Marvel Super Extraction

Vol 4 Chapter 66: Chasing

After seeing Jiang Yuan leave, the man who raided Jiangyuan climbed up and came to the wind to clean up (after asking: "Why, why should such a person be so polite?"

Feng Jing smiled and said: "This person is very special, give me a feeling (I feel that I will use it later, so I think about making a good deal with it, or maybe I think about it myself. Look at 1 hair 2 line 3 Chinese The net is good, let's go." After leaving, they left with two people.

At the moment, Jiangyuan came back to the wind and squatted there. After flying for a long time, he still couldn’t find any quiet place. Because this road came over, he encountered three or four waves of people. This made Jiangyuan somewhat embarrassed, so good. When is the film forest so rare?

After circumventing these people, after a long time, 9252 reminded: "Hey! The system prompts that there is a cave nearby, which is the nest of the ancient wild animals."

Hearing here, Jiangyuan is very high (Xingdi came here according to the tips of 9:27, and found that the environment is very quiet, and no one is here, it is a wonderful place, thinking about this The scorpion mouse will find a place! Then, when it is close to the cave, a fast figure appears in front of himself.

The cold atmosphere made Jiangyuan suddenly alert, and a backflip barely avoided the attack. Slowly landing 13 looked at the other party is actually a small mouse, but the breath is very powerful, just Judging from the attack power just now, this one should only be a slap in the face, but it is not offensive, but it is only subconsciously licking its own cave.

Thinking of this, Jiangyuan smiled and said: "I don't mean anything to you, the little guy, use your treasure, I don't know if it is good?" After he finished speaking, Jiangyuan wanted to give himself a big mouth (Bazi, this is only a day. How can the mouse understand his own words? It’s really playing on the cows. then waited for a moment to come to the front of the mouse.

I grabbed it and said that it’s very good to be a hairy look. (Love, it’s a pity, it’s a temper. And then the squirrel, actually in Jiangyuan’s hand (the brush disappeared and appeared again, It is next to its cave, one (face seriously staring at this poor source of Jiangyuan.

I thought it wouldn't work if I didn't do it, but then, Jiang Yuan discovered how stupid he was! I don’t know why every time my own attack has come to the front, the squirrels will disappear instantly, as if their speed is always slow, but Jiang Yuan’s determination of the attack is even a human being. It is impossible to hide.

Moreover, Jiang Yuan is very confident about his speed, but now he is helpless in the face of this scorpion, and naturally there are three points in his heart that are really moving. But I can't touch it at all, and Jiang Yuan’s head hurts.

Finally, I saw that the scorpion mouse was guarding his own cave here, and Jiangyuan had to find another one.

Just when Jiangyuan left, the three figures appeared in the old nest of the squirrels. They didn't see what they wanted. The people who were the first ones were also angry and angry. They said to each other (the latter two said: "Two A waste, I have been wasting you for such a long time, so that you are behind (slow (slow following me first).

After the moment, it disappeared, and the direction of departure seemed to be where Jiang Yuan left.

At the same time, Jiangyuan finally found a good place, and the owner of this place has been cleaned up by Jiang Yuan. Looking at it, he laughed and entered it. Then he sat down cross-legged and closed his eyes. The searcher, Mingyang Xuan Gong, finally found it, and began to practice, yin and yang reconciliation, two breaths exist in the upper body and the lower body, pulling each other.

Jiang Yuan also felt (he felt his own blood and body (the body has undergone some subtle changes, just like this, after a long time, after running for a week according to the practice of the meditation of Xuan Gong, Jiang Yuan opened his eyes, but When I opened my eyes again, my eyes radiated amazing light.

And it is unfortunate that this light just happened to be chased by the people who chased him. "Good boy, there is still a mood to practice, huh, huh is not bad, if it is just ordinary people, the master will not let me Come out." After the dark shadow disappeared slowly, I saw where I wanted to go to Jiangyuan.

In the sense (after suffering from his own body (the body, Jiang Yuan found himself (the affinity of the body to the surrounding aura, but also rose, just do not know what will happen to the battle of Mingyang Xuan Gong!

Just a little Jiang Yuan is very puzzled. If this method is very strong, why is that person not practicing? Is it not in line with cultivation, or is there another secret that is unknown, so that this person has not cultivated this practice?

At this time, the nine-five-seven-seven reminder: "Hey! The system prompts that there is a strong breath in the place where the host is located, is flying fast, the target is the host, it is recommended to evacuate quickly." I heard the reminder of 9252 Jiang Yuan is happy. "It seems that I am very popular recently! Hahaha."

After the success, Jiang Yuan also knew that he might not be the opponent of the coming. Now, there is no other way to escape. Therefore, he is ready to leave and leave here for a long time.

Just as Jiangyuan walked out of the hole, a sound of emptying directly caused his eye to shrink. After turning one side, he only heard a bang from his ear (a loud noise, the cave he was still in) And has collapsed into ruins, seeing here, Jiang Yuan patted his chest (hey.

I thought that fortunately, Xiaoye ran out, otherwise he would have to be buried alive! At the same time, a voice rang near Jiangyuan (get up "boy, I think my 210 goal should be you."

Following this voice, Jiang Yuan turned his head and saw a man in a black cloak standing not far away.

The body exudes (the breath that comes out makes Jiang Yuan feel (has been killed, this is not a good thing, although my heart is a little messy, but my expression still insists on myself: "I don't know who you are looking for? Why do you say that I am your goal?" "The momentum of Jiangyuan has long known who this person is looking for."

But if you take the initiative to admit it now, maybe you really can't get out of here. The black man has a big hand and a long slap in his hand. In the middle, seeing this long scorpion, Jiangyuan is even more certain. This person is the helper of the two people who fought with me not long ago.

The man in the black cloak said with a cold smile: "Young man, your acting is very poor. If you dare to do it, why not dare to do it?"

Jiang Yuan smiled and said: "It's not what I did. It's not what I did. It's what I did, but I didn't say what I did. You have to chase me!"

"If I tell you, you are a dead person now. I am in a good mood today, give you a chance, if you can have a way to prevent me from catching up with you, then you will win, if within three days I can still Find you, you will unconditionally let me take it, let me handle it, how?".

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