Find me?

Yes, come with me!

Fairy Peony whispered and pulled He Xiangu aside. Although He Xiangu was a little confused, she didn't say anything. After the two of them walked aside, He Xiangu said: Fairy Peony, what do you want from me?

Are you here to plead for Fei Changfang? Fairy Peony asked. Have you thought of a solution?

He Xiangu shook her head.

Fairy Peony said: I know you haven't figured out a solution yet, but someone asked me to tell you that if you really want help, you might as well go to the Queen Mother.

Looking for the Queen Mother? He Xiangu was stunned for a moment, looked at Fairy Peony and said, Who told you?

This... you will know in the future. Just remember that you can help Fei Changfang if you go to the Queen Mother and ask her to come forward.

But why would the Queen Mother help me?

Fairy Peony shook her head: That person just said that as long as you mention the demon outside the territory, the Queen Mother will help you. As for the specifics, I don't know, I am just a messenger. Okay, you come with me, I will take you there See the Queen Mother.”

After saying that, Fairy Peony didn't care what Xiangu thought and took her directly to find the Queen Mother.

On the way, He Xiangu finally figured it out.

The Jade Emperor must give face to the demons outside the territory. But he couldn't help himself. After all, he was a subordinate of the Jade Emperor. If he threatened the Jade Emperor with extraterrestrial demons, the Jade Emperor would not look good. But if the Queen Mother tells the Jade Emperor, it will be different! But, will the Queen Mother agree to help? Who is this person? Could it be him?

See the Queen Mother!

Just as she was thinking about it, He Xiangu felt herself being pulled to kneel down, and then she heard the respectful voice of Fairy Peony next to her.

See the Queen Mother.

Peony Fairy, He Xiangu, what's the matter?

He Xiangu hesitated for a moment and said: Xiangu is interceding for Fei Changfang. The Jade Emperor wants to punish Fei Changfang, but Fei Changfang's gun... was given by the demon from outside the territory. If... if the Jade Emperor really punishes Fei Changfang, If I give you a room, will it offend the demon from outside the territory?

Extraterritorial Demon?

The Queen Mother's expression changed and became very strange.

He Xiangu didn't dare to raise her head and just waited quietly.

The Queen Mother looked at He Xiangu and said after a long time: Fairy Peony, please step aside first.


Fairy Peony responded and left slowly.

The Queen Mother suddenly spoke. He Xiangu, what is your relationship with the demon from outside the territory!

Chapter 0038 Zimu River

He Xiangu's heart skipped a beat. Although the Queen Mother's voice was not harsh, it gave her a feeling of shock to her soul! After hesitating for a moment, He Xiangu stabilized her mind. Since the Queen Mother asked this question, she would definitely not be able to deny it, but she still had to say it skillfully. After a pause, He Xiangu then explained: Reporting to the Queen Mother, we knew each other before I became an immortal. Zhang Guolao can prove it. Later, when Fei Changfang was involved, he came to me to be the intermediary. Out of worry, he I just agreed.

that is it?

The Queen Mother looked at He Xiangu but didn't believe it in her heart. She understood that Su Zhan would never help for no reason. How could he suddenly help Fei Changfang? He had been interested in He Xiangu before, and Fei Changfang's wife... her whereabouts are also unknown now, and she is most likely already with him. Looking at He Xiangu again, it was obvious that she was no longer a virgin. As one of the Eight Immortals, He Xiangu was still finished before she became an immortal, but now she is no longer. Besides him, who else could have the ability to get He Xiangu? During this period of time, He Xiangu was neither in Heaven nor with the Eight Immortals. She was probably with him in Yaochi, right?

He was unable to go to Yaochi for the time being, but he didn't expect that not only would he get Chang'e, but even He Xiangu would not be able to escape her clutches in the end.

Seeing that He Xiangu was still hiding her relationship, the Queen Mother couldn't help but sigh secretly. No matter what kind of woman she was in Su Zhan's hands... she seemed to be willing to change for him. He Xiangu is, so is she...

That's it, that's all!

After saying something secretly, the Queen Mother looked at the worried He Xiangu and waved her hand: Get up, I will handle Fei Changfang's affairs.

Thank you Queen Mother! He Xiangu said excitedly.

Go down. The Queen Mother responded softly, and He Xiangu turned around and said.

After the fairy aunt left, the queen mother fell into deep thought.

