Marvel Plane Trader

Chapter 194: navajo

  Chapter 194 Navajo

  More than a dozen jeeps galloped mightily on the Gobi Desert at the border of Arizona and New Mexico, heading towards the Navajo Indian Reservation.

   On a flat-topped mountain in the distance, an Indian ranger sentry found the arrival of this uninvited guest early, shook his shoulder slightly, and the eagle on his shoulder had already soared into the sky, and issued a long-lasting warning.

  However, some people in the jeep also spotted the eagle soaring in the sky, but they didn't rush about it. Looking at the eagle soaring in the sky, their eyes were even full of nostalgia.

   Because they are also Navajo Indians.

  I left my hometown only because I joined the U.S. Army in World War II.

  And these young Indians after joining the army are basically reluctant to return to this desolate desert.

  But because they are excluded by society, it is difficult for them to find good jobs.

  So after the establishment of Blackwater International, Aldo recruited a lot of Indian soldiers, especially the Navajo tribe, and a large number of them were recruited by the military as cryptographers.

  The U.S. military recruited Indians and used their language as a password, which began during World War I.

   During World War I, a large number of Choctaws were recruited into the army.

   It is also because of this factor that Indians finally obtained citizenship more than ten years after the end of World War I.

That's right, it's a ridiculous joke. The oldest nation that has lived on this land for generations has not been recognized as a citizen of the United States at all in the past 100 years, but only lived in this land. The foreigners in this land did not get citizenship until 24 years ago, that is, in 1924, and their status and treatment were far inferior to those of blacks and blacks.

  In the early days of World War II, the U.S. military used the language of the Choctau people as a code, which had already been deciphered by the spies of the foot pot chicken. Therefore, the telegrams of the U.S. military were repeatedly deciphered by the foot pot chicken, which brought great losses to the U.S. military.

   Soon after, the U.S. military recruited a lot of Navajos to replace the Choctaws, because their native language is more complicated and fewer people understand it.

   This also once made the U.S. military's telegram cipher the most difficult to decipher among all countries in the world.

  In Josie’s previous life, there was a blockbuster film made by Wu Baige, and "Wind Talker" played by Cage, the king of bad movies, told a similar story.

  It was only with the end of World War II that after these Indian soldiers were discharged, they returned to their pre-war treatment—being excluded from the mainstream society. In the cities, it was difficult to find even a decent job, and they could only do some coolies.

  As for returning to the reserve, they are also unwilling, because they have adapted to the life outside and do not want to go back to live a hard life.

   It was under such circumstances that after Aldo established Blackwater International, he recruited many Indian soldiers.

  That's right, this jeep team is from Heishui International, and Aldo, the general manager, is the co-pilot.

  So there are many Indian soldiers in this convoy.

  For these people, returning to the reservation is like returning home—although they don't like this home very much.

"Boss, it's the whistle eagle of the clan!" An Indian soldier sitting in the back seat of the jeep spotted the eagle circling in the sky, and said to Aldo in the passenger seat—although he has already retired, but the Blackwater International Basically following the tradition in the army, officers prefer to sit in the passenger seat instead of the back seat.

   "I saw it... You said how about catching a batch of bald eagles to raise when we really migrate?" Aldo looked at the whistle eagle in the sky, and suddenly asked his opponent with thoughts.

   "Uh, I don't know, boss, I don't read much about the relocation, so I can't judge too much." Aldo asked such a nonsensical question, and his subordinates were a little at a loss.

"Oh, be more confident, Bresta, as I said, you have a unique talent. If you go back a few hundred years, you will become an Indian hero, but you have to change your character!" Aldo glanced helplessly. Said the subordinate.

   Regarding Aldo's evaluation, his subordinates just smiled and did not refute.

   This subordinate named Bresta is very young, only 17 years old.

  Different from some other Indian soldiers who had joined the army, he found this young Indian at a construction site. At that time, the boy encountered a little trouble, and Aldo helped him as he passed by.

   Unexpectedly, the other party is actually from the same tribe as himself.

But it's not surprising, because of his birth, Aldo was taken away from the tribe by his mother at a very young age, and lived outside. He rarely returned to the tribe, and after his mother passed away a few years ago, he never returned to the tribe. On the other hand, it was his uncle who would go back to visit him from time to time and bring him something.

