Marvel Plane Trader

Chapter 249: The elves are forever...

  Chapter 249 Elves are forever...

   "Elf? Where did you get the elf?...Wait, that troll tribe just now?" Josie asked unexpectedly.

"Hey, yes, just now I leveled up the troll tribe. In addition to catching a few special trolls, I also found some humans and high elves that were captured by trolls. I let go of the humans. The remaining elves... I think you will be interested!" Little Abisti said with a chuckle.

   "...I'm really interested, but are you sure there will be no trouble?" Josie asked with raised eyebrows.

"Absolutely not. Those humans and high elves captured by trolls were captured at different times and held separately. They didn't know each other's existence at all, and those trolls are all dead. Even if they didn't die, I put them in the warehouse... so it is absolutely impossible to leak the news!" Little Abidis said very confidently.

"That's good, let's trade them all, and it will be used as a deduction for the cost of the mechanical army... Well, one high elf can get you two robots!" If something happened, the trouble is also this brat's fault, so why worry about him?

  He is really interested in the high elves, and he can make up for the loss of so many robot legions he traded to this kid.

  Although he has a good relationship with this kid, business is business. Josie can't give a large army of robots for nothing!

"Ah? So little? That's an elf. Do you know how much a high elf slave is worth in the black market?" Hearing that Josie was only willing to offer the comparative price of one elf and two robots, little Abbendis was a little anxious "One of them might even be the sister of General Aurelia Windrunner of Quel'Thalas!"

  Although Quel'Thalas and the human kingdom are allies, and Quel'Thalas occupies a higher position in terms of alliance status, it does not mean that humans will not attack the high elves.

   After all, it is a medieval fantasy world with magical powers such as magic. There are always some nobles or mages who have some special hobbies. Coupled with the power you have, even if it is extremely difficult to get the high elves, it is by no means impossible.

  With the bodies of elves, it is easy to turn them into a private collection with just a little anti-magic measures.

  Of course, this kind of thing, like other worlds, belongs to the deep dark side, which is beyond the reach of ordinary people.

  Basically, once discovered, the whole family of the person involved will be unlucky.

   And when he was in the capital before, little Abidis also knew by chance that there was such a thing among some high-level nobles in the kingdom.

   This is why he thought of hiding the existence of these elves when he was in the troll camp.

   "Wait, what are you talking about, Ranger General Alleria's sister? Sylvanas or Vereesa?" Josie couldn't help but widen her eyes when she heard what little Abidis said.

   This kid really wants to go to heaven! Even the members of Windrunner's family dare to move?

   I just don't know which sister he got.

  Vereesa is okay... If it's Cylvanas—hiss! ! !

"Huh? You know this? But it should be Vereesa, because when they met General Aurelia before, they were looking for this Vereesa, so I'm actually just a guess, specific verification, I'm afraid You have to do it yourself!" So little Abbendis relayed to Josie the situation when he met Aurelia before, and the conversation he heard between Aurelia and his subordinates.

"I see, Vereesa... I have to say you really gave me a big surprise, brat!" Although it wasn't Cirvanas who was a little regretful, Vereesa was also good, but she didn't know the truth. If it's Vereesa, what kind of impact will it have on Azeroth without such a third sister of the Windrunner family.

  Although Vereesa doesn't have many appearances in the game, but in the relevant chronicles, Vereesa's importance is no less than that of the two older sisters.

  Without her, Luo Ning, who is the most unlucky child of destiny, might have died countless times long ago, and there is no need to wait for the explosion of the Focusing Rainbow.

"Trade those elves here. If there is indeed the Vereesa Windrunner you mentioned, then I can deduct 100 robots for you! For the rest of the elves, one to three!" Josie thought want to say.

   "Ah...only a hundred?" Little Abbendis still yelled.

   "Forget it if you don't want to, this deal is over!" Josie said immediately after seeing this.

"No, no, no, I'll change. There are six elves in total, 1 male and 5 female. The remaining 5 can be exchanged for 3 robots each. Vereesa 100, a total of 115 deductions, okay?" Little Abidis had no choice but to agree to Josie.

   But at this time his brain has started to spin crazily. There are hundreds of thousands of elves in Quel'Thalas... When he grows up and has the opportunity...

"By the way, Josie, in addition to the elves, I also caught some trolls, do you want them? There are many witch doctors, sorcerers, and even a loa priest here. He killed them." Dozens of robots have been killed!" Little Abidis asked again.

"Oh? That's really interesting, and trolls have the ability to regenerate, so they can be researched and researched. Give them all to me! Warriors are 1 to 1, spellcasters are 1 to 2, and the priest you mentioned counts as five!" Josie was very excited. Quickly gives a scale.

   "Okay!" Little Abbendis also readily agreed. In the eyes of humans in Azeroth, the life of a troll is not worth much at all. Josie can give such a price, which is already very good.

   Soon little Abydis traded all those trolls and elves.

   There are six elves, and more than thirty trolls.

  But compared to the ugly troll, Josie naturally focused more on the beautiful elf.

   Ignoring the male high elf, the remaining 5 elf girls are all beautiful and charming, and they are much more beautiful than the blood elves in the game.

  Because the high elves and the future blood elves are in the same line, some people will always confuse them, but in fact, after Kaizi changed the elf's name to blood elves and followed Illidan, the difference appeared.

  The reason lies in the magic addiction.

  Illidan taught the blood elves to relieve their addiction to magic by absorbing magic energy. This caused the blood elves' skin color to be slightly reddened by the influence of magic energy.

   On the contrary, the high elves who have not absorbed magic energy have very fair skin.

   But now the disaster of Quel'Sala has not yet happened, so all the high elves still have very fair complexion, which is much better than red.

   But speaking of this, Josie couldn't help but frown.

   If you want to "adopt" these elves, magic addiction is indeed a very troublesome thing.

  (end of this chapter)

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