Marvel Plane Trader

Chapter 132: Bucky! danger!

  Chapter 132 Bucky! danger!

  In the spacious conference room, the nine members of the council sat opposite each other.

  Because of Rajosi's entry into the council and some other things, Wilfred Malik has now truly recovered his family's status in the organization and obtained the qualification to sit on the throne.

  Of course, if you line up a row, he still belongs to the last one.

  The light in the meeting room was very dark, but it was actually broad daylight, but the curtains were still tightly drawn in the whole meeting room, so a few dim lights were turned on.

   There is no doubt that this is looking after Hugh Jones.

   But this does not mean that the council knows that Hugh Jones has become a vampire.

  The disappearance of Hugh Jones in Europe at that time, apart from Josie, was mainly known to some of Hugh Jones' subordinates, that is, Major General Fletcher and some senior officers under his command.

  As for the ordinary soldiers on mission, most of them don't know what's going on.

  So Hugh Jones became a vampire, except for Josie, the rest of the directors didn't know.

   At the beginning, Hugh Jones simply gave up the shares of Boeing Company. On the one hand, it was regarded as a thank-you gift to Josie, and on the other hand, it was also a hush money.

   Inside Hydra, everyone knows their own affairs.

   If other directors really want to know that they have become a vampire, although it is not obvious to mess with themselves, all kinds of exclusion or coercion are not impossible.

Therefore, in order to avoid trouble, Hugh Jones is not very happy to let other directors know that he has become a vampire. After returning to the United States, he mostly avoids these "colleagues" and cannot see abnormalities such as sunshine He declared to the outside world that he had a strange disease when he was in Europe, and he could not see the light.

  Of course, he wouldn't want to kill Josie and all of Josie's men just to keep it secret.

  One is that even if the identity of the vampire is exposed, it will be troublesome to Hugh Jones at most, and it is not fatal, so it is not worth fighting with Josie because of this matter.

  The other is that in his non-conscious stage, he has memory, so he has seen the magnetic storm infantry and Velociraptor, and he also knows that Josie is not as simple as it seems on the surface.

   It belongs to the little secret that both parties know that the other party is not deadly.

  In fact, this kind of situation not only did not make the relationship between the two people farther away, but also provided an opportunity for in-depth cooperation between the two parties.

   It is equivalent to Josie having one more ally besides Malik—of course, the ally is a bit inaccurate, but at least it is a friend.

  Basically, they belong to the kind that can’t say that they will definitely take your side when something happens, but at least they won’t spoil your affairs casually.

"There are three main things to convene everyone this time. The first one is about the paperclip project and the rebirth plan, the second one is about Howard Stark, and the last one is about zero matter." As the chief Thomas, Glancing With a glance at the nine present, they spoke.

  His opening made everyone look serious.

"The first item, I won't talk about the specific content of the two plans, everyone knows. The main reason for mentioning this is that Dr. Zola has returned to our embrace. You can give us some help," Thomas said.

The paperclip project is a plan for the United States to search for high-tech talents from Germany and Hydra for its own use—mainly some war criminal scientists who have served these two countries, and those scientists who have not served the war, the United States has no way to force them work for yourself.

   And there is no doubt that Zola, once a confidant of the Red Skull, must be the number one person in this plan.

   Josie also tried to get Ophelia to contact Zola before, but the Strategic Science Corps was extremely strict with him, and even Ophelia couldn't find a suitable opportunity.

  However, after returning to the United States, the base camp of Hydra, the council, which has far less penetration than Josie in all walks of life in the United States, can easily get on line with Zola, and Josie can only say nothing about it.

   But Reinhardt, the future White Hall, has been assassinated by Ophelia.

  Because Reinhardt is also a scientist, but his research direction is biased towards "mystery", so he is not very valued by the Strategic Science Corps, otherwise he would not have been locked up until he was about to die in the 90s before being released.

  As for the rebirth plan, it is very simple, it is the actual name of Captain America's super soldier plan.

   "We know both things, but what is the connection between the two? Although Captain America left some blood samples, we can't get them!" Hugh Jones, who wrapped himself up tightly, said.

   There are very few blood samples from the American team, and only a small amount of the military and the Strategic Science Corps remain.

  Although the current Hydra's penetration of various official institutions in the United States is far from being as exaggerated as in the 21st century, it is also impossible to get.

   "Yes, normally yes, but we can't get Captain America's blood sample, but Schmidt's can!" Thomas said with a smile.

  Everyone suddenly realized, yes, the world's first super soldier is not Captain America, but the Red Skull.

  Since the US team can leave a blood sample, it makes no sense for the Red Skull to leave nothing behind.

   And it is true.

  Where did the potions used in the semi-finished products made by Zola, Vito and Bucky, come from? Of course, it cannot be deduced from the US team.

  The source is very clear, Zola used the blood sample of the Red Skull to deduce it.

  Just hearing this, Josie couldn't help but feel a sudden bump in his heart. Thomas suddenly mentioned this...could it be...?

"Of course, the blood samples and some experimental medicine left by Schmidt were basically destroyed in the war, but our Dr. Zola told me that there are still two experimental subjects alive in this world—and said Speaking of this matter, Josie, you should know better than us!" As Josie expected, Thomas' words immediately burned on him.

   The two subjects Zola mentioned are undoubtedly Vito and Bucky.

   With Zola as the subject, Josie couldn't hide it at all.

"I see. Were Vito and Bucky already transformed at that time?" Josie immediately pretended to be enlightened and said, "So what Zola means is that they are going to use them to continue research? That's not okay, Vito It's my confidant, it's very important to me... But if you start with Bucky, don't worry about me."

  In this case, it is almost impossible for Josie to keep both of them, especially Bucky, who is a friend of the US team, a member of the Strategic Science Corps, and an enemy of Hydra.

  So it is almost unnecessary to choose one of the two, which one Josie should keep.

  Bucky Barnes children's shoes, you wish you luck!

  (end of this chapter)

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