The 0722 chapter has him at home!

The appearance of Su Zhan allowed Clarly to relax all the time, accompanying Su Zhan while chatting, waiting to see if Vampire would appear.

The family was very chaotic. She didn’t clean up before. Now that Su Zhan is coming back, Claret introduces Su Zhan’s memory at home and simply cleans it up.

It’s a weird feeling, like Su Zhan’s appearance, it’s home again.

“It seems that Vampire is afraid that it can’t appear.” Time passed slowly, and the blink of an eye had reached the middle of the night, and there was no one or creature.

Claret nodded in disappointment and seemed to be going to the museum tomorrow.

“It’s not too early, take a break, or else you won’t be in the daytime.” Su Zhan is holding Clarion.

Clarly nodded. Before the house was in a mess, the two simply cleaned up, but her room was already packed, and the temporary rest was OK.

Su Zhan drew a hidden magic array on the door of the room, and no creatures wanted to get close to the room. After closing the door, I looked at Claret’s room.

The rooms are very simple, with a wardrobe, bed, desk and a drawing board next to it. I used to make it very messy, and there was no place to go. Now I barely packed it up and put on a clean bedding.

“rest early.”

Su Zhan lay down with Clarice, lying in his arms, and Clarly gently pointed her head and listened to his heartbeat, as if the whole world had become solid.

Unconsciously, Clarly has fallen asleep.

Woke up the next day, Clarity found herself lying in the arms of Su Zhan, and the clothes on her body had no idea when it was taken off and placed neatly on the table next to it.

The same is true for Su Zhan.

Although Clarly is somewhat ashamed, it is more sweet after the girl gets happiness.

Su Zhan opened his eyes slightly, and saw Clarly’s eyes with sweet emotions. The long blond hair inadvertently rubbed his body, and it was itchy. “Woke up?”

“Yeah.” Claret was lazy and complied.

Su Zhan smiled and took advantage of Clarly’s smooth body, looking to the window.

Sun shone brightly, it’s a good weather.

“Hungry?” Su Zhan rubbed Clarian’s body and asked softly.

Clarity shook her head. “Not hungry, that’s fine.”

“Yes? I thought it would be better.” Su Zhan chuckled and looked up and kissed him. Who knows that Clarly’s reaction is much stronger than Su Zhan thinks, and after separation, Clarly took the initiative to come over.

For a moment, Su Zhan, who just woke up, woke up and immediately held Claret, and he practiced it.

Morning exercise.

Still very necessary!

At noon, Su Zhan and Clarly took the hand out of the house.

Originally beautiful and beautiful, Claret was even more dazzling at this time, and the whole person seemed to exude an indescribable light.

The two walked down the street, male handsome, female sly.

Really attracted a lot of turning back.

After lunch or after breakfast, the two drove to the museum.

There isn’t a lot of people in museums. After all, when the network is developed, many things can be checked online. Often come to museums are particularly interested in this area, or activities organized by the school.

Today, there is a school organization that visits the museum. It looks like a high school student, but the development of foreigners is very early, so it looks like Su Zhan, Clarity is about the same age.

A group of people entered the museum in a mighty way, and Su Zhan followed Clarly with the crowd. The museum is very large and very deserted. It seems that so many people have entered the museum and it is a bit of a living.

Anyway, I don’t know where the Holy Grail is recorded. Su Zhan simply followed them and looked at them one by one, mainly introducing various gods. This made him interested. After all, they are just legendary characters, but they can see it themselves.

Soon the group of hot people stopped in the Greek gods. A teacher in a wheelchair was presenting the statue. It should be a third-rate god in the Greek gods.

Compared with the Norse mythology, the Greek gods are more familiar.

Zeus, Poseidon, Hades.

Of course, there is Athena!

Clarity took Su Zhan’s arm and listened very seriously. At this time, Su Zhan suddenly noticed a little problem!

One of the students seems to be not interested in these myths, although listening, but the ears are wearing headphones. Of course, this is not the root of the problem. What Su Zhan cares about is that a middle-aged female teacher next to her looks at the boy with a special look.

A bit resentful, a little expecting, a little eager to try, no matter what, certainly not the teacher’s look at the student’s expression.

“You said, is there really God in this world?” Claret’s moved towards Su Zhan asked.

Su Zhan laughed with a smile : “I was not sure if there is any god in the world, but now… I think I can be sure. Because, you are God, my Goddess!”

Claret’s pretty face was red, showing a shy expression.

“Hate, I am serious.”

“I am also serious.” Su Zhan smiled and said, “Well, are you interested in seeing God?”

“God? Are you serious?” Clarly looked at Su Zhan in surprise.

Su Zhan smiled. “follow me.”

At this time, the boy had been called away by the female teacher, and went to the exhibition hall next door as if there was anything to say. Su Zhan came in from the side door next door with Clarilla and leaned against the door.

“Where is God?”

“That’s not what it is.” Su Zhan smiled and pointed at the student.

Claret snarled: “Student? How is this possible, what is he?”

“He should be considered a half-human and half-divine hybrid. It is said that many gods like to fall in love with ordinary people. The children born are the half-human and half-human hybrids,” Su Zhan explained with a chuckle.

Clarian was amazed. God would like to fall in love with ordinary people. She thought it was just some legends that later generations added for romance. I didn’t expect… is it true?

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