Marvel Plane Trader

Chapter 153: weird world situation

  Chapter 153 Strange World Situation

   Josie didn't stay in Austria for a long time, and soon returned to the United States with his fiancée and children.


"Josie! Don't bring animals into the house anymore. Although the house is big enough, you always bring animals into the house. Are you going to turn your house into a zoo? And they forget about it on Monday. St. Bernard dogs are well known for their docileness. But you bring dangerous animals such as gorillas and lions home, are you really not afraid that they will hurt the children?" Margot roared from the manor!

   Immediately, Josie fled out the door with King Kong and Simba in a panic.

  Of course, the so-called going out is only the door of the main building of the manor.

"Hahahaha, it's okay, it's okay, Margot belongs to the master who is hard-spoken and soft-hearted, as long as you are obedient, she will accept you in the future, but now I can only wrong you and go to another hospital!" Margot gave a special training Josie had no choice but to lead the two half-grown cubs to the woods behind the manor and hand them over to Vito and other security personnel to take care of them.

  Although these two little things were very human after being bought by Josie, they are beasts after all, and Margot’s rejection is not unreasonable. It is more appropriate to let Vito and the others take care of them.

   Fortunately, the manor where Josie and the others live is large enough, with several woods and grasslands covering a large area. Let alone a lion and an orangutan, it is no problem to open a safari park.

  After the two beast cubs were settled, Josie took a bath, went to Margot with a stern face, and went to enjoy the tenderness.

  Although licking a dog is not allowed to house, but if you lick your own wife, then it is not shabby at all.

  However, although Josie is enjoying the tenderness in peace, the turmoil in the outside world has never stopped.

  After the British and French allied forces suffered a disastrous defeat in Wakanda, they naturally did not want to let it go.

  Even after the first failure, large-scale rebellions began to appear in the African colonies to which the two countries belonged.

  But those in power in Britain and France finally withstood all the pressure, gathered 4 divisions, nearly 50,000 troops, and launched a retaliatory attack on Wakanda again.

   Ran and eggs.

  They met Azuli, who had just recovered from a serious injury and was about to take revenge on the world.

  The original Azuli was not as enlightened as his son and grandson due to the constraints of the times, but generally speaking, he was still a healthy, positive, cheerful young monarch.

  But because of the accidental siege by Vito and his team last time, after losing an arm and half-pulling the shoulder, the situation changed.

  Although he survived after being rescued, he was explicitly and secretly rejected and ridiculed by the other clan chiefs during the next few meetings.

  In a feudal society, it was difficult for a disabled monarch to be recognized by his subordinates and subjects.

  So, Azuli, the contemporary black panther, has become black.

  After he secretly got the support of the border tribes and the Jabali tribe who had been drifting outside the center of Wakanda's rights, he violated the oath of Wakanda's ancestors and began a power cleansing of Wakanda.

  The merchants and river tribes were purged, and the mountain and mine tribes bowed their heads.

   Subsequently, Wakanda officially opened its external expansion.

  Yes, after the cleansing, Wakanda has become a military government, and it has been discovered by the international community, so under the leadership of Azuri, it simply stopped hiding.

  Ethiopia, as Wakanda's long-standing representative country, was almost immediately controlled by Wakanda's army, and then became the first country to be conquered by Wakanda.

   It was also at this time that the second batch of coalition forces from Britain and France collided directly, and the entire army was wiped out again.

   Now, the Northeast Africa region, which was already in chaos due to the proliferation of a large number of US military standard equipment, is even more lively.

  The remnants of Britain and France had to withdraw from this area, shrinking towards Egypt and southern Africa, and the rest of the area was completely unable to guard.

   Faced with this situation, not only Britain and France panicked, but even the United States and Mao Xiong couldn't sit still.

   Immediately, the two superpowers issued a warning to Wakanda, prohibiting the other party from continuing to expand and harming the "legitimate interests" of Britain and France in Africa.

  At this time, Azuli, who has begun to blacken and swell, of course cannot listen to the United States and Mao Xiong.

  At this time, he was even preparing to gather troops and prepare to march on Egypt.

   Now Yingfa really panicked.

  Egypt's Suez Canal was simply the lifeblood of these two colonial countries in this era.

   Immediately, the two countries no longer cared about being reserved, and formally issued a call for help to the United States.

  But the United States is also very embarrassed.

  One is that the United States is already disarming, and the remaining troops in Europe are much, much less than at the beginning.

   But also to guard against the bear's attack.

   If it intervenes in Africa at this time, it will be a bit of an Alexander thing for the United States in this period.

  But when the United States was arguing endlessly over this matter, one thing happened, which brought the Mao Xiong who had been watching the excitement into the water.

   Without it, the Zodiac sent by the Southern Federation, the incident happened.

  Since the last time he was hit hard, Azuli has been mobilizing the secret lines of those slaves lurking all over the world to investigate the "Zodiac" organization that hurt him.

At the same time, after being hurt by his arrogance last time, Azuli also super doubled his own safety. Not only did he repair his vibrating gold battle suit, he also got himself a vibrating gold prosthetic, and expanded his The number of guards.

   It was also at this time that the official Zodiac agent under the UDBA of the Southern Federation arrived in Wakanda.

   Of the twelve core agents, four died, five were captured, and only three escaped.

Although none of the five agents who were caught admitted that they were responsible for the attack on Azuli last time, the items with signs of the zodiac and the ten signs that can make people have the combat power of a super soldier were found from them. Ninomiya Potion.

   And this also made Azuli more convinced that the Zodiac who attacked him was with the other party.

   That is the ghost behind the Southern Federation.

  Yes, there is no similarity between the zodiac potion and the veterinary potion, but since the Southern Federation can make the special potion of the zodiac, why is it impossible to make the veterinary potion?

   Immediately, Wakanda announced that it had uncovered the assassination case of the Zodiac agent, and asked the iron emperor to give Wakanda an explanation by name, otherwise Wakanda would retain all possible means of revenge.

   Facing the questioning from Wakanda, Emperor Tie looked bewildered.

  That’s right, the Zodiac is his ace agent, and the Zodiac potion is also the top secret of the Southern Federation.

   But he sent the Zodiac just to try to steal a little technology, so that the rise of the Confederacy would have the opportunity to retaliate against Austria and the Kingdom of Yugoslavia.

   As for the assassination of the king of Wakanda, he really didn't do it.

   It's just empty talk, Wakanda doesn't believe it at all.

   And those who don’t believe it are not just Wakanda, Britain, France and the United States, and even the big brother Mao Xiong of the Southern Federation also doesn’t believe it.

  The mystery of the Zodiac made Britain, France, the United States, and Maoxiong associate many headless intelligence cases that happened in their own homes in the past—although 99% of those things were actually done by the council.

  However, Britain, France and the United States can only condemn and condemn, and cannot do much.

  But Mao Xiong is not polite.

  The bearded man directly sent the army, and took over the Southern Federation directly when Emperor Iron didn't react at all.

   were taken over together, as well as UDBA and Zodiac.

  Emperor Tie himself was also placed under house arrest.

   As for giving Wakanda an explanation? nonexistent.

   Not long after, a Tu-4 bomber that Maoxiong had just produced took off from the Southern Federation, flew over the Sahara Desert, and dropped a nuclear bomb.

   As a result, the whole world suddenly fell into a strange silence.

  (end of this chapter)

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