Marvel Super Extraction

Chapter 397: Cloned Superman

Then Jiang Yuan and others, under the thought of Jiang Yuan, directly moved back to Earth with the warship.

The place where they appeared was a sea area.

After appearing here, Jiang Yuan and others left the battleship. After they left, the warship sneaked into the water.

Then Jiang Yuan and others went to the villa next to the sea.

This villa was built by Tony Stark.

In the same position as the Marvel universe.

Looking at it, it is exactly the same.

And it's not just the same appearance, even the configuration inside is exactly the same.

After entering the villa, they came to one of the rooms.

Tony Stark made a lot of wine from the bar and then drank it with Superman.

"Sentinel, I am very curious, how do you have this strength in the end, and not only you, but also Jiangyuan?" Superman drinking while, 13 can not help but curious to ask the sentinel.

"I have said to Peter about this matter, oh, you still don't know who Peter is, hey, this is the Peter Spider in the Spider-Man suit." The sentry spoke and said a face. Smiling and pointing to Spider-Man, this will not have the kind of high cold that started fighting Superman.

"Hello, Peter." Superman picked up the glass and touched Spider-Man.

"Hello, Bruce." Spiderman smiled and said.

"My name is Banner."

"I am Norman Osborne..."

"I am, Hank Pim..."


With the dialogue between Superman and Spider-Man, next to Norman Osborne and others also introduced themselves.

After Superman had a drink with them one by one, Super Talent once again asked the sentinel curiously: "How did you get the strength?"

"The sentinel said that he had inadvertently broke into a laboratory before, and then drank a bottle of medicine, and then he had a super strength." Not waiting for the sentinel to answer, the dead waiter said with a hippie smile: "That is letting die." Grandpa, quite envious and hate..."

"Who said no, I am equally envious." Ants second generation.

"Pharmaceutical? Just a bottle of medicine, can you make your strength so strong? This... This is too unbelievable." Superman said incredibly.

"Although it is really amazing, there is nothing unacceptable. Just like you, isn't your physique unique? And your comets are not as powerful as you are, you also have a certain Variants.

The kind of potion that the sentinel drank only made him genetically altered, and suddenly broke through some limit. Jiang Yuan said with a smile.

"It is said that it is quite unbelievable." Superhuman.

"In any case, you and the sentinel are two changes." You can easily blast the planet at once, and your power is simply scary." Ants second generation.

"Well, yes, it's two changes." You are suitable for soaping each other." The dead waiter said with a smile.

"..." Superman.

With the inquiry of Superman, and the joke of the dead waiter, Superman is also quickly integrated into the team of Jiangyuan.

With the integration, Superman found that Peter Parker and others were very good at getting along.

Everyone is different.

Each has a special strength.

As he joined the team and followed Superman's participation in Norman Osborne's experiment, Norman Osborne gave a lot of blood to study.

In these studies, Norman Osborne and Spider-Man are very interested in such research.

And not only are they interested, but the same is true of Batman.

Although with the addition of Jiangyuan's team, Batman's suit was upgraded and developed by Tony Stark and Dr. Hankpem, etc., so that it has greatly improved on the basis of the original. And also used the team's standard Fu Lili, genetic strengthening agents to strengthen the body.

But after seeing the ultimate power of Superman and Sentinel, whether it is the power of Superman or Sentinel, it is quite interesting.

This will see Norman Osborne and others study Superman, and Superman is willing to cooperate with the research, he naturally participated in it.

Although Batman is not as good as Norman Osbourne in terms of biological ability, Batman is also a genius, and he does not understand anything.

Under their research, the first thing they tried was cloning.

Clone using Superman's cells and then try to control clones with a chip.

But cloning is not a one-off process, it takes time to nurture.

In the process of cloning, they also tried to use Superman's serum to conduct research, synthesis, and see if they could make new evolutionary agents.

In addition, the blood of the sentinel was also taken out, and the blood of the two men was merged and compared.

Under their circumstance, their research has a great breakthrough.


It’s just a short half year.

Norman Osborne and others have succeeded in cultivating a group of superhumans.


A batch!

A total of thirty-six people.

Named by Jiang Yuan as thirty-six days.

These clones of Superman have implanted special chips in each body.

Let them accept the order.

However, although they are clones, their power is not comparable to that of Superman.

Although it also has a certain strength of Superman.

But it is actually a weak version.

But even so, for the thirty-six days, each one is very powerful.

Just take out one, and the strength of Superman who has not become Silver Superman is much stronger than that of one.

Such people, once there is no limit, let them go out, it is definitely a terrible existence.

Seeing them, Jiang Yuan was able to name them, but also could not help but think of a group of people.

A group of people named artificial people.

It was a stalwart character named Dragon.

Every strength is terrible.

It’s quite easy to break the planet or something. .

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