Marvel Super Extraction

Vol 4 Chapter 153: Intrusion

At the same time, Jiangyuan has already arrived in the East, because there is no good impression when he first came here, so Jiangyuan came here only three times. counts this time is four times this time, and this time, Jiangyuan is bound to let the dragons earn their own money, if the dragon will not, he does not mind today is gradually blood.

When he came to the Dragon Club again, Jiang Yuan found that the guard disappeared and disappeared. The dragon would open four times, which made Jiangyuan somewhat stunned, thinking that he would not escape.

Thinking of this, the sound of 9:27 suddenly sounded: "Hey! The system prompts that the dragon will appear in the peak of Xuanxian, is it extracted?" Hearing here, Jiangyuan was a little funny, and he did not think of the two. Guys, actually looking for someone to deal with themselves.

Then it was randomly extracted from the mind by default, and then Jiangyuan stepped into the courtyard of the Dragon Club. "Hey! The system prompts that the host gets the exercises, destroys a shot, and costs the host six thousand points of bio-energy." With the sound of the September 25th, Jiangyuan condensed into the backyard.

When I arrived at Jiangyuan in the backyard, I saw a crowd of people waiting for myself. When I saw this, Jiangyuan’s mouth sneered with it, and Jiangyuan saw the two people who were behind the crowd. Jiang Yuan said with a smile: "I said 323, you can. Since you can find someone to help you kill me, why should you delay the time with me?"

When I heard Jiang Yuan say this, the two were shocked because they both found someone to kill Jiangyuan, but they spent a lot of money, and the sensation was only known to them, and now they are in front of them. I don't know how these things are sensational. How did Jiang Yuan know?

Seeing the incredible look of the two, Jiang Yuan then said aloud: "Come out, hide in the dark, and deal with the small role that I have not achieved in the construction of the foundation?"

Hearing here, Jiang Yuan felt that after the body squatted, a breeze rose, and he knew that this person had already appeared. Then Jiang Yuan looked at the two people and said coldly: "Since I told you, the consequences are also Know, so!" The voice just fell, Jiang Yuan figure disappeared instantly and the goal is exactly what two people want to protect. Look at 1 hair 2 line 3 Chinese network

And Jiang Yuan’s man behind the Xuanxian Peak saw that Jiangyuan’s speed was so fast that he did not even react to it. When he came over, he found that Jiang Yuan’s figure had already appeared. On the top of the two people, the dark passage is not good.

Then the scabbard behind the man smashed out with the bdab, then grabbed the hilt, and the sound of a sword, an epee appeared in the sight of everyone, and then the man stared Jiangyuan, one step spanned to Jiangyuan, and then burst into a resounding aura, directly retreating Jiangyuan.

And all this is only a moment.

When they saw that they were saved, they also took a breath of cold, because they saw Jiangyuan’s shot for the first time, and they did not think that Jiangyuan’s strength was so strong. If they did not find a helper, then today they are The death of the two.

At this time, after being repulsed, Jiangyuan was already staring at the peak of Xuanxian, and then said indifferently: "For these two wastes, is it really worth it?" Hearing Jiang Yuan said, This person feels that this time is really a loss, but who makes himself unlucky? I have taken the money of others and took the money to replace the people.

This person then had no nonsense, and the slashing sword in the handcuffs burst into the air. Seeing this, Jiang Yuan also shunned the attack, feeling the pain from the waist, knowing that he was hurt.

Later, when he came to the back of this person, his face was gloomy. Then a sword pierced his back shoulder and felt the pain caused by Jiang Yuan’s sneak attack. This person broke out completely and then turned and punched. Jiang Yuan flew out, but Jiang Yuan was also a set of tiger punches that quickly slammed into the heart of his heart. With a bang, Jiangyuan directly hit a piece of houses.

In this way, when both of them received different levels of injury, the two people watching the movie thought that since they were all injured, the profit of taking the fishermen was not bad.

Then one person dealt with one and rushed over.

Jiang Yuan, who just came out of the ruins, felt the whistling wind from the front, and knew that the two couldn’t help but shot, but everything came too fast, so Jiang Yuan was again taken by this leg. I flew out.

At the same time, the person of Xuanxian’s peak was attacked by the sword, and the degree of injury was only heavier than that of Jiangyuan. At this time, the person felt guilty and was quickly squatted and looked up. He saw a cold light. Blinking, with the pupil shrinking, this person reluctantly avoided this deadly attack.

Then no matter who it is, this person's epee directly shoots the fly.

When you look at the person who sneaked on himself, this person did not think that his gold master actually wanted to harm himself, and the anger in his heart sprang up and spewed out. Then Xuanxian peak breath immediately burst out and burst out.

Seeing that these two people actually died on their own people, there is no room left in their hearts. When this person is close to the body again, Jiangyuan’s enormous spiritual power quickly condenses into the throat, when the person is close to the body. Jiangyuan’s snoring sounds like a dragon’s scream for nine days.

Immediately, the person was directly shocked by seven bleeds, and the five senses were heard. Then Jiang Yuan got up and rushed down the mountain and directly smashed his throat. With a bang, this person was smashed into the surface by Jiang Yuan. In the middle, even the ground is trembled.

When I saw that I was dead, the other person stopped insisting, and then I turned around and wanted to escape. But how could the person who is the strength of Xuanxian’s peaks let him go, then the sky seems to be a giant The **** shadows obscured the general. When you look closely, you find that it is an aura-like giant palm, and the person who escaped is directly shot by the giant palm. on,

The other people in the Dragon Club saw that the only person who could manage things was dead, and then they all panicked.

Seeing here, Jiang Yuan came over and drank: "Come quiet to me!" Hearing the voice of Jiang Yuan, everyone was very quiet and not talking and talking.

Seeing his own words still has some deterrent power. Jiang Yuan then said to these people: "You will be in charge of me later. It is still a dragon club, but nowadays the masters have changed, what should they do on a daily basis, If I see someone defecting, the two of them are yours."

When I heard this, everyone in the room began to discuss the sound of mosquitoes. After a long time, I don’t know how long, these people also know the words of Jiangyuan.

After seeing the grievances here, I finally got an understanding. Jiang Yuan’s heart was also a lot easier. At the same time, a voice rang at the back of Jiangyuan: “I said, things are not over yet?”.

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