brand new towel from his arms, and stuffed it into Obadiah's mouth.

His movements were very rough, and soon the towel was all stuffed into Obadiah's mouth, and this was just the beginning.

With a grunt, the towel was still falling, and it entered Obadiah's throat little by little, and into Obadiah's stomach.

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