Marvel Super Extraction

Vol 4 Chapter 82: Instantly disappear

Because the wind and the catastrophe are coming, the only way is to let it stay within the villa within the past three years, so that the degree of the impact is greatly reduced, because the owner of the family has a single pass, if the wind has nothing, then It means that everything must be handed over to outsiders to inherit, and Feng Yao Qing is not willing to do so, so it can only be published in this book. Look. Mao. Line. 中.文.网

The lyrics of this matter are also planned by Yuanmeng. In fact, the strength of Yuanmeng can kill those big guys, but he can't do that. If he says that he is too strong, the wind is even worse. Come back, it will only be seven days away from the catastrophe.

Looking at the clear sky, Feng Yao said with a smile: "How good the sky, I hope my nephew can understand the heart of the father!"

Yuan Meng said with a smile: "Do not worry, this child is good at everything, but only doing things but the brain is the most troublesome!"

"Ha ha ha! Yeah, isn't our style like this? This is my son, the son of Laozi is the best, hahaha!"

Helplessly looked at the wind and clear, Yuan Meng left here.

At the same time, Feng Jingyu took the three people to wander around the villa for a long time. Finally, the surnamed Luo said: "The wind son, I am here today, I am a little tired, I will go to rest first."

Seeing this person, the wind is not good to say anything, then told the scary people with 313 this person took him to find the room that had already been divided.

Seeing that Jiangyuan and Xingzizi still seem to be still unfinished, Feng Jing smiled and said: "It’s better to be here today, Luo Gongzi is tired, so if the two are hungry, then I will ask someone to prepare for you. Meal, because there is no meal, so the food may not fit the appetite of two..."

Jiang Yuan smiled and said: "It doesn't matter. What does this eat?"

But Star Boy asked: "I don't know if Big Brother knows where the training is right nearby?"

Being asked by the wind, I laughed and said: "It is hard to beat me, I know a place, come with me."

Jiang Yuan is depressed and the star boy went to the river near the villa with the wind and the wind, pointing to the place, Feng Jing said: "When I was a child, I often came here, and finally my father said that it was a place to train me. ”

Star Boy points this and looks at the surrounding environment and said: "This is not bad, thank you big brother."

Squeezing the face of the star boy, the wind whispered and asked: "What are you doing here for the little guy? Let your brother train (bdej) you?"

The star boy smiled and said: "Well, you will know when you are a big brother."

Then I looked at the mysterious secrets of the two people, and I didn’t ask much about the wind. I left here because I saw the wind and the Qing.

Then I saw the wind smashed away, and the star boy said with a sullen face: "Today we train well, your kid gives me a honest point!"

Jiang Yuan nodded helplessly, and then, the star boy said: "You hit me a punch." Hearing here, Jiang Yuan was stunned, thinking when the sun came out from the west?

In the end, I thought it should be wrong. This old Dongxi does not do anything about me. He is not the star boy I know. Then the activity smashed the lower bones and asked again: "Are you sure you want me to hit you? Don't get angry, I don't care!"

Star Boys squinted and pointed at Jiangyuan and drank: "Your boy gave me a serious point. If it is not because of the scattered soul, the old man will give you a slap in the face!"

"Good, what should I do next?"

Asked here, Star Boy contemplatively said: "You let me see, when you are fully attacked."

Jiang Yuan nodded, then his muscles tightened, and the aura in his handcuffs continued to appear. Finally, Jiangyuan snorted and punched in the air, and the air exploded with this fist. The fluctuation of Aura also almost blew away the Star Boy. Fortunately, Jiang Yuan’s eyes were fast and he caught the Star Boy.

After calming down the mood, Star Boy said: "This punch is still full of strength, but it still lacks strength. Can your kid play another punch?"

Jiang Yuan said helplessly: "It would be a little hard."

Nodded, the star boy said: "This is right, your kid knows brute force, if the other party has escaped your blow, what should you do?"

Hearing here, Jiang Yuan asked with a smile: "What should I do?"

The star boy coughed two times and said: "Oh, this weather is really dry, dry mouth and dry, not willing to say anything."

In desperation, Jiang Yuan took out the water bag and handed it to the star boy, and smiled: "This time I can say it."

After drinking a slobber, the star boy smiled and said: "Well, if you are doing well, the old man will help you."

After that, the two sales began to change, and the nearby aura also began to scroll up due to the changes in his hands. After a time of the day, I only heard the star boy screaming and drinking. The figure appeared on the side of Jiang Yuan.

Seeing this big guy, the 952nd period that was not born for a long time reminded: "Hey! The system prompts that the ancient stone turtle is not aggressive and the defense is amazing. The ancient wild animal has not yet learned that it can hurt it. And one-third of the stone turtles come from the basalt of the beast, but because of the age, it is difficult to wake up the blood."

When I heard this, Jiang Yuan asked with doubts: "Old guy, what are you doing this?"

Star Boy is amused by Jiang Yuan. "What are you doing? Of course, training, less nonsense, and hurry." After that, Star Boy slowly climbed onto an old tree and made it down. With a wave of hand, the stone turtle directly retracted into the shell.

Seeing this scene, Jiangyuan was ignited. He was despised by a wild animal. After completely scorning and screaming, the forest was worn, and the sound of the earthquake bombarded...

Time has to be said very quickly, the setting sun is falling, the golden sun is shining on the earth to fill in the last beautiful scene today.

At this moment, Jiangyuan, who was already tired and lying on the ground, did not rejoice and shouted aloud. Second, at this time, Star Boys felt that someone had come here, thinking that this should be a slogan, and finally With a wave of handcuffs, the body of the stone tortoise and the giant body disappeared instantly.

Because of lack of physical strength, Jiangyuan did not care about anyone coming and going, lying on the ground and wanting to sleep.

The wind and the net that came here saw the place where the training was held since childhood. Now it is full of potholes, and it is not easy to make it difficult to laugh. Looking at Jiangyuan, which fell to the ground, the wind smirked: "Jiang Xiong When I was obsessed with cultivation!" Hearing the sound of the wind, Jiang Yuan wanted to scream, but now he really does not have this strength. .

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