Marvel Super Extraction

Vol 4 Chapter 162: powerful

When Jiangyuan rushed to the place, he found crowds. Finally, Jiangyuan was also struggling to crowd the crowd, and this saw the situation inside.

Seeing that they didn’t know the wind and the net, Jiang Yuan also let go of his heart, but Jiang Yuan was murdered by this person lying on the ground. Obviously there was a killer nearby, and Jiangyuan thought about the wind. The net squatting is near here.

Thinking of this, Jiangyuan immediately set foot to the front to pursue the past.

In fact, just after the frost and the wind are all here, the screams just made out of Yushuang, but when Jiangyuan arrived, the two had already been dispersed by the crowd.

At this time, Yushuang did not know where the crowd had been rushed. When Yushuang wanted to find the wind, the sharp dagger behind it fell behind him, and then a cold voice came over: If you don't want to die, just follow me!" After hearing this, Yushuang had to accept his life and leave this place.

It didn't take long for the wind and the river to meet each other very coincidentally.

Seeing the wind and the pangs, Jiang Yuan simply asked: "What happened to the incident?" After the wind was slowing down, he told Jiang Yuan about the grievances.

After knowing everything, Jiang Yuan had a bad feeling in his heart, and then the two began to look crazy, but after a long time, they did not find it.

As the crowd becomes scarcer, it means that the night is coming.

But nowadays, the two of them have no clues. They want to ask someone to ask, but during the day, there are people flowing, so who knows? The last moment may still be on your side, but the next moment you don't know that it was drowned by the crowd. Look at ‘毛.线,中.文,网

Seeing the loss of the frost, Jiangyuan was anxious but not as windy and eager to see the wind. So Jiangyuan is also trying to ease the atmosphere: "You told me whether you like Yushuang.. ?"

I don’t know what Jiang Yuan said so, so Feng Jing said to Jiang Yuan: "When are you, do you still have a mood to laugh?!"

"Good, we will continue to find and continue to find."

At this moment, a person came to the side of the two, and then looked at the two said: "Two, our family has a request!" Hearing here, both of them are a confused face.

Then Jiang Yuan took a picture of the shoulders of the wind and said: "Don't worry, maybe this owner knows the whereabouts of Yushuang. Let's go and see." After listening to Jiangyuan, Feng Jing and Jiang Yuan followed. This man came to a place called Shenfu.

Then, under the invitation of the next person, the two entered Shenfu.

At the moment when they stepped into Shenfu, a group of family members rushed up with their weapons. The two people who were watching were ready to start, and at this moment, a sigh of relief was heard: "Nothing is unreasonable to the guests!"

Upon hearing this voice, these family members put down their weapons, but the killing in the eyes of the gods made the two people lock their brows.

Seeing that the two men arrived as they arrived, the master of the voice also strolled in the sight of the two.

The head and body are completely unbalanced, walking or ringing the legs, and the mouthful of the big gold teeth reveals that it is a rich and expensive person. Although the appearance was unbearable, the two did not dare to despise, because the two people received a dangerous atmosphere from their more or less sensation.

Then Jiang Yuan took the lead and said: "I don't know what the Shen family asked us to do?" Hearing Jiang Yuan asked, this Shen family owner laughed, and did not know how long he laughed. The laughter of the wind began to press the endurance. Living.

Seeing that the wind is different, Jiang Yuan immediately turned to look at the Shen family and said coldly: "I think Shen Jiazhu will not find us for no reason, you have what we want or we have what you want. Dongxixi, you will find us, right?"

"Smart! I love to deal with smart people, save time and effort, how good!"

When I heard this, Feng Jing said: "Don’t talk nonsense. If you have anything to say, what else do we have to do?"

"A woman is right?" Hearing the words of the Shen family, the two of them were blind to God. Then Jiangyuan quickly settled the wind and then looked at the person, although there was a lot of anger in the heart to vent. However, the other party is hostage, and it is still a woman who cares about her brother and sister. Jiangyuan also has to have a lower tone: "What do you want?"

"That's the East, but what the conditions of the temptation to change!"

"Less nonsense, hurry to say what you want?"

Seeing that the two were impatient, this person thought that it was time for the room condition, and then said: "I want you to be a beast city, and you have to help me manage for three years. So I am thinking about putting it in." Women."

Hearing here, Jiang Yuan and Feng Jing are very tacit, not nonsense, and they are directly exploding.

At the same time as the two hands started, the family on the side was also rushed over. The breath of the explosion was actually the first stage of Xuan Xian. This made Jiang Yuan a glimpse, but looking at this person and laughing at himself, Jiang Yuan also endured. Can't live with me.

Then the sword was shot in an instant, accompanied by a strong sword, directly stirred up the aura of the Shen family. For a time, the wind was raging and the sword was shining.

It didn't take long for the two to easily clean up these family members. ". Hey! The system reminds the West to kill 12 people in the family, and the host gets 24,000 bio-energy."

With the fall of the sound of 9/27, Jiangyuan came to the back of the person to prevent it from running away, and then said to the wind and said: "I am here to stop, you go to find the frost." Hear here, the wind The net swearing disappeared in the same place.

And seeing the wind smashed in front of himself, this person is also unmoved, just turned around and smiled at Jiangyuan (well): "Young man, this time we should have a good chat." Here, Jiang Yuan suddenly has a feeling of being cheated.

When I saw Jiang Yuan’s expression, the man smiled and said: “Don’t think too much, that kid should have found the girl, and my ultimate goal is you.”

Hearing here, Jiang Yuan’s eyes suddenly became strange. When he looked at this person, Jiang Yuan’s expression was instantly enriched. Then he looked to this person and reminded me: “I tell you, I am normal, Don't mess!"

I understand what Jiang Yuan said, this person is also a black face. After all, being said to be such a person, no one will be better off. After that, the person explained it, and this allowed Jiang Yuan to let go of his heart.

After looking at this person, Jiang Yuan said very lightly: "Talk about it, I want to see what you are looking for? I can tell you, I don't have much time to accompany you, and I will finish it as soon as possible." ".

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