Marvel Super Extraction

Vol 2 Chapter 120: Strongest blow

When he heard Jiang Yuan, the big devil of the Baker shouted.

"Kid, you are looking for death. Today I will let you know that I am not so good to deal with it!" After the Big Devil screamed, he saw the blood flowing from the body of the Big Devil to the outside. At the end of the day, I only saw a thick layer of blood on the body of the Big Devil covering the whole body. In the end, the direct horror could not see the body of the Big Devil.

Seeing this situation, Jiang Yuan understands that the Big Devil as a period of BOSS, how can there be no killer, he wants to kill the Big Devil or need a little strength, at this time, see the status of the Big Devil, Jiang Yuan understands that he has already closed the road to the Big Devil.

After the body of the Big Devil was completely covered with blood, he saw that the blood on the body of the Big Devil finally moved slowly toward the body of the Big Devil, and finally he slowly changed. It became a strange case of Figure 13 and the moment when these patterns appeared, Jiang Yuan only felt that there was a cold atmosphere in this cave.

As the cold atmosphere appeared, the gas exhaled by the Big Devil became a piece of air-conditioning, and at the moment of exhalation, the whole solidified immediately and became a layer of ice.

Then I saw only the cold air from the Big Devil of Bika, and the black flame that came out of Jiangyuan was frozen. Then after freezing these black flames, I was still freezing the whole space a little. Look at ‘毛.线,中.文,网

However, at this time, the Big Devil of the Bigk spit out a blood. After the blood spit out, Jiang Yuan felt that the atmosphere of the Big Devil had weakened a bit, and it continued to weaken.

After feeling this change, Jiang Yuan understood that the original Becker's card was to let the menstrual blood flow out of them, and finally become a totem-like pattern, finally drawn in his body, and completed in the drawing. In a flash, the strength will increase a lot.

"Cut, it turned out to be a trick that hurts a thousand self-destructive eight hundred. I thought it was a powerful ability. If this is the case, I really have no interest in it, but you will not think so." You can be my opponent!" Jiang Yuan said with a mockery.

The Big Devil also understands his own move. This is the skill of the Big Devil after he absorbed the blood. He can understand the blood in his body and finally become an evil force. Draw a totem in the city, and the moment the totem appears, it will increase the ability of the Big Devil to several times, but this move is not only harmful to others, but even harmful to himself, so at the beginning of the big The devil has not been used, and there is a disadvantage in this move, that is, the duration is relatively short, only the Baker Devil can get a certain ability in a short time, but in the end it will slowly as time goes by. disappear.

At this time, the Big Devil is obviously overwhelmed by Jiang Yuan’s strange ability, otherwise he will never use this move, because it is very likely that he will not be able to get away.

The Big Devil of Bick knows the shortcomings of this move, and the moment he is released. Immediately extinguished the black flame that covered him, and prepared to create a little trouble for Jiangyuan, then he escaped the dilemma.

"Kid, don't think that you really can get me, you are far worse than me, then I will let you know the fear!" After the Becker's mouth, the bar grows very big, and In front of his mouth), he was constantly absorbing the evil atmosphere, and constantly condensed, and finally became a black and purple sphere. After the appearance of this sphere, he felt a strong and powerful evil atmosphere. Constantly condensed, and finally completely covered the entire space, but also a vague feeling of becoming a materialization.

As for Jiangyuan at this time, while feeling the strong evil atmosphere, Jiang Yuan actually felt that his body was like being trapped in a quagmire. It was completely unmovable, and finally there was no way to see Jiang. In the source of the body, the seven abilities are constantly alternating to resist this evil atmosphere.

As the seven forces alternated, the threat of the Big Devil's ability to Jiangyuan's manufacturing became smaller and smaller. Slowly, Jiangyuan completely broke the power and appeared in front of Jiangyuan. A colorful light that blocks all the energy as soon as it appears.

Seeing Jiang Yuan’s appearance at this time, Bick’s Big Devil was shocked and knew that he could not drag any more. Otherwise, it was very likely that he could not go completely. Then he only heard the Big Devil’s scream.

"Kid, do you think that this is all right? Is it too naive, then the real attack, I said let you know what is called fear, lend me a trick!" Seeing the force of the Big Devil, the black sphere in front of him attacked Jiangyuan. Not only that, but around the black sphere, the space also collapsed without 403, and the speed slowly toward the river. The source attacked.

The Big Devil in this small space uses such a terrible force, obviously ready to let Jiangyuan suffer, but Jiang Yuan will make the Bick Big Devil so simple? Of course, the answer is no, only to see Jiang Yuan hit the ability to use his own lightning, the opponents this power.

The ability of thunder and lightning, the original ability to suppress the evil power base friends, coupled with Jiangyuan's lightning power has a certain variation, at this time only see the lightning in the black ball collided together for a moment, actually produced The degree of difference.

At this time, Jiang Yuan was still attacking by the defender BAK Devil, but the Bigger Devil saw that his strongest move could not hurt Jiang Yuan. He was afraid of death in his heart, and then fled outside for a moment. Going out, I finally escaped with fear.

The black sphere was directly suppressed by Jiang Yuan in the absence of the support of the Big Devil. Then Jiangyuan shouted, and a powerful lightning flashed out and attacked the black. Above the sphere, it is also the source of Jiang Yuan. The black sphere that has lost the ability of the Big Devil is only heard and completely disappeared! .

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