Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 218 Thinking Super and Tony3!

"Move me!"

"Chichichi..." The huge divine power circulated through the whole body, and the golden energy overflowed from the body, colliding with the white unknown pasty crystals.

In just an instant, a large amount of water vapor rippled from all directions of Luo Bing's body.

And this pure and majestic divine power can resist the spreading speed of the mushy crystals.

But this consumption is very staggering.

Even Luo Bing, whose body is like a bottomless pit at the moment, can only last for 3565 hours.

After that time, his divine power will not be replenished and restored, and the whole person will lose any resistance ability and be completely wrapped in the white light cocoon.

Whether it is absorbed into nutrients or transformed into another kind of organism is unknown.

"Damn it! Who the hell does that giant hand belong to, and why do people with such means exist in the universe of "Eight Five Seven"!"

Luo Bing's forehead was dripping with cold sweat, and his mental overload was running, trying to solve the current predicament.

In the past, Luo Bing always had countless ways, but now, it seems that he has become overwhelmed.

"Do not!"

"Never give up!"


A golden vortex appeared in Luo Bing's eye sockets, and nine enchanting hook jades spun wildly.

Luo Bing tried to communicate with his own divine power space, but under the absolute prohibition law of this space, his divine power space did not even have the power to open a crack.

"Save energy"

"You're going to die..."

An unknown God of the universe sent out a painful reminder.

His condition is better than Eternal, at least his voice can be transmitted to Luo Bing normally.

Unlike Luo Bing and Yong Yong who just arrived, he has been trapped here for several years and knows more about Baijie.

"Senior, what exactly is this place?" Luo Bing asked aloud.

At the moment, everyone needs to stay warm, even Luo Bing, who has always been conceited, is no exception.

The man who was questioned by Luo Bing was wearing a standard red and blue uniform. Although his cloak was torn, the huge S logo on his chest was still shining brightly.

The eye-catching is his eyes, one green and one red, like two dazzling gems.

Great thinking! A character who surpasses the gods!


Superman's strongest form!

"We don't know where this place is at the moment, but we clearly understand that here... no one can escape"

Another voice came from Luo Bing's left ear.

However, this voice was very familiar, so familiar that Luo Bing wondered if he had hallucinated.


Luo Bing asked in surprise.

Yes, this is Tony, but not the two Tonys Luo Bing knew, but Tonythree!

He's wearing the new Rare God Eater Infinite Gems combination armor.

His golden armor was bigger than the eternal incarnation that Luo Bing knew, and the six gleaming gems were inlaid on the mecha, shining brightly.

But at the moment, his hands and feet were also firmly bound by the white crystals, unable to move at all.

This is a man haunted by wisdom.

Unlike the Tony that Luo Bing knew before, this guy is extremely powerful, and at the same time, he is also extremely cold.


He suffered a lot.

This is a guy who is as mysterious as a mortal!

"It seems that you know me, but you should know me in a parallel world"

"In my world...the universe...has been destroyed countless times" Tonythree whispered.

"Everyone is the same." Thinking Dachao let out a wry smile and continued: "Keep the energy, any newcomer wants to escape when he first arrives here, but that is impossible and unrealistic!

"We must preserve the energy and leave the maximum physical strength for the battle!"


Luo Bing listened to the exchange of several people, but still did not give up the way to escape.

He is not a man who is willing to be bound, let alone throw his fate to that unrealistic wait.

The day passed quickly.

The white crystal still stayed at Luo Bing's ankle, but at the moment, Luo Bing's mood was extremely bad.

Because, in this place where time and space do not exist, his daily power supply has stopped.

Originally, Luo Bing could close the daily power supply in order to calm the various powers of his body, but now, after he opened it, the system still did not give him any reply.

That is to say, trying to break through the predicament with new abilities doesn't seem to show at all...

"Damn, I'm 1.8 meters tall, compared to these guys, the disadvantage is too much!

Luo Bing was a little exasperated.

Indeed, compared with those cosmic tycoons who move thousands of meters and tens of thousands of meters, his 1.8-meter body can easily be assembled into a cocoon by white crystals.

Triple Luck is always on, but at this time, in this absolutely forbidden space, the effect of any luck seems to be minimal.

"Shuh" Void giant appeared again, sent a new cellmate, and then disappeared again.

The guy who was sent has a very unfamiliar face, and regardless of the prison rule here, he is basically a big guy in the universe.

Should this be an honor?

Are you also considered to be a big shot in the universe?

"Go!@¥#...@" The newcomer came up with a swear word and looked so energetic.

It seems that this big guy is taking the road of 19 banned anti-heroes.

Few people liked his impolite style, so no one kindly gave him some hints.


After the 100th day that Luo Bing was locked in, this guy successfully became a cocoon.

During this long 100 days, Luo Bing became calmer instead.

He was planning something, and he had greater information about his grasp of escaping.

In these days, he saw three more people being sent over by the giant hand. It seemed that it was very busy, and none of them stayed here, not even the reason.

"It's coming soon!" Luo Bing's divine power has been consumed by nine-tenths, and the reason why the consumption is so serious is also because he is constantly communicating with the divine power space.

In a place that no one can see, Luo Bing's supernatural power is constantly rubbing against the valve of the void of Shenwei space.

side over and over again.

The sword raising technique is used in the Shenwei space. This is a method that Luo Bing tried out of desperation and inadvertently.

In 62,248,200,000,000 appeasements, his divine power space At the moment has radiated golden light, and even the internal area has expanded by thousands of miles.

In fact, after more than 80 days, it is no longer cowardly and can open the entrance in this space.

But to be on the safe side, Luo Bing is cautious and cautious, and has been waiting!

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