Marvel Plane Trader

Chapter 326: frigga came forward

  Chapter 326 Frigga Appears

  In Asgard, Loki was pacing restlessly back and forth in the palace garden, causing the passing maids to stare at him.

  Seeing his second prince like this, I don't know which unlucky person made him angry.

   It's just that what they couldn't think of anyway was that Loki was not angry at this time, but worried.

  Because just now, Kyroll told him through a magic message that Josie already knew about his secret relationship with Kyroll.

   Loki panicked.

   He was really afraid that Josie would rush straight to Asgard and kill him!

  The tragedy of Xandar a few years ago is still vivid in my mind.

   As for the small question of whether Josie can come to Asgard, Loki has no doubts at all.

what to do? what to do?

  In his opinion, it was really possible for Josie to kill him.

   "Child, what's wrong with you?" Just when Loki was extremely anxious, a very kind voice came from behind him.

"Ah, queen mother, it's nothing, I'm just a little bored, strolling in the garden!" Hearing this figure, all the anxiety on Loki's face was instantly suppressed, and then he put on a smile, and greeted Lai very kindly. The reporter greeted.

  The visitor is none other than the Queen of Asgard, the mother of Thor and Loki, Frigga.

  Although Loki already knew from Josie that he was a descendant of the Frost Giant and was picked up by Odin.

  But for this gentle woman who has been carefully raised and taught him for more than 1,500 years, Loki is still close and respectful from the bottom of his heart.

   It's just that he obviously didn't want the other party to know about Josie and Carol, so he immediately chose to conceal it.

"You know? Child! Lying to the most powerful witch in Asgard is actually a very substandard thing, and I don't think that just spreading it in the garden can make my son break out in a cold sweat." !" However, facing Loki's lies, Frigga just smiled slightly, then took out a handkerchief and wiped it gently on Loki's forehead, while tearing it apart.

  Facing his mother's unhesitating debunking, Loki was also speechless for a moment, not knowing what to say.

   You must know that although Frigga knew many of his lies and pranks in the past, she has never opened them up like this.

"Let me guess, it's because of the young human queen on Earth?" Seeing her youngest son in an embarrassing predicament, Frigga was also very interesting. In the past, she had only seen the truth on Sol, compared to Under the circumstances, Loki usually seemed a little too calm.

   "How do you know?" Hearing Frigga's words, Loki became uneasy immediately. "Damn it, it must be that **** Sol!"

"Don't blame your brother, your brother is doing it for your own good, tell me, what happened to make you so anxious!" Frigga smiled and straightened Loki's collar, and did not hide that Sol betrayed his brother. fact.

   What a fart for me, sooner or later I will be killed by that fool!

   "Mother, don't listen to Saul's nonsense, there is nothing!" Loki said with a stiff face.

"What did I say? Children, don't lie in front of a powerful witch, and to be honest, you are not young, and it is normal for men to have **** with women. To be honest, I doubt you many times Is there something wrong with the two brothers, it seems that they have not been interested in girls since they were young, but fortunately, you are finally enlightened, unlike your brother, who is very excited to gossip about others, but you are still like a piece of wood!" Fu Li Jia comforted Loki while scolding Sol.

  Sif’s friendship for Sol can be seen by any fool, but hundreds of years have passed, and Sol has turned a blind eye like a fool.

   I don't know if he is really stupid or fake.

   Listening to Frigga's narration, Loki twitched the corners of his mouth, not knowing what to say for a while.

"So child, what are you worried about? Are you worried that your father will not agree with your affairs? You don't have to worry about this at all. Your father still attaches great importance to that **** on earth. His daughter is completely worthy of it." You, if you know that you are together, he will command and bless you, so you don't need to have too many worries, what you need to make sure is whether you really love each other!" Frigga caressed Loki cheek said.

   Are we really in love?

  Frigga's question made Loki fall into a trance.

  If this question was placed when he first met Carol, he would definitely give a firm negative answer.

   When he first met Carol and knew that she was the daughter of Josie, the "big devil", all he had was to please the other party, leave a good impression on the other party, and win Josie's favor.

   Later, when he realized that Kyroll was getting closer to him, he also instinctively wanted to avoid it, so as not to arouse Josie's anger.

  But as time passed, Loki discovered that, at some point, Kyroll's confident and beautiful dimple had already left an indelible mark on his heart.

   It's just because of Josie's deterrence that he has been unable to face this point.

   But now Frigga's words made him truly understand.

  But then a trace of bitterness appeared on his face, and he told the truth, "Mother, have you ever thought that the problem does not lie with her father, but with her father?"

  Locky's rhetorical question also directly stunned Frigga.

  She really didn't think about it.

Because as the Queen of Asgard, the aloof Lord of the Nine Realms, in the past thousands of years, except for the hostile forces, other forces have been rushing to curry favor with Asgard, and there has never been a question of whether to see or not It's a question of Asgard.

  So she instinctively believes that if Loki wants to marry a human girl, even if the other person is also a descendant of God, there shouldn't be a problem of saying he doesn't like Asgard.

   "So, you mean that her father, the **** on earth, doesn't agree with the matter between you?" Frigga asked, frowning.

   "...I'm afraid it is..." Loki nodded helplessly.

"Don't worry, child, you have to be more confident, you are the prince of Asgard, you are a young talent that cannot be found in the entire universe, as for the rest, leave it to me and your father!" Frigg After thinking about it, he said.

   "Leave it to you? What do you want to do?" Hearing Frigga's words, Loki's face changed slightly.

   "What's the matter? You haven't married someone else's daughter yet, so you start thinking about her? Don't worry, I won't offend your future father-in-law!" Seeing Loki's nervous expression, Frigga smiled happily.

  The child is growing up, that's great!

  (end of this chapter)

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