Marvel Super Extraction

Vol 4 Chapter 105: alert

Not long after, the little fat man came with a beautiful woman, and then looked at Jiangyuan very honestly said: "This is the water. Look at the 1 hair 2 line 3 Chinese network" then pushed On one side, it seems that I am afraid that Jiangyuan will beat him again.

And if the water looks at Jiangyuan, it is also somewhat puzzled and asks: "Why are you saving me?"

Seeing the water-filled alert, Jiang Yuan smiled and said: "I said scorpion, do you believe that your brother Li brother's brother-in-law?" Hearing Li Guang's son, if the water is weak, the body trembles.

Mei Yan’s eyes also burst into tears, and then he looked at Jiang Yuan’s trembling voice: “You, you mean he came to pick me up?”

Jiang Yuan shrugged and said: "Now he is waiting for you outside the city's main government." Hearing here, if the water rushed out directly, and saw it here, the fat man would like to catch up, but he was glanced at by Jiang Yuan. Then he shrank back.

"Three two three" and then Jiang Yuan pointed to the three said: "Let the younger brother see you bully the male tyrant, carefully abolish your roots!" Seeing the gloom of Jiang Yuan’s eyes, the fat man is also The scared fat face was a little bit trembled.

Then Jiangyuan smiled and said: "Okay, the situation is over, you continue, leave!" Then he left the city government and went after the water.

At the time when Jiangyuan left a scent of incense, the three men slowly turned into flying ash.

"Hey, the system prompts that the host successfully killed three Jindan monks and obtained three hundred bio-energy."

But when he chased it out, he discovered that Rushui and Li Guang had already embraced each other. When he saw such a warm scene, Jiang Yuan did not go up and interrupted. He stood in the distance and watched, "I am so to her. Ok, she still can't forget this Li Guang in five years."

A voice that burst into the air, the source of the fear of Jiangyuan is to give a punch to the person behind the face, and then heard a scream, and Li Guanghe Ruo water also heard the sound, then saw the river not far away Source, and Jiangyuan smiled; "You continue, you continue!"

Seeing Jiang Yuan’s smile, both of them blushed. Then Jiang Yuan turned around and saw that a fat man lying on the ground playing rogue, "You killed me, you can't pay me!"

"I said that you are a big man, how is it like a little girl. I tell you to hurry up, otherwise I am careful that I am yelling at you!"

Hearing here, the fat man stood up straight and stretched out and said: "Oh, this weather is very good, um~~ good." Then he turned and guided himself back to the mansion, watching Jiangyuan Renjun No.

And if the water thing came to an end, after sending the two people back to the tavern, Li Guang began to swear and saw his husband guilty. If the water came to his body, he began to comfort himself. Finally, Jiangyuan left. When I came in, I saw the relatives of the two people, and then coughed and said, "Oh, there are people, and it’s not too greasy every day."

"Not tired!"


Later, Li Guang told him that he was guilty and told him that he could help him. Then Jiangyuan smiled and said: "If it is just this grain of water, then it is a small matter, and you both continue to go to the capital city. "Then went out."

Then Li Guang smiled bitterly: "This city is really a slap in the last life."

At the same time, Jiangyuan has already arrived at the city government. The guards saw Jiangyuan as if they saw the gods, they had to turn around and enter the house, but they were stepped by Jiangyuan. Then Jiangyuan gave a thank you, and went straight to the room where the fat man was locked. .

At this time, the fat man was squatting on the bed, humming, only to hear a jingle, the door was opened, and when he wanted to look up, he saw Jiang Yuanzhen smiled and looked at it. He, scared his seven souls and six scorpions lost three souls and three scorpions, and then pointed to Jiangyuan pig-like screaming: "Big brother, I am really wrong! Don't kill me! I am here. It’s not easy to have a small old man, you can let me go."

Seeing the sound of this dead fat man crying, Jiang Yuan drank: "Shut up! Call another scream, let you never call out!"

"Hey, big brother, I don't call it. You look at the small one. If you can help, you can say that, I am here, there is nothing that can't be done. You say a snoring, the small ones go through the fire, I only Please don't kill me! I have it."

"I want you to shut up!"

Seeing Jiang Yuan’s gloomy face, the fat man is not screaming. Looking at the little eyes, pouting, a look that can be pitiful. If it is a woman, Jiang Yuan can still forgive, but the goods in front of it look like this, can not be tolerated, then in the house There are all kinds of screams and broken sounds of furniture....

The whole process lasted for half a hour, and finally Jiang Yuan was also unable to fight. Suddenly stopped, pointing to the fat man and asked: "I, I still don't know what you are calling?"

"Wu Yufang"

"Wu Yufang, um, the name can be just like people."

And seeing the fat man's eyes squinting as if to say something, but now he is full of bloated, talking is a problem, and finally helpless first default.

Then Jiang Yuan said: "Wu Yufang, come today, I am looking for you to do something sensational."

Hearing here, the fat man lowered his head and didn't want to take care of you in Jiangyuan, but he forgot that if he was someone else, he could be like this, but Jiangyuan was the exception.

Seeing that the fat man did not agree, Jiang Yuan touched his head and smiled: "Fat, you are not skin and itchy."

Hearing here, the fat man was in a spirit, and then Jiang Yuan said with a smile: "In fact, there is nothing. I only need you to meet the Li Guang caravan in the future. What do they want, don’t ask them to give it. Did Dongxi West know?"

But the fat man didn't want to agree, but he was forced to rely on Jiang Yuan's pressure. He had no choice but to nod and saw that the fat man finally obeyed. Jiang Yuan nodded with satisfaction and said: "So Then, let's do it. I am waiting for you at the SF Tavern in the west of the city. Don't let me wait too long." Then Jiang Yuan's figure disappeared.

1.1 When his feelings were not able to breathe the river, the fat man was sitting on the ground with grievances, mourning for a long time before he quieted down, looking at the already ruined house, his helpless sigh, how can he face the whole face? It was the trace of Jiang Yuan’s fight. Now it’s just a pain in his face. Don’t say sigh, and he’s not hurting him.

After the fat man passed for a long time, I remembered Jiang Yuan’s embarrassment and recalled Jiang Yuan’s fierce and sullen look. The fat man trembled and then quickly got up and ignored the pain. He disappeared and asked to handle Jiangyuan. The things that have been entrusted are sensational.

The three people who waited for a long time in the SF pub waited until the arrival of the fat man. Jiang Yuan looked at the Dongxi West brought by the fat man, and after nodding his head, he smiled and looked at the fat man and made his heart inexplicably tremble. Apparently, Jiang Yuan has left an indelible shadow in his heart. .

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