Marvel Plane Trader

Chapter 344: The layout of Ai sauce

  Chapter 344 The layout of Ai Jiang

  Alitham left, and Margot, who hadn't completed her promotion, was temporarily taken away by the other party.

  According to Alitham, Josie has laid the foundation for Margot, and the rest is just a finishing touch.

   Under normal circumstances, it will take less than half a month on the earth to complete the final transformation.

However, Margot, who has just completed her transformation, will definitely have a big problem in controlling her power. After all, the Celestial Race is too powerful. It will cause great damage to the earth.

  So after Margot's advanced stage is completed, Arisham will arrange for veteran powerhouses in the Celestial Race to guide and train her, and after she has mastered her own power to a certain extent, she will make her return to Earth on her own.

   And this time is estimated to be half an earth year.

   Josie did not object to this. One is that this is the most appropriate way to deal with both the earth and Margot.

  After all, he doesn't want Margot to accidentally take a picture of a city.

   On the other hand, at the level of Alitham, they all exist as one and the same.

Especially whether it is Josie's previous experience or Gu Yi's explanation, although the Celestials regard mortals as ants, their existence itself is more like a group of cosmic-level robots with self-awareness. Extra emotion, and almost no lying.

   Then there is the guarantee of Tiamat.

  So Josie doesn't need to worry too much about Margot's safety.

  However, after Alitham left, Josie quickly got busy, and began to send his subordinates to all the trading partners with whom he had a close relationship, to help these trading partners start comprehensive universe development activities.

  The purpose is to find those planets that may have star souls.

  Although so far, except for the Marvel where he is, Azeroth in the Warcraft universe, and Pandora, which has just absorbed the essence of the star soul in the Avatar world, Josie has not found the existence of the fourth plane with a star soul.

  But this doesn't mean that those planes really don't exist.

  After all, before this, the Avatar universe was just an ordinary world that Josie thought had little value except resources.

   But now it turns out that even in this seemingly ordinary world, it is possible for there to be a star-soul-like existence.

  Since this is the case, Josie, who has just obtained five Celestial Seeds from Alitham, naturally cannot let go of any possibility.

   This is not only a promise and exchange to Alitham, but also for Josie's own benefit, even if Josie needs to pay a very high cost for it.

  Because Alitham promised that the ownership rights of the five Celestial Seeds belong to Josie himself.

  Josie can use it for whomever she wants, as long as the promoted "God" must recognize the philosophy of the Celestial Race, and accept the call when the Celestial Race needs it.

   For the rest of the time, it doesn’t matter if Josie takes these gods promoted from mortals to conquer the universe—as long as they don’t conquer the same gods,

  However, this cost is really nothing to Josie now, and most of it just consumes some conventional resources.

  The consumption of these resources can often be replenished slowly by these planes themselves.

It's just that this is a long-term task after all. After all, any universe is too big. Even an existence like the Celestial Race can't say that it knows the entire universe well. In the vast universe, finding that extremely rare planet with a star soul is many times more difficult than finding a needle in a haystack. Whether it succeeds depends purely on luck.

  However, compared to these planes that do not know when they will be able to discover the star-soul planet, there is a plane that Josie can arrange wantonly.

   That is the Azeroth that Josie is thinking about.

It is now the end of 1960, and it has been 15 years since the first connection to the Azeroth universe. Little Abidis, who was only three years old at the time, is now an extremely heroic 18-year-old youth, and has already grown up for several years. years.

  It is a thing on earth to become an adult at the age of 18. In a magical medieval world like Azeroth, the rite of passage is already performed at the age of 15.

  Abbendis, who was only 18 years old, surpassed his earl father early in his title, and was made a marquis by King Terenas of Lordaeron.

   This is because Abidis is too young.

  In fact, according to the power that Abydis currently has, it is no problem to be a duke or even become a king.

