At the same time, the battle in the city of Cando above the military fortress where Io is located has reached a stalemate, and

each of the awakened Fetil Empire shooters is equivalent to the superman in the movie Man of Steel.

Coupled with the Awakened Clone Legion created by the Academy of Sciences led by Joe Eyre

, Dark, the ruler of the Apokolips Star, the Dark Lord, who is known as the strongest new god at this stage

, and Bleniac, who has twelve-level wisdom and is almost the smartest person in the DC universe, often appears with a green body and high-tech equipment, it can still stalemate without making a move.

However, the shooters of the Fetil Empire and the clone legion of the Academy of Sciences are constantly decreasing, and

the civilians in Cando City, whether they are upper or lower, have been

killed and injured in the current harsh environment of Krypton. Even if a few lucky ones survived, they were just hiding in shelters waiting to die.

The remaining shooters of the Council of Truth, led by General Zod, rode in the marksman flying machine to attack the demons hovering in the sky.

At this time, an imperial archer who just flew to Zod’s side widened his eyes, and then roared loudly with a dead heart

: “General, we have no hope, our compatriots are dying out every moment, but the biological weapons of this group of apokolips are endless

” Hearing this, General Zod’s face was slightly stunned, and then he replied grimly: “Don’t give up, don’t forget that you are the shooter of the Fetil Empire.”

It’s Krypton’s strongest shield, never give up until the last minute, and we still have one last glimmer of hope, so shooter back to your place. The

archer raised his head, and then replied regretfully: “Yes, General, I am the strongest shield of the Fetil Empire

, even if I die, I will die on the battlefield, I want to be worthy of my genes and this power given by His Highness Io.”

After listening to the shooter’s answer, General Zod’s face was stunned, and his face showed a solemn look and said: “Go and fight, for the Fetir Empire, and for the glory of the Imperial Archer”

The shooter saluted General Zod, and then rushed to the group of demons.

There is nothing more cruel than war, watching comrades who usually get along with each other fall one after another.

However, for the sake of the empire and the honor of being an imperial shooter, there can still be no minute of distraction, no minute of sadness, can only hold back tears and fly over the corpses

of comrades, and the only thing that can repay the remains of comrades who have been sleeping in this war is the corpses of demons that were bombarded and shattered!

Fiora’s face was slightly startled, and then said grimly: “General, we have no chance of winning this war at all, the existing archers and clone legions are less than thirty thousand

, but no matter what, we can’t live up to the honor of becoming a Kryptonian.”

“As an imperial shooter, death in battle is the best destination.”

The other end of the dividing line—__—

Brainiac looked at the chaotic battlefield, and then at the Imperial archers who used their own biological force field to intercept the traction rays emitted by their spaceships.

Brainiac took a few glances and analyzed the shortcomings of this group of Fetil Empire shooters.

The dark red Kryptonian suits worn by this group of imperial archers are simulating the light of yellow stars inside, replenishing their bodies.

The outside has a special unique magnetic field different from the biological force field that wraps the whole body. This magnetic field is emitted autonomously by the dark red Krypton Archer’s suit, which

can isolate various uncomfortable elements in the outside world and the radiation of the red sun, the main star of Krypton, so that the Imperial Archer can maintain a unique state of equilibrium.

Although they cannot continue to become stronger, they can resist the radiation of the red star of Krypton, and then the yellow star simulation rays inside replenish the energy consumed in battle.

“The design is indeed quite clever, if it were someone else or another cosmic civilization, it would have already lost in this situation where it can maintain the best state for a long time.”

Brainiac explained with his head held high and a look of contempt on his face.

“However, I am essentially a super artificial intelligence, and I have preserved the technology of your Fetil Empire (Krypton), and these low-level artificial intelligence in your armor cannot stop me.”

Saying that, Brainiac raised his right hand, his eyes glowed green, and many tentacles appeared at the interface on his head, but many tentacles hovered and flew behind his head.

The dark red marksman armor of the Fetil Empire equipped with artificial intelligence is

as fragile to Brainiac as shaving his wool and sprinkling it with seasoning, slowly moving to a hungry

wolf, and begging the hungry wolf not to eat its sheep.

Brainiac emitted a shockwave formed by a green light that swept every corner

of the battlefield, and everyone who was swept by this shockwave, the Kryptonian dark red marksman armor he was wearing emitted a spark, the special magnetic field opened by the armor collapsed directly, and

the yellow stellar ray generator inside also came out, and the spark directly burned the generator.

The armor on everyone’s body was directly paralyzed, and because of the paralysis of the armor, the special magnetic field turned on disappeared,

so that all the living and awakened Kryptonian people on the battlefield were directly exposed to the radiation of the red star hanging above Krypton.

The shooter aircraft of the Truth Council shooters who were fighting with demons in the sky crashed directly because they were out of control, which

caused all the remaining shooters of the Truth Council to fall.

“Damn the armor’s protection has failed,” General Zod’s face changed slightly, and he shouted in shock,

“Everyone hurry up and turn on the biological force field to isolate the radiation of the red star. “All the alive shooters immediately wrapped themselves in a biological force field when they heard General Zod’s order,

but the clone legion created by the Academy of Sciences could not perfectly wrap itself with a biological force field because of the genetic limitation of Joe Al.

However, the Horr in the group of demons found that his strength was declining, and he had not been replenished.

Therefore, he wants to solve the unstable factors on the battlefield while the strength is still there.

Thinking of this, after using heat rays to clean up the demons around him, he directly exploded towards Brainiac.

On the other side of the battlefield, General Zod and his adjutant Fiora are indeed dodging the pursuit of Darkseid, the ruler of the Apokolips and the strongest new god at this stage.

Just now, General Zod and Fiora cooperated with each other, one person restrained Darkseid, the other raised the speed to the extreme, and the impact brought by the acceleration cracked

the corner of Darkseid’s eye, which is now known as the strongest new god.

Before the super artificial intelligence Bleniac struck, General Zod and his adjutant Fiora could still rely on their extreme speed to deal with Darkseid, the ruler of the Apokolips.

However, because the green shock wave emitted by Brainiac destroyed the Fetir armor that could increase itself, he used the biological force field to wrap himself in the first time,

but it still caused the ability to awaken to begin to weaken under the direct radiation of the red star of Krypton.

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