Mary Na in the 0711 chapter
Mary Na was unwilling to snorted, turned and wanted to go, but suddenly felt that the body could not move, she said something hurriedly: “What do you want?”

“Don’t be nervous, this time I said that letting go of you will definitely let you go. When you can’t get the life-saving things, it’s not necessarily.” Su Zhan smiled and said to Mary Na: ” Kadi’s mother should be dead now?”

Mary Na was shocked again, and she felt that there were more times than she was shocked today.

“You lie to Kadi to help you with things. I am not interested in it. I heard that you know the Shadow World very well?” Su Zhan then asked.

Mary Na was secretly relaxed. When she first sneaked into the college, she went to find Cady. Although she didn’t find it, she knew that Caddy was mixed with Su Zhan. She is really worried that Su Zhan will turn over the old account, it was only for the shadow world.

“I know a wizard. He is Magnus. If you want to know about the dark world, you can ask him.” After Maryna finished, the body returned to freedom, and immediately turned and left, and soon disappeared in Su Zhan. In sight.

“Remind you again, take advantage of the opportunity to get more good things.” Su Zhan’s voice rang in Mary Na’s mind, and Mary Na ran snorted angrily. She now understands why Su Zhan has let go of herself. He wants to keep himself in fear so that he won’t be killed by him to help him get good things!

“The two magic books are so fast, I don’t know what to expect next time.”

Su Zhan chuckled and entered the barrier.

Quentin’s business is just a small episode. There may not be many people who are worried about the dean. When I return to the wooden house, Kadi is already awake. Su Zhan chats with Kadi and Julia and then returns to the bedroom. I swallow the stone of time.

With the passage of time, it was soon late. Su Zhan puts a stone of soul and gets up and leaves the college.

Nightlife is the favorite of youngster. Clarly came to the square to meet the show with her friends. Her friend held a band and it was a farewell performance.

Su Zhan didn’t come directly to Claret, but appeared in front of a house that looked like a lot of pressure.

The doorbell rang, and after a long time the door opened, revealing an Asian face, but it looked slightly softer, and some mothers felt.

“Chinese?” Su bustle intent asked: “You are Magnus?”

“Yes.” Magnus watched Su Zhan with vigilance.

Su Zhan smiled and said: “It seems that there is only Chinese lineage, and I grew up abroad. My name is Su Zhan, and Mary Na let me come.”

“Mary Na?” Magnus frowned, let the body say: “Come in.”

“You better not look at me with that look. Don’t worry about it, otherwise I will kill you.” Su Zhan glanced at Magnus and walked in.

Magnus screamed at some of her guns and said, “Let’s say, what are you coming to find me?”

“It’s the same thing as you.” Su Zhan looked at the house and said casually.

Magnus said solemnly: “I don’t remember what I owe her.”

“Your memory is correct, you really don’t owe her anything. Because this is what I want, it has nothing to do with her.” Su Zhan said with a smile.

“You?” Magnus looked at Su Zhan, suddenly laughed heartily. “I was the first time I encountered a dare to go directly to the door to ask for something from me. Why? Don’t you know who I am?”

“For me, it doesn’t matter who you are.” Su Zhan said with a smile. “Because no matter who you are, it is impossible to be stronger than me.”

“A big tone.”

Magnus was sneered, his hands suddenly swayed, and the magic instantly flocked to Su Zhan.

Su Zhan laughed and said nothing. There was a layer of barrier in front of him. Magnus’ attack hit it and it came back. The unprepared Magnus flew directly out of the earthquake and collapsed. Coffee table.

Magnus stood up struggling, looking at Su Zhan in darkness, and after a moment, aok a deep breath. Su Zhan looked at him with interest and really wanted to know what tricks the sorcerer could play. I saw Magnus patted the clothes, suddenly took a deep breath, looking directly at Su Zhan.

“what do you want!”


Su Zhan looked at Magnus and said, “Fuck, I thought you were going to open up for a long time, and you still have to wear soft clothes.”

Magnus smiled and said: “Although I don’t know who you are, I can feel the powerful magic of you. I don’t think I need to be an enemy of a big magician.”

“You are interested in it.” Su Zhan rolled his eyes and said. “I want a person’s memory!”

“Who’s?” Magnus, as a well-known and powerful wizard in the shadow world, has helped many people seal their memories.


“Clarly?” Magnus originally wanted to say that no matter who he said, he did it himself, but he did not expect it to be Clarly. “Her situation is a bit special, I am afraid… I can’t give it to you.”

“Oh, it’s alright.”

Magnus has some surprises, so good to talk? Then he knew that he was wrong. “If you don’t say it, I will kill you and torture your soul. Of course, I can also read your memory directly. Your seal can’t stop me.”

“Wait, I can’t give you because, this memory is not in my hands. Her memory, I am feeding Evil Demon, a very powerful Evil Demon, if you want, you can only get it from it. Grab it.” Magnus explained quickly.

“I hope you won’t tell me, you forgot how to summon it.” Su Zhan said faintly.

Magnus: “Of course not, just… it is very powerful. If it is solved by summon, if it can’t be solved, I am afraid…”

“This doesn’t require you to worry about it, even the powerful Evil Demon will see me!”


Magnus saw Su Zhan so determined, what else can he say? Soon, he turned to prepare the tools for the summon array. While Magnus was busy, Su Zhan poured himself a glass of red wine, sat on the sofa with red wine in his hand, and took a magic book to learn the magic.

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