Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 240 Hei Jue: Wait! Something is wrong, how can I summon a father!!


As the giant Tenseigan was completely absorbed by Luo Bing, the palaces and mountains in the distance began to collapse, and the lake began to slope down from the sky.

It looked as if the end was coming.


"Tell me about you, you little brat, why don't I just ask for directions, I'm still in a hurry"

"Hi, Miss, where is this??

Otsutsuki Totoro:

"From the real deal!


Otsutsuki Totoro:

At the moment's lover... a little confused.

Luo Bing:

kill you!!!

On the surface, he is not only indifferent, but in fact the fire in Sheren's heart has burned into his heart. When has he suffered such grievances?

Luo Bing sighed, his fingertips overflowed with divine power, and gently awakened the bear child in his hand.

After more than ten seconds, Luo Bing grabbed Toto Otsutsuki who fell dizzy from the air, with a helpless expression on his face.

"Fuck, don't cry, God sees it, I didn't bully you!! I'll tell you you're called Pengci!! 35



Without the strong repulsion and gravitational maintenance of the giant Tenseigan, the entire interior of the moon has undergone earth-shattering changes.

"Mother!!! Ga....Father...Father???"

on the earth!!!

From childhood to adulthood, Shiren has not been walked by anyone. At the moment, his face was flushed, his shame and anger reached the extreme, he tried his best to struggle, but to no avail. The Newtonian liquid was enveloped in it, and no matter how hard it was, it was of no use.

As soon as his mind moved, Luo Bing instantly disappeared in place, his body turned into a light, and drilled directly into the sealed space node!!!

There are also nine black hook jades in vertical rows on the imperial robe, with golden and purple sleeves.

As the mountain collapsed, an inconspicuous spatial node hidden inside the mountainside appeared within Luo Bing's perception range.

In his heart, his status is supreme, but now he is being bullied by a native guy from Earth.

And Luo Bing... he was stunned, and was pulled in by the vortex that suddenly appeared beside him.

Luo Bing couldn't help shivering, looking at the new world in front of him, full of curiosity.

~ go and see"

"Don't be too busy, little guy, answer my questions honestly, there is no trace of the book going back to the passage when I came here"

Toto Otsutsuki: ""


Three minutes later...

"Speaking of which... what's the use of making so many bells and whistles???"

Toto Otsutsuki: "

Luo Bing casually crushed the collapsed mountain into rubbish powder, laughed twice, and rubbed his chin in embarrassment.

On the back of her clothes, there is a very conspicuous logo embroidered. It should be a family logo or something. (Qian Zhaohao)..

"That is to say, it either went to another time and space from here, or went to another world, hum... Come on, you were so excited when I mentioned this book, you must know something"

Luo Bing was full of confusion.

In the same place, Otsutsuki Toru's collapsed head fell to the ground, and the divine crown chariot dutifully caught him.

Kaguya's face changed greatly, and she immediately rushed towards the place where Luo Bing disappeared.

Suddenly, the space around his body tore out cracks like mosaic tracks.


What's the matter with your confident tone!!!

"Uh... it's definitely none of my business..."

"Don't be contagious..."



"Yes, that's right, I know... but I want you to let me go, and I'll take you there." There was no fluctuation on Otsutsuki's face, but in fact, he sneered in his heart, and secretly made an abacus .

"Have you ever seen a strange book???"

"I finally made it!!! I finally made it!! 35

I will kill you!!

"There will be no mental illness..."


Damn it!!!

This is no longer an order of magnitude difference.



I don't understand you!!

"Come out!!! Mother-in-law!!! 99

"Hey, what's wrong with you?"" Luo Bing shook her stiff body in surprise.

"What an exquisite folding space, there are deserts, ice and snow, acid, lava, and gravity"


The sky is dark, the sun and the moon are reversed.

But right now!!!

Toto Otsutsuki: "6

After being sluggish for a full minute, Toto Otsutsuki came back to his senses, and then... was incompetent fury!!

What book!!! I know shit!!

The heart that gave up one's youth has long fallen into the abyss far away...

"Thousands of years of waiting!!! Thousands of years of planning!!!""

Luo Bing shuddered, took a few steps away subconsciously, then turned around and flew away.

Waiting for the superstar Tensei...

What followed...a white-faced woman with a horn on her head emerged from the crack.


What hits this ???

What's wrong with this kid?


Go to hell!! Arrogant and arrogant natives!!!


It's all over!!!!

What are you talking about!!!

Black... stunned.

Otsutsuki Totoro:

"Are you okay kid???" Luo Bing frowned and shook it again.

"Tsk tsk tsk... This pupil power is pretty good, but unfortunately it's missing a little bit, hey, bear boy, is there any more?" Luo Bing absorbed the pupil power of the giant Tenseigan, his eyes burst with divine light, and he shook his head. Tosei Otsutsuki, who was sluggish in place and basically petrified, showed a sunny smile.


"You brat, you really won't tell the truth if you don't get beaten up, go ahead and lead the way." Luo Bing smiled and loosened Sheren's hair.

Probably was beaten, no... remove the 'probably', confident, he was beaten.


Kaguya Otsutsuki:

Don't be too arrogant, bastard!!!

Black Jue controlled Madara's body, spreading the scorching heat.

Be proud of you now!

There is a fairly subtle seal on it. At least, the level of sealing is much more sophisticated than what Luo Bing saw on the scrolls of the Five Kingdoms.

Everything started to squeeze and expand.

I will endure!!!

"Hahahahahaha!! Ridge!

you bastard!!!

Huge amounts of the tree of gods raised a monstrous flower.

White eyes, red lips, and a white imperial robe.

Wait until I invoke the energy of the giant Tenseigan!! That's when you will die!!!

That singularity is so unique, shining with light that is different from other space nodes.

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