0197 chapter green light army to find the door
Su Zhan doesn’t know what Helena is looking forward to. He is now strolling in the commercial street of Star City. Since he is going to attend the Christmas party at Oliver Quin’s house, it is not good to go empty-handed. Christmas gifts still have to be prepared a few, especially when he remembers Oliver Quinn’s younger sister, Xia, a rebellious little girl, who first came to the door to meet, or Christmas, not preparing gifts is too rude.

Speaking of it, Thea is the assistant of Arrow’s future. Although he replaced the Red Arrow, he did not replace the name.

Walking and walking, Su Zhan has a feeling of being stared at. The tracking technology of the other party should be very high. If it is not that he is particularly keen, it may not be felt. Pretending to look around casually and see no suspicious people.

“Who is going to stare at me? In this world, I don’t have any enemies yet? Is it the Supernatural Action Agency? But they are hypnotized by me, unless they are good at this aspect, otherwise it is impossible to lift like this. “Su Zhan thought for a moment, and sneered at the corner of his mouth: “Let me see, who are you!”

Su Zhan walked to the side of the alley, followed by a sudden change. He instantly became another person, a hooligan, a yellow hooligan, holding a cigarette in his hand, leaning against the wall. It’s up.

After about three or four minutes, a middle-aged man walked in. About forty or fifty years old, his hair was a little white, and he was very simple and plain.

The middle-aged man came over and glanced at Su Zhan, then found that it was a dead end, he wasowned, moved towards Su Zhan said: “Have you seen a yellow-skinned Asian?”

“Not seen!” Su Zhan said impatiently.

The middle-aged man was a little unhappy, but it didn’t get angry. “Weird, why didn’t you see it, did you find me? Impossible!” The middle-aged man whispered a little, some were not willing.

Su Zhan glanced at him with a squint. He didn’t know this person, and he read the heart. The telepathy seemed to be ineffective. This way of failure made him feel familiar. He subconsciously turned to the middle-aged man’s hand. Wearing a ring on his right hand!

A ring that he is familiar with.

Green light ring!

Su Zhan was a little surprised. I didn’t expect this person to have a green light ring. In other words, is he a Green Lantern?

If he remembers correctly, he should be the first Earth Green Lantern, then, is this person not Earth?

It doesn’t look like it is, maybe it’s a disguise.

So what does he do for himself? What is the purpose?

Just as Su Zhan hesitated to ask questions, but suddenly saw the middle-aged man whispering a few words, and looked forward to him again, but this time the eyes are different from the last time, the feeling for Su Zhan is that He has recognized his identity.

“I don’t know how you did it, but you may not know that the lights are sensitive to each other. You haven’t been to the OA star, so you haven’t activated all the functions of the light ring. Otherwise, you will I know that this blind method is useless,” said middle-aged man.

Su Zhan shrugged and removed the illusion.

“I just didn’t think that the person who followed me would be the Green Light Corps. Shouldn’t this be what you were?” Su Zhan said.

“Yes, this is just what I am illusory.”

“So, what are you doing for me?” Su Zhan just asked casually and had no interest in him. He even wants to know that the Green Light Corps is looking for its own purpose.

“Abinxu is on Death in Earth. His lamp ring has chosen you. But we think the Earth is too weak to be a member of the Green Light Corps, so send me to you.” He paused and continued: “You need to go with me to test the OA star. If you pass, you will be eligible to be a member of the Green Light Legion. If you fail to pass, your green light ring will be taken back!”

“What is your name?” Su Zhan suddenly asked.

“Toma Ray!”

After the middle-aged man finished, I saw Su Zhan’s face as if I was surprised. It seemed to be laughing and I couldn’t help but ask: “Is there anything strange about my name?”

“No, nothing.” Su Zhan grinned and shook his head. Why did he laugh? Because he remembered who this horse is, or that he knows what he looks like.

An alien like a fish, like a chicken.

Su Zhan couldn’t help but think of him.

Looking at the confusing look of Toma Ray, Su Zhan held back his smile and said, “Well, I know what you mean. Simply put, you have to take me to the OA star and decide if I am qualified to wear a green light ring. Well, anyway, I haven’t been to the OA star anyway. It’s fine to go and see it, but I have to wait, I have a party to attend at night, how about starting tomorrow?”

“It is better to start now, we have been looking for you for a long time, my order is, find you, and immediately take you back to the OA star.” Toma Ray shook his head and said, while the light ring suddenly covered Su Zhan.

Su Zhan wrinkled and was not happy: “You are ready to take me away? Don’t say I didn’t warn you, I agree to go to OA with you, but if you use this way, I will not be so good. Temper.”

“Hey, the tone is quite big, how long have you got the light ring, haven’t been trained, don’t think you can beat me? The arrogant human!” Toma Ray said with some disdain.

“Big arrogant? Hehe, I think arrogant is you right, I really think that the Green Light Legion is invincible?” Su Zhan sneered, Green Lantern is only one of his identity, if not because of system Quest, he is not ready to be Green Lantern. “Since you take the green light ring seriously, I will let you see, without the light ring, I can also abuse you!”

“Oh? Let me see if you still have…” What the ability hasn’t finished yet, and Toma Ray has been retreated several times, and the light ring energy has been shattered by Su Zhan! “This…this is impossible!”

“Impossible? The impossible is still behind!” Su Zhan sneered, Ether suits directly on the body, then slowly took off the green ring and put it into the system space.

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