In the starry sky, Loki had already stopped the spaceship from approaching, and he looked at the dashboard and said to Thor: “Thor’s gravity in this star field is not normal

, the stronger it goes, and then the planet inside really exists, so the flesh should be very strong.”

Thor was a little excited at this time, and he rubbed his fists and said

, “If that planet god is really inside, it will be a great opponent.”

While the two were talking, a figure wearing dark red armor appeared

outside the spaceship, and Loki and Thor looked at the figure outside the spaceship a little surprised but not very surprised, because

they Asgardians and the Nine Realms can survive in the universe except for the atrium.

Thor ran over and opened the hatch, and a figure outside came in.

Without waiting for the figure to speak, Thor said directly: “You are that Krypton God, right? We’re here for you.

The figure spoke, “I’m not, I’m a shooter from the Fetil Empire who came to pick you up on the instructions of my god Luoer.”

The shooter then enveloped the ship with his bioforce field, shielding it from the gradually increasing gravity

, and Loki asked, “Are you just an ordinary soldier?” The

shooter replied, “Yes.”

Loki then asked, “When we first came over, we found that the gravity of this star field is very abnormal, and

all the people on your planet live under this environment?”

The shooter replied, “Yes.”

Seeing that the Kryptonians didn’t want to talk much, Loki didn’t ask more,

and he thought about how strong their national power would be if this group of people lived in this high-gravity environment.

This physique far surpassed that of ordinary Asgardians, and what a powerful army it

would be if they were to be taken into their own hands, and their strength would be enough to put themselves on the throne.

When the spacecraft fully entered this star field, it was greeted by two stars, but there was only one planet around (the other planets were dismantled),

Loki looked at the super large device near the star, and thought that

this group of Kryptonians is not only powerful in their own technology, but also extraordinary.

As for Thor, he sighed as he looked at the figures that occasionally flew outside the planet.

The shooter took the spacecraft to the ground airport of New Krypton, dispersed his biological force field

, (the airport has gravitational devices), and said: “Please follow me next,

my god Lore is already waiting for you in the hall.”

Then opened the hatch and walked out, and the two quickly followed, and Thor whispered:

“Loki’s planet people don’t seem to welcome us very much, and you can see that they are completely inactive, and

there are few women.”

“I feel like they’re all very weird, and most of the breath on their bodies is the same.”

Loki whispered back,

not knowing that the shooter in front of him would hear the same thing they said directly in front of him.

When he was about to leave the airport, Loki felt some changes in the magnetic field and immediately used magic to set a weight loss spell on himself

, and Thor walked out directly, and at the moment he went out, he almost fell down with his legs bent,

but he relied on the physical fitness of the Asgardians to carry this wave of gravity.

He also glanced back at Loki, who was fine, with a look of resentment in his eyes, as if to blame him for not reminding himself.

But Loki looked at Thor and almost got ugly, and this look he didn’t see walked over, but his heart had already begun to secretly rejoice

, Thor stood in place for a short while, let his body adapt to this gravity, and followed

, after all, the Asgardians of the Asgardians resisted the impact of stars with their bodies.

The two followed the shooter to the shooter flying machine, and the two looked at the city with many buildings but not many people in the sky and thought

that it should be because these Kryptonians are very physically strong that the number of people is scarce.

The flying machine landed in a palace that was comparable to a fairy palace, but silver

, and the archer led them into the palace, walked towards the middle, stopped at a gate and said:

“Go in, my god Luoer is waiting for you inside.”

Then they went straight back without them. Thor looked at the departing shooter Dorocky and said, ”

I really hate this planet more and more.”

Loki nodded in agreement.

At this time, the gate opened, and the two walked in, and at a glance, they saw a figure wearing black and gold armor sitting on the throne in front of them.

Looking at the person above who was 185 tall but could see his age at a glance

, Thor and Loki were a little surprised, and when Thor was about to say something, Loki took a step ahead of him and said: “Hello, respected Krypton, Sun God.” At

this time, Loki did not dare to let Thor talk nonsense, from the attitude of these Kryptonians to them and

the fact that there were soldiers everywhere on the road but did not see the appearance of civilians, Loki felt very wrong

, at this time, if Thor said something to offend people, it was a question of whether the two would be alive before Asgard’s support arrived.

Lore looked at the two people below: “I am the supreme sun god of Krypton, Lore · D-Zod

, I know you, the two princes of Asgard, Thor, the god of thunder and Loki, the god of trickery, now

tell me why you came to my new Kryptonite.

Loki said in a respectful tone: “Honorable Krypton Sun God Lore, we came here this time because we

Asgard defeated the rebellious Warner God Clan

, and our father, His Majesty Odin, the king of the gods, decided to hold a banquet of the gods, and specially sent me and Thor to invite you.” Hearing

this, Lore came with some interest: “Oh, the feast of the gods, is this another name for your Asgard celebration feast?” Who are the invited gods?

Loki continued to laugh and said, “Krypton God said and laughed, this is not a celebration banquet

, it was held by our father, Odin, the king of the gods, who wanted to connect with the feelings between the gods.

Among the participating gods were Zeus

, the father of the gods, Ra, the god of the sun, Jesus the god of woodworking, the god of Cronand, the god of Quetzalcoatl

and the god of dreams, the goddess Elche, Minerva, the god of wisdom and technology and craftsmanship, the goddess Baster of the panther,

and other major gods and some planet gods. ”

Now Loki no longer dares to regard Lore as those low-level planet gods.

His instinct is that the people opposite him are strong and can keep Odin, the father of all beings, here forever before they arrive.

After hearing the names of these gods, Lore thought that these were not the gods

who appeared in the banquet held by Zeus, the father of the gods, in the land of the gods.

And what he wants to see the most is the sun god Ra, to see if he can kill him and seize the authority that belongs to the Egyptian sun god on him

, “Yes, I will attend, I also want to meet the gods

, thank you for the invitation of His Majesty Odin, I will go to the appointment.” Lore nodded and said.

At this time, Thor spoke, and just because they were discussing the task given to them by their father,

the name of his idol (Zeus) appeared.

“Krypton God, I feel that you are very strong and fight with me,”

Lore had a question mark on his face???

I can kill a group of Celestial Gods alone now

, but you, an unawakened Thor who wants to fight me??

Then, the divine power and energy in his body burst out,

and he used it on the biological force field to press the two to the ground and said: “Do you still want to fight me now?”

Loki lay on the ground with a depressed look on his face and thought, I knew Thor would be bad.

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