  Because Abydis's own fiefdom is actually not within the scope of Lordaeron or even the Seven Kingdoms at all, but Northrend and Kalimdor, which are far away from the Seven Kingdoms and are difficult to reach under normal circumstances.

  With the help of Josie over the years, Abidis has also incorporated a large number of marginal races who are struggling to survive in Azeroth as his own people while continuing to carry out maritime trade.

   Such as tauren, yak people, vrykul, tusrus people and so on.

   Of course, there are also many human children who originally lived in some marginal areas and struggled to survive.

   And in Northrend's Borean Tundra, Sholazar Basin, Kalimdor's Dustwallow Marsh (Theramore area), and the Barrens (the northern castle in the game), a large number of cities and fortresses have been established.

In order to facilitate the rule, in addition to spending a lot of money, Abidis hired many high-level magicians to establish a large number of magic portals in these territories of his own, and also formed a group that was supposed to be decades later, The airship unit that appeared after the eruption of goblin, dwarf, dwarf and other racial technologies—of course, the existence of this airship unit is kept secret.

   But this is not Abbendis' final trump card—with Josie here, how could Abbendis not have a spaceship?

  With long-term hard work, the number of official subjects under its command has reached nearly one million after more than ten years of development.

   This is actually a very astonishing number in Azeroth.

  Because according to what Abides once said, according to the official tax population statistics of the Seven Kingdoms, the total human population of the Eastern Kingdom is less than 10 million.

   Among the Seven Great Kingdoms, the Kingdom of Outlander is the smallest and least populous, with a population of less than one million.

   In other words, in terms of population alone, Abidis's territory is not weaker than Alterac's.

Of course, the population of the Seven Kingdoms is all pure humans, with at most a handful of dwarves, gnomes, and high elves mixed in—these three races all have their own kingdoms, except for a small number of people who settled in the human kingdom. Some are not listed as citizens of the Seven Kingdoms.

  As for Abydis, there are almost all kinds of races under his command. Even this period is very closed, and there are night elves, which are extremely rare in Azeroth.

  No way, because with the help of Josie, what Abidis lacks most is the strategic material that is most lacking in the medieval world like Azeroth—food!

  However, it is obviously impossible for Abidis, who is so young and energetic to have such great power, to say that he is not inflated at all.

  In fact, it is not that he has not thought of becoming a king on his own under the advice of his subordinates these years.

   It's just that under Josie's persuasion, Abedis finally gave up the idea.

   Not only everything about him was given by Josie. In terms of importance, Josie is much more important than his biological parents.

It is because compared to the eyes of his subordinates and most of Azeroth's creatures, who still only focus on the one-acre three-point land of Azeroth, Abidis's eyes have already set his sights. At this time, the body of the most feared Burning Legion in the universe.

   After all, many years ago, when Abidis was fully sensible and started to develop a privateer fleet.

  Josie has basically told the other party all the secrets about Azeroth and the universe of Warcraft that he knows.

  From the creation of titans, to the battle of the ancients, from the existence of the ancient gods, the guardians of Tirisfal, to the opening of the dark gate that will come in a few years, etc.

  So for the current Abidis, it doesn't matter whether he is called king or not. After all, even the most powerful elf kingdom in Azeroth may not necessarily match the force and power he currently possesses.

  How to integrate all the forces of Azeroth to deal with future crises is the most important thing.

  However, it is impossible for him to spread these possible future things foolishly.

   Instead, under the guidance of Josie and some "teachers" Josie sent to him, he followed the strategy of accumulating food widely and becoming king slowly.

Not only did he not show any arrogance and disobedience to Terenas, but he took the initiative to attribute all his territories under the name of the Kingdom of Lordaeron, and even deliberately vacated some of the areas he occupied were relatively rich. The area was given to Terenas as a territory directly under the kingdom to fill the strength of the royal family of Lordaeron.

   Such "loyalty", Terenas is naturally very happy.

  His lifelong wish was to restore the glory of the ancient Thoradin Empire.

