Marvel Plane Trader

Chapter 346: mission

  Chapter 346 Mission

  Unfalling City, the northern castle of the original space-time future, is also the seat of Abydis in Kalimdor.

The location of the northern castle is close to mountains and rivers, and it is a valley mountain that is easy to defend and difficult to attack. In terms of geographical location and natural environment, it is actually better than Ratchet City in the north and Theramore in the southwest. better.

  This is also the reason why whether it was Daelin or Jaina, after establishing Theramore, they still wanted to build a northern castle at this location.

   On the one hand, it is closer to the inland of the barren land, which helps to restrain the tribes. On the other hand, the location here is really suitable for building a fortress.

  As long as fortresses and forts are built on both sides of the valley, in the fort, and on the island in the bay, it will be difficult to capture even thousands of troops.

  But for various reasons, neither Daelin nor Jaina was able to successfully establish the defenses around the northern castle in the early days. It was not until the later stage of the alliance, after the Stormwind Kingdom took over, that they began to complete the construction.

And now, under the reminder of Josie, it is obviously impossible for Abbendis to make the mistake of Proudmoore and his daughter, and they have built this place like an iron barrel early—now Abendis dares to say that the whole Any mortal kingdom in Azeroth, even two elven kingdoms, would never be able to capture this castle if he was prepared!

   Hence the name Never Falling City!

  Although Josie felt that when translated into Chinese, it sounds a bit like a tribal city, which is very awkward, but this is someone else's castle, and he is not good at expressing too many opinions.

In addition to not falling into the city, Abidis also cleared all the hostile forces in the territory, respectively at the crossroads of the original time and space, the Taurajo Camp, and the Tiragarde Fortress (the ruins of the human castle in the south of Orgrimmar). A series of castle fortresses have been established in locations such as , Theramore, and Razor Heights, and the entire Barrens area has been built like an iron barrel.

In terms of territorial area, Northrend is not counted. Just the Barrens, Kotal (Durotar) and Mulgore regions have already crushed any human kingdom, second only to the territory of the Night Elf Empire —The third war of Archimonde leading the invasion of the Burning Legion has not yet happened, the world tree of Felwood Forest and Mount Hyjal has not yet been destroyed, the furbolgs in Winterspring Valley have not yet fallen, and the Stonetalon Mountains have not yet been destroyed by the Horde Deforestation, and Feralas that was not destroyed (Desolation was originally a part of Feralas, it was destroyed in three invasions, before that the centaurs in this area were also suppressed by night elves, and after the invasion of Burning Legion, it was destroyed by night elves give up, they are completely controlled by centaurs), so these areas are still the territory of the huge night elf empire.

   This is also one of the reasons why Abbydis is unwilling to fight against the night elf empire. Although the current night elf empire is not at its peak (before the War of Quicksand), it is still at its peak.

  Although I am not afraid, it is not necessary.

Of course, the cities and fortresses established by Abbendis in the above areas, except for the name of Taurazu because it is a tauren tribe, obviously it is impossible to keep the original name, and because of productivity reasons, its scale and quality It is far from comparable.

   Especially Theramore and Tiragarde.

  The former is the name Jaina established her own city after she came to Kalimdor, and the meaning of this name is the vocabulary formed by the suffixes of Thrall+Proudmoore.

  Its implication is the two alliances of Thrall and Jaina Proudmoore.

   It was only later that with the arrival of Dailin Proudmoore and being backstabbed by her own daughter, the name also had a hint of irony.

  The latter was established by Daelin Proudmoore in order to attack Orgrimmar, named after the Tiragarde Channel in Kul Tiras.

   Abides has nothing to do with the Proudmoore family. Even because of the competition for sea expansion over the years, the two sides still have no semi-hostile relationship on the surface. Naturally, it is impossible to use such a name.

  So the original Theramore became the West Guard Fortress—because it was located at the westernmost end of the entire territory.

The Tiragarde Fortress has become New Udgart. There is no doubt that the name comes from the Vrykul. The main garrison of this fortress is also the Vrykul. The city lord is the leader of the original Udgart Castle. One, Ingvar the Predator—Because King Ymiron and Queen Angboda of the Predatory Dragon Clan were sold to Josie by Abides early on, and they were defeated and killed.

  So among the Vrykuls under Abides, Ingvar the Predator has become the actual supreme leader of the Vrykuls.

In the past few years, the above information about Abidis' territory in the Kalimdor region has already been learned by the night elves—whether it is the Sentinels, the Cenarion Council, or the Watchers, they are all right. Corresponding information has been investigated.

Of course, this is also due to the fact that there are too many and complex races in the territory of Abydis, and it does not exclude any foreign ethnic groups. With the large-scale commercial trade began to be excessive.

  But among the three forces of the night elves, the one who has investigated the situation of Abydis most clearly is the Watcher army.

