Marvel Super Extraction

Vol 4 Chapter 137: Capture

Jiang Yuan suddenly felt guilty of this breath, and found that this breath was transmitted from his ring. He thought that he could find the ring. Jiang Yuan was also relieved, but at this time, it was attached to the ring. The soul is touched. Look at 1 hair 2 line 3 Chinese network

Perceived here, Jiangyuan knows that this is someone who wants to find out this soul. If it is successful, it means that the ring will be opened by others, but there is a sword like Dongxi in it, thinking of it so expensive. In its possession, Jiangyuan speeded up and disappeared instantly.

With the breath, Jiangyuan quickly came to the north gate, which is the Dragon City. With the breath, Jiangyuan came to the vicinity of the sales stalls in the Shenjia area, and there was no breath in it. Jiangyuan frowned, and then began to look for it.

But looking for a moment still did not find.

Just when Jiangyuan wanted to give up, a laughter attracted Jiang Yuan: "Today is a profit, so a stupid boy is also, such a good baby, actually sold as an ordinary antique to the uncle. I bought it in thirty-two silver. I have to gamble for two days, hahaha!"

Looking along the sound of Jiangyuan, I found a reminder of the rich people, playing with their own space ring, and the space ring at this time, has no soul. Then Jiang Yuan’s heart was full of anger, the ring was lost, and the trace of the soul was erased. Anyone who changed it would be furious.

However, Jiang Yuan’s anger at this time was also flashing away, and then replaced by cold and cold. Slowly and slowly arrived at the side of the person, and then stopped him in the depth of one hand. Seeing that Jiangyuan blocked himself, although it was very uncomfortable, I thought that I wouldn’t be angry if I bought a good Dongxi West today.

Then I looked at Jiang Yuan and asked: "What are you doing?"

"The ring is still out!"

Hearing Jiang Yuan’s straightforward statement, the fat man and the person on the side of the body ridiculed: “Your boy is talking to me, I don’t know”

But before he finished, Jiangyuan did not let this person live. After the tobacco mist swallowed it, the fallen ring fell directly into Jiangyuan’s handcuffs and found that it was not attached to the soul. Jiang Yuan once again attached his soul to it, and after the ring flashed, it sank.

Everything is too fast, all in a moment, when the fat man is reacting, the fat man has disappeared. Just want to yell, but Jiangyuan blocked a small alley, and threatened: "I don't like to kill people, but I don't mind killing someone who doesn't help me. Do you understand?" ”

Seeing the eyes that could kill himself, the man nodded awkwardly and then left the person. Jiang Yuan left here and went straight back to the mansion.

Because the ring was stolen, Jiang Yuan was in a bad mood, so he did not investigate the other three domains.

When Jiang Yuan came back, the people were habitually called the Shaozhu, and then they should do what they did. Jiang Yuan went directly back to the dark room and began to cultivate, because in addition to the other three fields of Longcheng to be inspected, Jiangyuan had nothing to do with it.

So what are you doing without cultivation?

Jiangyuan’s cultivation is three days. After three days of cultivation, Jiangdan’s Nedan is now full of fullness. Seeing this, Jiangyuan also knows that cultivation cannot be achieved, otherwise it may be It will be counterproductive.

Thinking of this, the traces of Jiang Yuan’s heart were calmed down, and then he left the dark room and went out of the room, and came out of the house to the small city.

When he came to the city, Jiangyuan found that these people were very efficient in doing things. Nowadays, they are almost arranged. Although they are all prepaid, for Jiangyuan, things about money can be done. Feelings are all clouds, and after all these advances are filled, Jiangyuan walks out of the city, and then Jiangyuan looks back and finds that the city seems to lack a name.

Then Jiang Yuan repeatedly operated under the brain, and he started a name called Yu Beast City. It was a simple and straightforward way, which is where the auction of wild animals is.

After the name of the city was completed, the Beast City also sensationalized the forces in the Dragon City in a short period of time, including some rich landlords, who learned the news of the Beast City overnight.

Moreover, when I had already returned to the government, I came to the Royal Beast City in the early morning of the next day and found that there were already dissatisfied people, and the number was huge.

Seeing that there was such a performance on the first day, Jiang Yuan also nodded with satisfaction. Then he thought that if he opened today, he must first catch seven ancient antiquity to the ancient wild animals, or he can Can't make time.

Thinking of this, after Jiangyuan called the housekeeper, he arranged a series of procedures and the amount of money for the konjac price auction was also told to the housekeeper. Jiang Yuan left here because he was going to catch the wild animals.

According to the direction of the last departure, Jiangyuan did not go there, but changed direction. This time, Jiangyuan chose a dragon city to take the south direction of its gate as the capture area.

Although the direction of the south side of Longcheng is also a barren jungle, but the black fog haunts, so Jiangyuan did not set the scope of arrest here, but in other places, Jiangyuan did not arrest in that direction.

However, I thought that there should not be many wild animals, because there are a large number of places where human beings live. Under normal circumstances, there will be no wild animals close to each other. Of course, unless there is a beast, there will not be a large number of wild animals.

Now Jiang Yuan has made this piece of 'Black Forest' his own capture area. It is also helpless. He is also praying that he can catch one. Thinking of this, Jiang Yuan then (good) stepped into it.

Because the ‘black forest’ smog is lingering, Jiangyuan can still be seen within 30 meters, but it is hard to say after 30 meters.

It was not long before Jiangyuan moved forward. The sound of 9:27 was rang in his mind: ". Hey! The system suggests that there is a Middle Ages Wolf at the 300 meters southeast of the host. Is it extracted?"


“Hey! The system suggests that the host has acquired a 30-point resistance gene and spent six hundred points of bioenergy.”

In the sound of 9 527, Jiang Yuan followed the tips of 9:527, and then stepped up.

When feeling the closeness of human beings, as a wild animal, but has a strong ability to guard, Jiangyuan has been positioned in Jiangyuan when it appears in its sense of smell, and then a pair of green eyes brave the infiltration of the light, It seems that Jiangyuan was treated as a dish. .

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