  It's just that although the Kingdom of Lordaeron is strong, it is impossible to suppress the other six kingdoms by itself.

   Especially Kul Tiras, which is isolated overseas, Stromgarde, which is equally powerful in military strength, and the Kingdom of Stormwind, which has the support of Thoradin's blood.

  As the power of Abbendis continued to expand over the years, he saw a slight possibility of fulfilling his wish.

  Of course Terenas is not without fear of Abidis' strength.

  But compared to the other six human kingdoms, Terenas thinks that the threat of Abidis is not worth mentioning.

   It's not that Abidis' strength is not enough.

   It's because Abidis doesn't have the blood of the ancient nobles-and this is a very important reason for the survival and continuation of the royal families of Azeroth today.

  Before the opening of the Dark Portal, to be precise, before the fall of the Kingdom of Lordaeron, the state of the human nations in the Eastern Kingdom was actually somewhat similar to that of the Spring and Autumn Period in ancient China.

   is very particular about oaths and covenants.

  This can be seen from the fact that the Stormwind Kingdom was destroyed, but Varian was adopted by Terenas, and that countries spent a lot of manpower and material resources to rebuild the Stormwind Kingdom after the war.

And in the current seven kingdoms (six kingdoms to be precise, there is no king in the mage kingdom Dalaran), there is such a rule that people who are not of the noble blood of the ancient Thoradin Empire are not allowed to be kings agreement!

   This is why in the future Azeroth, there will obviously be so many great lords with strong military strength.

  But there is no one who can become a king by himself.

The only exception is Dalaran - it can enter the list of the Seven Kingdoms, not only because of the power of the mage, but also because there is no royal family in Dalaran, but a parliamentary system, so naturally it does not violate the rules of other kingdoms. taboo.

   It is precisely this unwritten rule that, with the decline of the royal families of the major kings of mankind, the situation of the Wrynn family that finally all took advantage of the Storm royal family.

  So if Abydis really made himself king during this period, then he would inevitably be besieged by the Seven Kingdoms.

   Not to mention the people of Abydis, the number of human beings is not much.

  Although Abidis fully possesses the strength to flatten all human kingdoms except Dalaran, there is no doubt that this way of consuming his own racial strength is not advisable.

  But if the current royal monopoly of Azeroth is broken by external forces, there will be no problem at all.

  There is no doubt that this external force is naturally only the orcs of Draenor and the Burning Legion behind the orcs, as well as the Scourge that has not yet appeared.

That is to say, under the unwritten agreement of the Seven Kingdoms, Terenas not only did not deliberately contain Abbendis, but also gave Abbendis a lot of benefits under the condition of The human kingdom opened its doors wide open.

   He even betrothed his own daughter, Jialisi Menethil, to Abidis as a fiancée—no way, Jialisi is only 8 years old now, so she can only be a fiancee.

   But when Jialisi is 15 years old and reaches the age of adulthood in Azeroth, Abidis can officially become Lordaeron's son-in-law.

   Under Josie's instruction, Abidis was naturally very happy.

  Imagine, when Arthas, like the original time and space, took up Frostmourne to kill his father and slaughter Lordaeron.

   Then Abidis took his wife Jialisi and led troops to rescue, successfully defeated Alsace who betrayed mankind, defeated the Scourge Legion and Burning Officer, and became the savior of Azeroth...

   Tsk, that picture is simply too wonderful.

   But these are Abides' ultimate goals, not Josie's.

  If Josie’s previous needs for Azeroth were only the countless magic materials, then now he has completely set his sights on Azeroth itself.

   No, not just Ai Jiang, but also those Titans and Eternals.

  These are existences similar to the Celestials in Josie's universe, and perhaps all of them can become nourishment for the Seed of the Celestials.

   If you want to achieve this goal, then Josie's original plan for Abidis is not enough.

  He has to do some deeper layout!

  (end of this chapter)

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