  So it's normal not to be familiar with people in the clan.

   It's just that they met each other because of fate. He saw that this young man was pleasing to the eye, but he was not a good guy, so he recruited him into the black water.

  As the general manager of Blackwater International, he still has this right.

   And he is not selfish, this little guy named Bresta has reached the recruitment standard of Blackwater International after a short period of training, and is even stronger than many veterans.

  The only problem is probably that she is somewhat introverted.

  This and Aldo's perfection are two extremes.

But there is one thing, Bresta is right, that is, he does not study much, the education level of the Indians is extremely backward, and they cannot go to white schools. Things, he can't say anything.

   "Boss, it's the patrol team!" Just before speaking, the driver had already stopped the car slowly.

  The reason is very simple. A cavalry team of 20 or 30 people appeared in front of the convoy, holding guns in their hands.

  The traditional Indian costumes worn by these cavalrymen indicate their identities, the patrol team of the Navajo tribe of the Aldo family.

   "I'm Aldo, the grandson of Kuichain!" Aldo got off the car and shouted to the other party in native language.

  Kuichan is the name of Aldo’s grandfather, but in Indian, grandson and grandson mean the same thing.

"The patriarch has such a grandson?" The Indians on the patrol couldn't help but look at each other. Most of them looked old-fashioned because of the wind and sun in their living environment, but they were actually younger than Al, so they didn't care about him. I'm not familiar with it, even if I knew it before, I basically forgot it after so many years.

   For a while, the atmosphere was a little awkward.

   Fortunately, at this time, Bresta and some other Navajo soldiers who went out also got out of the car.

   "Uncle Cody, it's me, Bresta!" Bresta shouted to an Indian in the cavalry on the opposite side after getting off the car.

"Bresta? Arce? Morales? Are you all back?" The people in the cavalry looked at the Indian soldiers who got off the jeep one by one, and they were all surprised. These people have only been out for a few years. The two parties are similar in age, which is much more familiar than an inexplicable patriarch's grandson.

   With the proof of these people, the cavalry team also believed that Aldo was really the grandson of the patriarch, so they led the convoy and continued towards the tribe's residence.

   After another ten minutes, the convoy finally arrived at the tribe.

  Such a large-scale convoy attracted the attention of the people in the tribe, and it was discovered that many of the people in the convoy were compatriots who went out to fight a few years ago, which immediately caused a sensation in the whole tribe.

  The number of Navajos led by Grandpa Aldo is not small, there are more than 8,000 people, and they already belong to a large tribe-in fact, all the Navajo tribes add up to only a few hundred thousand people.

  Even in 2005, the total number of Navajos was only 300,000.

   This number is the lowest among minorities in the United States.

  Obviously the earliest owner of this land, but only a minimum number of living in the most remote corners of the country, how sad.

  The commotion outside the tribe also aroused the ideas of the leaders in the tribe, and soon a group of people surrounded an old man and came outside the village.

   "Aldo? Is that you?" A middle-aged man looked at Aldo from afar and asked in disbelief.

   This is Aldo's uncle. Because Aldo joined the army, he hasn't seen this nephew for many years, so he didn't dare to confirm it for a while because he was far away.

   "It's me, uncle, I'm back!" Aldo stepped forward and gave his uncle a big hug.

   "Aldo? Is it really Aldo?" The old man next to Uncle Aldo was also extremely excited when he heard about Aldo's identity. He is the patriarch of this tribe, Aldo's grandfather Kuichai.

  The old patriarch is over 70 years old, and he is quite auspicious among Indians whose average life expectancy is less than 40 or 50 years old.

  Compared to his uncle who occasionally went out to see Aldo, since Aldo's mother passed away, Kuichai hasn't seen this grandson for more than ten years.

  Looking at the robust grandson in front of him, Kui Charn seemed to see his young self, and then thought of his poor daughter, and immediately burst into tears.

   Seeing his grandfather like this, Aldo was filled with emotion.

Although he left the tribe since he was a child, it was actually more of his mother's wish. In his memory, he returned to the tribe very few times when he was a child, but the people in the tribe treated him very well. Every time this grandfather would give him Prepare to eat, and his uncle goes out to see him every year, so he has feelings for this tribe.

