
Um..., do you want me to avoid it and let you solve it?

Venom looked back at Su Han and shook his head slightly.

There's nothing to solve. I love her, but that doesn't mean I'm willing to let her devour me.

!!!! Su Han was shocked and swallowed Venom. What was going on? Venom smiled bitterly.

I told you before, I am a direct bloodline of the God of Symbiote.

Back then, with my help, she grew very fast and had great ambitions.

She wholeheartedly wants to become the god of symbiotes, or even a being like the five gods.

And the only way to achieve this goal is to devour me! Or my child!

After Venom finished speaking, he looked at the hybrid! And she did exactly that. She devoured several of my children, and the remaining tissues of those swallowed children formed the hybrid!

After hearing this

Su Han gasped! Oh my god, this is so exciting.

It is said that a tiger's venom will not eat its children, but the venomous wife is too cruel. Not only does she devour her children, but she also devours her husband. This is the rhythm of heaven.

That's why you left her, right?

Well, I don't want to see her continue to devour her own children, but I can't stop her. After all, she is the embodiment of the planet's will, and she is stronger.

So I just want to leave and stay away from her completely!

When I accidentally came to Earth, I had no intention of going back.

When the rioters wanted to lure her to Earth, I tried my best to stop them.

Because once she comes to Earth, the entire Earth will become her hunting ground, and I will have to face her again!

Oh, listen to the whole process! Su Han also sighed slightly.

It seems that Venom's life is not easy! Father, the Queen Mother already knows that she was wrong. She regrets having those crazy thoughts about you. Now she just wants to rebuild the symbiote planet, so, can you


The venom directly refused the air and suddenly became: very quiet.


Su Han coughed awkwardly.

Um..., I'm done reminiscing about old times, it's time for a fight.

After Su Han finished speaking, he already held a handful of seeds in his hand.

Chaos looked at Su Han, then turned over and got into Odin's body without saying anything.

The Divine Realm is the fruit of the future symbiote. Even if you are my father, I will not give in.

After Odin finished speaking, he clenched the scepter in his hand and struck it into the void! The entire space of God's Domain trembled.

Then, a terrifying scene occurred.

I saw the earth of God's Domain suddenly cracking open.

Subsequently, countless soft tissues crawled out from those cracks.

Thousands,! No, hundreds of millions, trillions! Those endless symbionts make one's scalp numb and blood freeze at just one glance.

Hold the grass, there are so many!

Su Han broke into a cold sweat when he saw so many symbionts.

Just imagine, there is so much disgusting mucus squirming on the ground, who can bear it? Venom, doesn't it mean that your symbiote needs a host to survive? Then these

Venom clenched his big white teeth tightly and replied: On the symbiote planet, symbiotes can exist independently.

However, the symbiote planet has been destroyed, so this should not be possible.

Another situation is that these symbionts are all derived from one person!

Su Han, alone, widened his eyes and suddenly thought of a possibility.

Zhou Cao, she can't be your wife, right?

Venom is silent.

Obviously, that's it.

The king of symbiotes abandoned his body and split it into so many small symbiotes! How terrifying!!! Father, have you seen that the mother queen wanted to turn the divine domain into the same planet as the symbiotes? The place, at the expense of its own body, has transformed into so many symbionts. They lurk underground day and night, improving the geology here. It won't be long before we symbionts can live here without the help of a host.

This will be the symbiote’s home and paradise!”

Su Han was really shocked.

He couldn't help but squint his eyes! What if God's Realm really became another home planet of the symbiote?

Then, in the near future, the entire universe centered on the Divine Realm will become the prey of symbiotes, including the earth! Thinking of this, Su Han's scalp goes numb! This is the rhythm of the universe being dominated by the Zerg. .

He definitely won't let this happen.

Venom, I'm sorry. I once promised you not to devour your wife, but now it seems that I may have to break my promise. How can your wife be an ordinary person? She is simply a crazy overlord.

If such people are not eradicated early, they will really go against heaven!

To Su Han's surprise, Venom answered easily: I didn't expect it to be such a result. Use your full strength and don't worry about anything.

Su Han nodded.

I saw him moving both hands together, grabbing a handful of seeds with each hand, and then throwing them to the parasite below.

As soon as the smack seeds came into contact with the symbiote, they immediately...

It pops like fried beans.

Subsequently, countless vines spread among the symbiote group with the force of setting fire to the prairie fire.

The speed was so fast that countless symbionts were sucked out of their vitality by the barbs of the vines, turning into a pool of disgusting mucus.

Seeing this scene, Su Han breathed a sigh of relief.

Yeah, luckily I have the ability to [parasitize], otherwise today would be terrible.

However, Su Han was still happy.

Just as the vines were devouring the symbiotes, more symbiotes crawled out of the cracks in the ground.

They come in different colors, green, white, red, green and black.

After they come out, quickly press: the colors are divided into several areas.

Facing the vines, the green symbionts took the lead and faced Su Han's vines.

A shocking scene appeared.

As soon as those green symbionts came into contact with the vines, they immediately...


The black liquid of Big Beach sprayed on the vines, causing the branches and leaves of the vines to emit green smoke, and then quickly withered and hissed! Grass! Su Han was so shocked that he exploded.

Chapter 157 The tree demon appears and the queen appears!

Chapter 157 The Dryad appears and the Queen appears! The self-destruction army is so disgusting!

Su Han was really shocked.

This self-destructing symbiote is so disgusting.

But it was indeed effective, at least it perfectly stopped Su Han's offensive.

As soon as those vines touch the mucus of the self-destructing symbiote, they will immediately.

Green smoke comes out, withers and withers.

How is it okay?

Venom asked.


Su Han replied, but his face looked a little ugly.

Looking at the vines blocked in front of the self-destructing symbiote, Su Han gritted his teeth.

Since vines cannot work, there is no other way to do it.

I saw him clenching his fist, and a green light suddenly appeared on his body.

In an instant, Su Han seemed to turn into a green light body.

Then, under Odin's surprised gaze, Su Han transformed into a towering giant tree.

As soon as the sacred tree came out, a cool breeze blew across the entire divine realm.

A huge aura of life shop came over.

However, the next moment, branches as thick as buckets suddenly stretched out from the big tree.

Hundreds of thick branches were born, dancing in the void like tentacles.

Get out of here!

Su Han's voice sounded in the void.

Then I saw those branches smashing towards the symbionts! One smash was a piece! Hundreds of branches fell, and the whole earth was hit with a bang bang sound.

When Odin saw this, his expression changed.

I saw him clenching the scepter in his hand, and his whole body burst into brilliant golden light.

Above the scepter, a golden light rose into the sky, as bright as the sun.

Holy Glory!

The whole world was illuminated.

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