One minute, 114,322 reservations!

This also means that in this short minute, more than 110,000 people have paid real money to recognize Dabai!

This kind of data is even much stronger than the most famous mobile phone manufacturers in the technology circle!

You know, mobile phones are generally the number of appointments, and you can make an appointment by entering a mobile phone number for free… Like Fang Yan, to pay 1,000 yuan as a deposit, the price is as high as 880,000, but the data can reach such an amazing point, has been able to kill all the peers in the technology circle back and forth dozens of times!

At the same time, this also means that Dabai has officially opened up an unimaginable intelligent robot market!

Expensive, is not the reason to stop the footsteps of the general public, only whether the product can impress people, is the shackles that block people’s recognition of science and technology!

Dabai proves this with perfect data!

Even if the price is as high as 880,000, it can still make countless people willingly pay for this revolutionary epoch-making product!

“I didn’t expect Dabai’s acceptance to be so high… It seems that I underestimated the purchasing power of the general public! ”

Fang Yan couldn’t help but sigh.

Originally, in his expectation, it was very remarkable that the reservation amount could exceed 10,000!

You must know that the price of Dabai is 880,000, which is equivalent to the price of a house in some third- and fourth-tier cities!

However, reality gave Fang Yan a big surprise, and the reservation volume not only exceeded 10,000, but even reached as much as eleven times the estimate!

“Young Master, the reservation amount is already 150,000!”

Fang Yitong refreshed it again, and saw that the number of reservations on the official website jumped directly to 150,000, and couldn’t help but get excited again!

At this rate, it is only a matter of time before the predetermined volume exceeds one million!

But as for stopping at one million, two million, or three million in the end, Fang Yan doesn’t matter anymore… As long as there is the current predetermined amount, Fangshen Technology can be regarded as completely gaining a foothold, and his technological empire will also rise at this moment!

Of course, more importantly, with so many sales, it means that Fang Yan will also sit on the huge profits brought by Dabai!

If the sales volume is 1 million units, after deducting all miscellaneous costs, the net profit of one unit is 500,000, then 1 million units is 500 billion!

What does 500 billion mean?

It represents that Fangshen Technology has become one of the most profitable companies in the world with only one product!

“The result was really pleasantly surprised, unexpected… However, the booking volume is too large, and the production capacity is a big problem! ”

After the euphoria and excitement, Fang Yan’s sanity gradually returned.

With the sales volume, the next biggest problem is capacity!

With Fang Yan’s current production rate of 1,000 units a day, 1 million units, it would take him two and a half years to get it!

And it is the kind of state that can only be done in a state where in addition to eating and sleeping, running and working all day long!

What’s more, sales will not stop here, but will accumulate day by day with time… Obviously, Fang Yan could no longer be responsible for the production of this work himself, otherwise he would be bored even if he was not tired to death!

“Young Master, what should I do then? Or should we hire workers to do it? ”

Fang Yitong suggested.

“The yield of workers is low, and the efficiency is low, which is the most helpless choice when there is no choice… But now that I have such an efficient tool as a micro-robot in my hands, it is too LOW! ”

Fang Yan’s eyes flashed, “What I need now is a stand-in who can completely obey my orders, be absolutely loyal, and be able to carry out this work 24 hours a day!” ”

“Young Master, or you can teach me! I’ll be able to do it for sure! ”

Fang Yitong volunteered.

“Silly girl, I can’t eat that intensity every day, let alone you!”

“You better stay and serve me!”

“Although don’t worry, this little thing is still difficult for your young master and mine!”

Fang Yan touched Fang Yitong’s head and grinned.


“Boom! Fangshen Technology’s latest product is white, the price is as high as 880,000, and the reservation volume has exceeded one million in 24 hours! ”

“With a planned sales of 900 billion, it ranks among the world’s top companies! Fangshen Technology became popular overnight! ”

“Shenglan Kingdom has given birth to the first world-class technology company, which is gratifying!”

“The storm sweeping the country, a large number of great whites are about to strike!”


The next day, the news of Dabai’s sales undoubtedly quickly dominated all the headlines of the news!

The entire Shenglan Kingdom, even if they did not pay attention to Dabai, at this time, they all knew that Fangshen Technology Dabai had a reservation of more than one million and a sales volume of more than 900 billion, and they were shocked!

Even many foreign newspapers rushed to report this news, so that many foreign melon-eating people recognized the name of Fangshen Technology, which had never been heard before!

“Nine hundred billion, I’ll drop a good drop!”

“It’s terrifying! Fangshen Technology: This is a wave of rise, right? ”

“My Great Shenglan has finally figured out a decent technology company, haha!”

“Don’t rejoice too early! I don’t know how Dabai is now! In case it doesn’t work… Hum! It’s good to have him! ”

“And lo and behold! Yesterday’s million-dollar bookings have only risen by less than 100,000 today, which is obviously insufficient strength! At most, it’s just a wave! ”

“It’s just a reservation quantity, and it’s not directly giving money to place an order, do you really think there are 900 billion?”


As soon as the news came out, some people were shocked, some people were surprised, some people were proud, but some people sang down, sour words, and they were not optimistic about the future development of Fangshen Technology.

But no matter how they reacted in the end, they could not change the fact that Dabai was completely explosive!

“How did it sell so hot?!”

“This guy is cheating!”

At the same time, seeing the news report, Zhou Zheng’s face suddenly became extremely bad!

The reservation volume exceeded one million, and the sales were 900 billion, even if it was the Zhou family, it had to add up all its domestic and foreign industries to reach this height!

However, Fang Yan was on an equal footing with their Zhou family with just one intelligent robot, could this not make Zhou Zheng’s face ugly?

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