Given his character, I am afraid that more people will fall into trouble. There are many female fairies in Heaven, not to mention that Heaven will inevitably have many interactions with him in the future. It is better for him to stay in Heaven to do things more conveniently. This will not work anymore. I will not be compared with others.

Originally, the Queen Mother planned to take time to go back, but now she changed her mind!

The Queen Mother got up and went to see the Jade Emperor to plead for Fei Changfang. Of course, the solution was to use the tiger skin of the extraterrestrial devil, but the same words said by the Queen Mother were completely different from those said by He Xiangu. The Queen Mother's Yaochi has been given away. If you want to lose face, everyone will lose face. But if He Xiangu says so, does the Jade Emperor still need the face?

In the end, the Jade Emperor punished Fei Changfang and became a ghost to atone for his sins, and the matter came to an end.

For immortals, becoming a ghost fairy is a punishment, but for ordinary people, becoming a ghost fairy is a reward. Of course, Fei Changfang still felt resentful, but he could only accept the situation at this point. The matter was resolved satisfactorily. He Xiangu said goodbye to the other Eight Immortals and returned to Kunlun Yaochi.

I met Su Zhan after I came back, but Su Zhan didn't say anything.

After Fei Changfang's incident passed, He Xiangu became more proactive.

Originally, Chang'e was the only one who attended the bed, but now there is another He Xiangu.

On the jade couch, it was a great pleasure to have one on the left and one on the right. Xia Xiang would be responsible for serving, while Zhenniang would take care of small things such as fetching water and cleaning.

A few days passed by, and Su Zhan had nothing to do and was ready to go out for a walk. This time, he only took Zhenniang with him. Firstly, Zhenniang had a well-behaved personality. Secondly, Zhenniang had such good cooking skills. She was not just for food, but just for food. You should also take your oral desires with you. Su Zhan and Zhenniang had no destination when they came from Kunlun. They just wandered around the courtyard, admired the scenery, and occasionally ate game. Quan thought it was a way to relax. Although the Yaochi was nice and enjoyable, to be honest, Su Zhan still I’m really not a particularly homely person, so it’s great to take a walk and relax.

Walking along the way, Su Zhan felt relaxed, and Zhenniang was even more eye-opening.

How could an ordinary small family have traveled so far?

It's not like the transportation was as developed as in later generations, and she was not a fairy or monster. Ordinary people would probably not be able to travel through the splendid mountains and rivers of the Tang Dynasty in their lifetime. Last time I took Chang'e out to play, most of them went to some relatively famous places, and there was no delay at all along the way. This time, it was more about enjoying the ordinary scenery along the way.

Not remembering the time or place, it was just a trip that just happened to go. Su Zhan didn't care at all about where he ended up, but he would still pay attention to it occasionally, mainly to tell Zhen Niang. On this day, the two of them saw a crystal clear river. Zhenniang was about to fetch water for cooking as usual, but as soon as she moved, her arm was stopped by Su Zhan.

Zhen Niang looked at Su Zhan doubtfully and saw Su Zhan carefully looking at the river. After a moment, he said with a smile: Do you want to have a baby?

Zhenniang was stunned for a moment, and her face instantly turned red like a red cloud.

Su Zhan suddenly asked her if she wanted to have a baby, which naturally... made Zhenniang think of something.

Along the way, although they ate and lived together, let alone treated each other with courtesy, nothing happened. Zhenniang also knew when she was in Yaochi that this kind of thing was something they fought for each other. It was my mute maid's turn, but I didn't expect that it would be this time...

After a slight hesitation, Zhenniang nodded lowly.

You want to have a baby? Well, then go get water. As long as you drink this water, I guarantee that you will have a daughter soon. Su Zhan laughed and said.

Zhenniang was a little confused, but she also knew that she would be wrong, and she was ashamed and annoyed.

Okay, okay, this river is called Zimu River. Once you drink the water from this Zimu River, your belly will grow bigger, and you will give birth to a girl in three days. So, if you don't want to have a baby, it's best to It's better not to drink. Su Zhan explained with a smile. But the way you nodded just now is really interesting. Forget about having a baby, but I can satisfy you during the process of giving birth.

Zhenniang's face turned redder.

Now that we have arrived at the Zimu River, there should be the Daughter's Kingdom nearby, right? I don't know if Master Tang Seng and his disciples have come here. Calculating the time, it should be not yet? The Daughter's Kingdom, this is really worth seeing! Su Zhan smiled, patted Zhenniang on the shoulder and said, Let's go and see this daughter's country!

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