  This is why he would want to push the Horde to move.

   As a mixed race, no one knows better than he the sad situation of Indians in this country.

  Although it is necessary to abandon the original land and cross the ocean, he believes that with the help of Josie, the Indians in Java will surely have a better life.

  Before he came, Josie had personally promised that as long as the Indians go to Java, they will be treated as full citizens, get the corresponding land and the best education, and let them get rid of poverty.

   Even give them powerful arms to ensure their own interests.

   All they need to pay is loyalty.

   And among other things, what's on an Indian reservation? Yellow sand, Gobi, this is a natural cage.

   But in Java, in Sulawesi, there are beautiful tropical rainforests, fertile land, rich prey and marine resources.

  No matter how you look at it, Sulawesi's natural conditions will crush almost all desert reserves.

  For Josie, this effort is insignificant compared to the benefits he can get from Sulawesi.

  Because in this era, almost no one knows that Sulawesi contains nearly a quarter of the world's nickel ore resources.

   In contrast, the nickel ore reserves of Xia, a big country, are less than one-seventh of Java.

  As one of the most important metal materials for human industrialization, nickel ore alone is enough to support the ruler of Sulawesi.

   This is also one of the important fiscal revenue items for Java in the future.

   But now, all of this will belong to Josie.

   Besides, the number of Indians is too small, and now the number of Indians in the entire United States is less than one million.

   Not to mention that it is impossible for all of these people to be willing to go to Java, even if they all did go, compared to the population of Sulawesi, there are very few.

  But Josie is not worried that after being armed by himself, the Indians will suffer when they arrive in Java.

  Although they are all "natives", the Indians are much braver and more diligent than the natives in Java, and they are also more industrious. Josie's dedication to them can easily be reported from other aspects.

  In contrast, the natives in Java are as lazy as Heihei in terms of labor production.

  No way, the natural resources are too rich and the land is too fertile.

   Once the mountains and forests are burned, you can harvest just by sowing some seeds, so why bother to get up early and stay late?

   "So that's why... Migration?" In the patriarch's big tent, Kuichai fell into deep thought after hearing his grandson's intentions.

  The word migration reminded him of the days when the United States enforced the reservation system on Indians on a large scale at the end of the last century, forcing them to leave the fertile land and move to this barren land.

   Famine, disease, massacres, a large number of Indians died in that period.

  The main prey for survival, the buffalo herd, was also slaughtered to extinction by the Americans during that period (regional extinction, later introduced and restored from Canada).

  So when he heard the word migration, Kui Charn, an old man with a lot of experience, trembled.


   But he also understood that the living environment of the Indians could no longer be worse than the current situation.

  So the fertile island of Java described by Aldo moved Kui Chan very much.

"Aldo, it's not that I don't believe you, but this matter is related to the future of thousands of people in our tribe, and even tens of thousands of people in the entire Navajo tribe. I can't make a decision so easily, and other tribes may not listen to it." My...I need to hold a meeting to talk to them, and if possible, I want to talk to your boss in person!" I don't know how long the silence lasted, after smoking a few bags of tobacco, Kuichai said to himself The grandson said so.

  Hearing what grandpa said, Aldo couldn't help frowning.

  Meet Josie?

  The identities of the two parties are not equal.

Aldo understood very well that Josie agreed to let the Indians live in Java, largely because of his face and to give them a stable future, otherwise Austria and Germany would be able to pull the Indians out in minutes. Out several times to replace them.

   Seeing what old Kui Chaen meant, he still wanted to raise the conditions in reverse, which is a bit ignorant.

  But after thinking about it for a while, Aldo still called Josie.

  If Josie gave up these Indians because of this, then Aldo would not say much—it was his compatriots who gave up this opportunity.

   But what Aldo didn't expect was that as soon as he told the situation here, Josie agreed to the meeting very simply.

   I read the guide, and I was very surprised to receive the notice. I am very grateful to the editor-in-charge of Ye Xiao for giving me the opportunity, and thank you for your continuous support.

   Another easy-to-read cat article. If you read too many cool articles, you can try this one to relax. The 800,000-character boutique can be eaten with confidence



  (end of this chapter)

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