Marvel Super Extraction

Vol 2 Chapter 43: breakthrough

"Isn't it bio-energy? No problem, I know, you tell me how much I need, I can pay, no problem." Jiang Yuan said immediately.

"There is not much to say about the creatures consumed this time. It is said to be a lot less, but for you now, it is still very painful, because if you want to get him back, you need to waste it once to make the extraction. The genetic opportunity is, in general, the same amount as the gene you specify to extract Sun Wukong. Are you sure you really want to consume these bio-energy?" asked in September 5th.

Originally, Jiangyuan thought that it only took a few times to extract the bio-energy that was extracted immediately, but did not expect that it was so much. Now Jiangyuan can only specify the bio-energy that can be extracted once and then extracted four times. If the dead forest is restored, Jiangyuan has only four chances to withdraw immediately!

At this time, Jiangyuan fell into meditation.

After thinking about it for a while, watching the dead forest lying on the bed, Jiang Yuan gritted his teeth and said, "Your heart."

"Nothing, it will be consumed if it is consumed. After all, it can be obtained again, but now the state of the dry forest is very serious, you will help me directly, I want him to recover!" Jiang Yuan said.

383 nine five two seven heard the words nodded, then told Jiangyuan what to do.

Listening to the explanation of 957, Jiang Yuan understood a little bit about what he should do. Then Jiang Yuan began to experiment a little bit according to the words of 953.

At this time, Jiang Yuan slowly raised the head of the dry forest.

"Kid, in order to let you recover, I have paid a lot, you don't want to eat outside, or else I will let you experience this feeling once. See 1 hair 2 line 3 Chinese network" After a moment, I immediately started the action according to the instructions of 9:527.

I only saw Jiang Yuan rubbing his hands and rubbing it, and during the rubbing period, he kept sending his own breath to his hands.

Although Jiangyuan’s gas was produced by the turtle qigong gene that was absorbed by the turtle fairy, but because of the special nature of Jiangyuan, after the turtle qigong gene was absorbed by Jiangyuan, it changed, although it could still be released. But the nature has changed a lot.

At this time, after Jiangyuan’s gas reached his own hands, Jiangyuan immediately put his hands on the vest of the dry forest, and directly used his own gas to transport it to the body of the dry forest.

“Seeing that there are injured creatures, you need to consume bio-energy to help recover, do you choose to help restore?”

I have already said this thing in 9:527. At this time, when I heard this voice, Jiangyuan immediately chose it. Then Jiangyuan felt that the gas in his body was constantly transported to the body of the dry forest. .

"Choose the consumption of biomass to help restore the organism, you need to consume the biomass to develop the amount of extraction, the consumption is successful, and now it begins to recover!" After saying that Jiangyuan's body directly began to consume his own biological energy, and Jiangyuan Gas.

As Jiangyuan continued to convey his own qi, he only saw the dead forest that had just been faceless, and his body slowly recovered, and his face slowly became rosy.

After a while, Jiang Yuan felt that the energy in his body seemed to be a little insufficient, and quickly shouted.

"Nine-five, two, what happened, why do I feel that my energy is not enough? What is the situation, how to consume so much?" Jiang Yuan asked anxiously.

"Save people and your normal energy delivery is not the same, because you need to recover his body, there is a need to adjust his body, and finally you need to help consolidate his body, so you The energy that needs to be consumed becomes three times normal, so there is no need to be afraid. This is a normal reflection." explained in September 25th.

"Rely, why don't I be nervous, my energy is already a little bit (bdba) enough, what should I do? I think he hasn't recovered too much yet, I am afraid that not only will he not save him, but even me. I also rushed in, and quickly gave me a way, what should I do!" Jiang Yuan immediately asked.

"Then you use bio-energy to exchange your energy, this should be no problem. After all, your energy and bio-energy are connected, so you can switch normally, so you need it?" asked in September 5th.

Just kidding now, but it involves two lives. How can Jiangyuan choose to disagree, quickly nod and agree, and directly exchange all his biological energy.

Just as Jiangyuan had just chosen to exchange, Jiang Yuan felt that his energy was constantly increasing. He had already been close to the energy that was not there. At this time, he completely recovered, and there was still a feeling of overflow.

Looking at the abundant energy in his body, Jiangyuan knew that there was no problem this time, and then increased the amount of transportation again, and while Jiangyuan increased the amount of transportation, the face of the dry forest finally returned to normal, and The breath has also stabilized.

Looking at the dry forest at this time, Jiangyuan slightly relieved, but because of fear that the dead forest would not be completely restored, Jiangyuan continued to transport his energy until his energy was only half. Jiang Yuan stopped.

On the other hand, the dead forest at this time, the face is exactly the same as normal, and the body's breath has become more powerful.

Feeling the smell of the dry forest, Jiang Yuan did not think that because of his own help, the dry forest actually broke through, and then Jiang Yuan pushed to the side to watch the state of the dry forest.

In the previous battle, the dead forest was in a state of life and death, and the last moment was about to break through. It was just because the energy in the body was insufficient, so there was no breakthrough.

But in the end, after the dead forest fell to the ground and was helped by Jiangyuan, the body of the dead forest recovered. At the end of the river, Jiangyuan still did not stop transmitting energy, because the dry forest could break through at this time.

At this time, the dry forest sat on his bed and crossed his knees, and the atmosphere was getting stronger and stronger. When he reached a critical point, he finally shouted out loudly, and then he felt very powerful. The breath has come out.

Then the dry forest has not stopped changing, floating directly in the air, and the body is constantly emitting a burst of light, giving people a very sacred feeling.

Looking at the state of the dry forest at this time, Jiangyuan knew that the dry forest had broken through, and then smiled and said.

"Not bad, it seems that my energy has not been in vain, the kid is yours." After Jiang Yuan turned and left. .

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