Marvel Super Extraction

Vol 4 Chapter 324: The price of life

After looking at Li Ji, Jiang Yuan looked at Long Jiu and said, "Why do you want me to accompany you?" Long Jiu helplessly said: "You don't know my current situation, although it seems that there is no problem, But now I am very weak, against the bat magazine.) The guy is no longer good. is now only for you, and if you can go in, I will only need the emerald keel. Others can give you, how?"

Hearing here, Jiang Yuan feels that this sale seems to be very profitable, but Jiangyuan is not a greedy person. Otherwise, he will not live to the present.

Then Jiang Yuan smiled and said: "You still let me think about it, after all, this matter." Some things let me accept) No, after all, my current strength can not deal with Jinxian, if I Promise your words, that is to pay the price of life. "Three Four Seven""

Long Jiu’s bitter smile: “Also, after all, paying for life”, you should also consider it. Then you should consider it first. If you still don’t think well tomorrow, then I will go back.”

After Jiang Yuan had no choice but to point his head, he got up and went out.

When I saw Jiangyuan coming out, Liji, who was near the Zen Garden, asked Jiangyuan: "Are you promised?" He shook his head and said: "This matter" is too much for the East and West. I It is necessary to consider it."

Li Ji nodded and said: "This is right, I want to say, since we have saved this guy, there is nothing between us. Then why do you want to go back to die? And I always feel) I feel old) ) West has what it means to go to the chaotic land." Jiang Yuan frowned and asked Liji: "You mean..."

Li Ji a) Then he said: "I am thinking about it." An old East) There is nothing wrong with the Three Treasures in the West. It is impossible to believe in the place or the life. I really understand too. He. Look. Mao. Line. Chinese. Wen. Net"

Jiangyuan pondered for a moment, then said: "If this is the case, then why does he not say it in person?" Liji shook her head and said: "This is why he lived alone for so long, not close to the people, otherwise Red dust. This old guy may have to be alone all his life."

Looking at Li Ji's resentful look, Jiang Yuan smiled and said: "Look at your appearance, it seems to care about him!" Li Ji stunned, then looked at Jiang Yuan and said: "Your boy is less nonsense. I, I am at A friend’s concern."

Jiang Yuan said with a smile and said: "Yes, is a friend who cares about him so much, really let me doubt your friendship?"

Li Ji saw Jiang Yuan squatting on this matter. Then she looked at Jiang Yuan and said, "Would you like to go tomorrow or not?" Jiang Yuan said, "Want to go!"

He took a look at Jiangyuan and said, "Go ahead, I will not follow you back anyway." Jiang Yuan saw that Li Ji was so decisive. It was also some accidental saying: "What do you mean by saying that you want to leave me?" Seeing that Jiangyuan is so high, Liji frowned and asked: "I am leaving you, it looks like you are very tall." ”

Jiang Yuan smiled and said: "Then you look, if you go, I must have a feast to celebrate for a few days." Hearing here, Li Ji calmed his face for a long time, then suddenly laughed. Seeing that Li Ji smiled so strangely, Jiang Yuan always felt a cool behind, and then looked at Li Ji: "What are you laughing at?"

Li Ji smiled and said: "How can I leave my big brother, are you right? I still want to waste your light at your side?" Otherwise, how do you have the attitude towards me before? ”

As Li Ji mentioned, Jiang Yuan is also ringing) before the incident.) Then I said something awkwardly: "If you don't leave, don't leave. Anyway, I am going to go back to Longjiu tomorrow. If you don't want to go, stay here."

After Li Ji nodded, he saw Jiang Yuan turn and leave. Then I looked at Jiang Yuan’s back and asked: “What are you doing?” Jiang Yuan said with a hand: “Look for something delicious.”

When I heard this, Li Ji also suddenly thought that when Jiang Yuan first went out, he went to find food, but who ever thought that there would be a thunder?

Jiang Yuan left here, and Li Ji was bored, and then returned to the Zen House.

At this time, the hairpins are wiping the Buddha statue. Seeing this, Li Ji asked: "Why do you respect this Buddha statue so much?"

The long-haired monk smiled and said: "The little donors don't know. This Buddha statue is actually not a Buddha but my master...." Hearing here, even the dragon nine sitting not far away is also a glimpse. The long-haired monk looked at the Buddha statue and said: "This is a bronze statue that I specially built for my master. If the master did not accept me, there would be no me. Now although I have been vulgar, but every time, I will come back to sort it out." Hearing here, the two also know why this Buddhist temple is the only cleanest bronze statue.

Then Li Ji sighed: "I didn't expect you to be such a person of kindness!" Long Jiu looked at Liji and smiled: "What kind of anger you have a little girl? The whole work is the same!" Ji angered and glanced at Long Jiu, just wanted to say something, but he couldn't let the dragon know, and then he closed his mouth.

Just when a few people were quiet, Jiang Yuan had returned with four fat hares and two big fish.

Seeing this, Li Ji said something silently: "You don't tell me to go out for so long, you will call back to the east." Jiang Yuan said helplessly: "Because of the thunder, it is a lot of waste. The beast and the fruit tree are either destroyed or scared away. What else is east? West."

Longjiu stood up and smiled and said: "If you have something to eat, hey!" What kind of monks come to eat together?" Hearing here, the man continued to wipe the bronze statue, then smiled: "No, you still eat." I am waiting for a ration."

Seeing that the monks did not eat, Li 5.9 Ji turned and looked at Jiang Yuan and said: "Then we eat." After Jiang Yuan looked at the people, he nodded his head to prepare the firewood.

It didn't take long for everything to be ready. Firewood is also a point. Because the bonfire is relatively small, it can only be grilled the same.

As the barbecue gradually spreads out, the night is quietly coming.

With the darkness down. The monk came to the candlestick not far away, and with the light and light blowing, the sound of the singer, the candlelight ignited.

There was a candlelight around, and the temple was not so dim.

Staring at the barbecue on the candlelight, Li Ji suddenly spoke: "Do you really want to go back tomorrow?" Long Jiu nodded his head, and Jiang Yuan took a moment to nod. .

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