Marvel Super Extraction

Vol 4 Chapter 151: Combat

As time went by, it was soon time for the gambling war.

At this time, Jiangyuan has already arrived at the venue of the battle. Seeing a group of people in the distance, Jiang Yuan thought that he finally came.

The head of the people is the big head of the gambling war with Jiangyuan. After the death, in addition to the few people of their own power, the rest is the people of Longcheng.

After all, in the Beast City, I saw that Jiangyuan and this guy are not a minority in the gambling, so after the auction, the entire Dragon City knows almost, except for a few big forces such as the city government. Winning people, other people have basically arrived.

Seeing that Jiangyuan came so early, this person sneered: "Is so anxious to be killed by me?" Jiang Yuan is not nonsense, standing quietly waiting for this person.

When Jiang Yuan actually ignored his own words, the anger of this person was no longer hidden, and then stepped on the ground, the long axe in the handcuffs instantly came over.

Seeing here, Jiang Yuan appeared in front of the air with a dragon silver gun, and then across the sky just against the attack of this person.


As the two collided, Peng’s snoring and two people retreated. After a certain distance, the person looked at the lower body of Jiangyuan’s activities and said: “There is a little strength, the old man is going to see Look, when can you be up!" With the disappearance of the axe, the body of the person has changed.

Originally, it was a large block of muscles and bumps. After a sizzling drink, the body of the body swelled up to a height, and Jiang Yuan saw it from his eyes and eyes. It is not a gift that is born with nature, but alienation, just like the orcs that it sees in the underground world.

Then Jiang Yuan did not hesitate, and the guns slammed into the past.

Seeing that Jiang Yuan actually faced himself and did not fear it, his thoughts on Jiang Yuan changed somewhat, but he thought that his own life and his family could be in this battle. Thinking of this, this person also rushed to Jiangyuan without mercy.

The people in the distance saw the two collide together. A strong wave directly blows people out of the kilometer. Some repairs are reluctant to resist the spirit that the two collide. Force fluctuations.

When everything calmed down, everyone saw that the two were still facing each other, although on the surface they couldn’t help anyone, but only two people knew it, and after this confrontation.

Jiang Yuan feels that this person can be used to deal with this person. The previous imagination is to look at this person. It is not long before he wants to come here. Otherwise, even the ordinary people of the late Xianxian will not be able to deal with themselves.

Then Jiang Yuan looked at the sky and found that it was a little over the scheduled time, and then thought that it was time to end. Then I looked at this person. After Jiang Yuan sneered a sneak, the silver gun suddenly broke out. The powerful breath instantly filled the small space. When I saw Jiangyuan’s silver gun burst, it suddenly broke. The man’s hands shook the ground. Then appeared in a number of thick layers in front of it with a bang of the bang, the silver gun with a potential like a broken bamboo through the thick layer of soil, directly rushed to this person.

After Jiang Yuan sent a shot, he called out the sword and immediately circumvented the silver gun. He came to the back of the person. When the person saw the defense, the giant axe appeared to resist the silver gun. Jiang Yuan’s sword, It was already low on its neck.

Feeling stunned by the coldness brought by the neck, this person knows that he has lost, and seeing Jiangyuan win, many people are unbelievable, because this person is not very Famous, but also a real-time Xuan Xian late figure, so defeated, some people can not help but shook his head and left.

The man then closed his eyes and waited for Jiang Yuan to kill himself. Although he was unwilling, he must keep his promise if he made this choice.

Seeing that this person did not resist, Jiang Yuan smiled, and then he also thought of a good way to do both.

Just when this person waited for death, he felt that the cold feeling on his neck had disappeared. Then he slowly and slowly opened his eyes and looked at Jiangyuan after his body. He found that the sword in his handcuffs had already been recovered. went.

Seeing this, this person is also very puzzled. After all, he has made a lot of trouble in his field, and he is still inferior. Thinking of this, this person thinks that whoever changes it now wants to kill himself. However, Jiangyuan in front of him is not the case, which makes it very doubtful.

See the eye of this person who is puzzled.

Jiang Yuan smiled and said: "I am not so strangled. I just watched you messing around on my field so I thought about the lesson to teach you, but the gambling we have done before is still counted. Now your life is naturally me. But I still don't want to kill you." Hearing this, although this person feels that Jiangyuan wants to humiliate himself, but he is most relieved, after all, he is not relieved.

Then Jiang Yuan said: "But I want you to listen to me later, because now I am short of people, so killing you, it is better to let you listen to me, I wonder if you can promise?"

Hearing this, the person said one word without saying a word: "Since you have replaced me with the grace of killing, then I naturally want to return this person." Hearing here, Jiangyuan knows that this person promised I am.

When I saw that the battle was actually regained, I hope that the 323 people who are looking for a fight between the two tigers will be disappointed, but they will not be able to show it.

Then Jiang Yuan took this person to the Royal Beast City. When I saw the owner coming, but when I saw the person on the side of the body, the housekeeper was a little overwhelmed. Then Jiang Yuan explained everything.

Finally, Jiang Yuan talked with this person for a long time, and finally found that this person is actually a force in the Eastern Region, and this person does not know that the Eastern Region has now belonged to himself.

Finally, Jiang Yuan also knew the name of this person - Yan Yang, seeing here, Jiang Yuan arranged it to go to this beast city to guard the field with Lie Zhengqiu. Then Jiangyuan was also looking for someone to go to the forces where he was. went.

When I saw that the situation was almost resolved, Jiang Yuan returned to the house.

Just after returning to the mansion, Jiang Yuan saw Long Luotian. After Long Luotian brought the two little guys back, they didn’t go. Seeing here, Jiang Yuan also knows why Long Luotian is like this.

Then came to his study with Long Luotian. After bringing the door to the house, Jiang Yuan said to Long Luotian: "I have already understood the matter, but now we don't have the strength to fight against them, so we have to take it, and in seven days. Take two other domains in the field."

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