Just like the matter of Abbendis's upcoming expedition to the Broken Isles, the Watchers were the first to get definite information. Of course, this matter cannot be said that Abbendis's actions are not secret, mainly due to the scale of the preparations for the expedition to the Broken Isles. It was too big to hide at all, and Abbydis didn't want to hide it at all.

   After all, this is what people eat, and as long as the watchers take off their armor, they are completely ordinary night elf civilians, and their temperament is not as easy to attract attention as sentinels and druids.

However, what they can investigate is only the general situation of Abbendis's territory, and Abbendis himself and some hidden secrets in the deeper layers are extremely guarded. much information.

  Especially Abidis is not a friendly lord—in a medieval magical world like Azeroth, some warlike races such as the Vrykul are afraid of power and not virtuous.

   Being too close to the people as a lord is not a good thing.

  So in the eyes of the outside world, Abidis is a relatively mysterious and terrifying lord, and there are many terrible legends about him.

   It is precisely because of the mystery of Abbendis that Maiev Shadowsong, the leader of the watchmen, is more vigilant about the existence of Abbendis.

"Tyrande, I have to remind you again, as long as this human lord has any evil thoughts, it will become a serious problem for us!" As the ornately decorated transport ship of General Dark Night slowly approached the port of Buluo City, looking at the With a majestic castle, hideous-looking forts and towers, and a busy port, Maiev Shadowsong, who took off her Warden armor and disguised herself as a night elf maid, faced Tai who stood in front of her. Rand said.

  After learning the exact news that Abbendis was going to lead the army to the Broken Isles, Tyrande sent an envoy to visit Abbendis in person to find out the opponent's real purpose!

Although Maiev's Shadow Song doesn't fit well with Tyrande—the grievances between the two can be traced back to the War of the Ancients, but in order to be able to get in touch with Abidis at close range, learn about this man who can forcibly blend so many different races into one The mysterious human lord together, she still chose to cooperate with Tyrande this time.

   "But at least they don't show any hostility towards us now, do they?" Tyrande replied while gently stroking the warm fur on the head of Georette, her white tiger mount, beside her.

   "Don't forget the lesson of the War of the Ancients! Tyrande, the human lord, is very suspicious!" Maiev's Song of Shadow emphasized again.

"Of course I understand, Maiev! But you must know that we cannot take hostile measures against a powerful mortal lord just because of any suspicion!" Tyrande said helplessly, she didn't know where Maiev came from to deal with this Human lords are so hostile.

   "Hmph, whatever you want!" Maiev snorted coldly, then shut up.

   Not only because what Tyrande said made sense, but also because the ship was about to enter the port.

  The port of Buluo City is very large and busy, but the defense is also very strict. Under normal circumstances, ships entering the port have to wait for a long time.

  But Tyrande and the others are envoys, so they naturally have privileges. Soon, a small boat will lead their ships to the envoy's exclusive berth.

It’s not just a coincidence, it was intentional by the dock management staff. On the berth adjacent to Tyrande and the others, there was also an elf-style ship parked, but the red paintwork and the golden phoenix flag flying on a red background , but it shows the identity of the other party's Quel'Thalas high elf.

  Although they are both elves, they are also distant relatives, but the endless love and hatred between the two families is enough to separate tens of thousands of years.

  Seeing the arrival of the night elves' ship, the high elves' ship was a little restless, but because this was a human territory, and there was no one who could really make the decision on the ship, the restlessness quickly subsided.

  The night elves also noticed this situation, but as the leader, Tyrande just glanced at the opponent's ship and didn't pay much attention to it, and Maiev didn't even glance over there.

   On the contrary, some night elf crew members cursed at each other in a low voice.

  Of course it is conceivable that the crew on the high elf ship will most likely scold these distant relatives with purple skin.

"Welcome to Unfallen City, honorable priestess! I am Baine Bloodhoof, Chief Security Officer of Unfallen City! Your Excellency has been waiting for a long time, please come with me!" The person responsible for welcoming Tyrande was a Wearing heavy armor, the tauren general who looks very honest is Kane Bloodhoof, the second-generation leader of the original space-time tauren.

  Many people may think that the calf Bane Bloodhoof, the second-generation chief of the Tauren, should be very young at this time, or even not born.

   But the reality is not the case.

  Bane was not only not young at this time, he was even a round older than Abidis, already thirty years old.

  By the time he becomes a chief in the future, he will actually be in his sixties.

  In Azeroth, although the tauren are not considered long-lived species, their lifespan is basically higher than that of humans, and under normal circumstances they can reach more than one hundred years old.

  For example, Kane Bloodhoof, according to Blizzard’s official data, was born 79 years before the opening of the Dark Portal, and is now 74 years old, and he was 107 years old when he died in a duel with Xiaohou.

  So it is quite normal for Chief Kane, 74, to have a thirty-year-old son.

   After the tauren was conquered by Abidis, Baine Bloodhoof became his follower for a long time, and now he has become the chief security officer of Unfallen City.

  (end of this chapter)

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