Marvel Super Extraction

Vol 4 Chapter 89: Body

Seeing the star boy is like a shrewd scream, so that a few people at the gate are very headaches, and they can't care about a child, otherwise they will spread out, how can they mix?

Then I was very impatient and said: "The little kid is going to go cool again. tells you, even if you are a guest, now there is something in the villa that you can't let you go."

In the words, the Star Boys saw that these people completely said that they were not moving. They also said that they are compromising: "Uncle, I am really in a hurry now, life is a god, or else, you will go to your less. The main brother called out?"

After that, the big eyes slammed and slammed, and they looked like a fascinating look. If Jiang Yuan saw it, he didn’t know what it was like to be disgusting.

Finally, I saw that the star boy looks like a love, and the heart can't bear to refuse. He said, "Then you are waiting here, I will let the young master come out." Then he turned and left.

Not long after, Star Boys saw the wind and the net came out, and the wind and the net, when they heard the doorkeeper said, they knew that it was a star boy, and from that person’s mouth, they learned that the star boy has a life record. The affair of the day, then put down the things in the handcuffs and came out to find the star boy.

"Big brother, you can figure it out." Feng Jing smiled and looked at the star boy and said: "What do you guys call me out?"

Star Boy said: "Big Brother, can you find more people now?"

"What's wrong?" Then the Star Boys collapsed the hole just now, and Jiangyuan entered the cave with a sensation, and told the wind. Of course, the star boy did not say Jiangyuan into the cave.

When I heard that Jiangyuan was sealed in a cave, the wind and the net were not talking about turning around and watching a few gatekeepers say, "You guys are going to find some family members to come here first. I will help you look at the gate for the time being. Nothing will happen, go!"

"Yes! Less Master!" Then several guards guarding the gates of the village went to the village to find people.

After less than half an hour, a few people found a dozen or so family members, one of them is very strong, and the star boy is also very satisfied, and finally with a wind and a dozen or so Going to the cave defense line...

At the same time, Jiangyuan has already penetrated into the cave at this moment, and the temperature has risen accordingly. Every step is a torment, which makes Jiangyuan hot miserable, but thinks that the star boy said that there is a baby here. The irritability in my heart is gone. Then it began to continue deep into, at this moment, a roaring vibrates the entire mountain, and Jiangyuan is also extremely dignified.

Because from this roaring sound, Jiang Yuan can feel the strength of the master of this voice is absolutely on his own, and then 9 527 reminded: "Hey! System prompts, there is a super ancient in the depths of the cave Wild animal.

Because it is too old, the system cannot know its identity. And this wild animal is sealed again, the strength is no longer the past, but the strength is also above the vast ancient wild beast, the system prompts the host to act cautiously. ”

After hearing this, Jiang Yuan pondered for a while and then laughed: "A sealed beast can help me? If it is even afraid of it, how can I fight with that one?"

Having said that, Jiang Yuan has a firm and step-by-step approach to the depths. Just after Jiangyuan walked out of a few hundred meters, it could not go, because the high temperature in front was enough to roast people, which is the limit of Jiangyuan.

I can see that there seems to be a long way ahead. Jiang Yuan is very reluctant to think about the words that the star boy said to himself. The fire in Jiangyuan’s heart has become a full-fledged war. In the front, Jiangyuan also made a decision, and then Jiangyuan took the first step.

But this is the step, Jiang Yuan’s clothes are squatting. White with the burning of clothing, Jiangyuan's skin is exposed, but these are not the concern of Jiangyuan, so they have taken the second step, and in the second step, Jiangyuan will suffer from it, because the skin will be It is like in a pan.

So the next moment, Jiang Yuan retired, "Good guy, dying little man."

But when there was no snorting time in the burning sensation, the two airflows in the body began to run at a rapid speed, and Jiangyuan felt that the heat from the body began to be absorbed quickly.

Seeing this, Jiang Yuan’s heart is very exciting. I didn’t think that Mingyang Xuan Gong could actually resist this heat wave. Then, Jiangyuan took another step, and the heat wave came along, but next, Jiang Yuan I didn’t feel any burning sensation here, and thought of the fascinating work of Xuan Gong’s work, Jiang Yuan was delighted, and then took another step.

····Seeking flowers···········

However, this time, it is not. After this step, Jiangyuan only felt the sensation, the skin began to burn, the blood flowed quickly, the blood vessels bulged, and Jiangyuan felt that his body was hydrated. The speed of the cockroach disappeared, and the body was also obviously dry.

Jiang Yuan was frightened by the discount, but then Jiang Yuan's body projected a fine light, and then wrapped up Jiang Yuanquan, then Jiang Yuan felt that the body did not dry up, and the heat gradually disappeared.

However, when Jiang Yuan was impressed with the meditation of the meditation of the yang, he felt that the stone body was empty, and the body was very weak. The Jiangyuan was very uneasy, and then stepped back and it eased a lot. The fine light on the surface of the body also disappeared. Seeing here, Jiang Yuan did not think that this kind of light actually consumed his own mental power.


Looking at the front, Jiangyuan had no choice but to sit down and adjust the position. Because the sea of ​​knowledge was hollowed out, Jiang Yuan waited for the nursed back while adjusting the interest rate. At this time, Jiang Yuan only felt the heat flow in the body. In an instant, this full body is filled, so that Jiangyuan has a kind of comfort that cannot be said.

Finally, I don’t know how long it took, Jiang Yuan only recovered 7787, and then stood up and took a look at the bones and bones. Then I found out that I didn’t know when the body had changed again, and the body was more powerful than before. I waved my lower arm and felt that I could fight against Xuan Xian’s people.

Of course, it is only a confrontation with one or two. If it is really fighting, I still have to retreat.

Jiang Yuan did not think that Mingyang Xuan Gong actually had this effect. When he came here, Jiang Yuan discovered that the two instruments in the body of the body began to be very active, so that Jiangyuan also had an inexplicable sense of excitement.

Looking at the front, Jiangyuan is thinking that if you temper yourself here, it is good to improve your strength. Of course, you have to suffer from your own stomach. You don’t eat Dongxixi for a month. Although there is nothing, it is suffering at that time!

Then he got up and Jiangyuan took another step and found that the heat wave was not as scary as before. Although it was a bit hot, what was it for Jiangyuan? Then I took another step. .

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