Reina was summoned to teach the new students of the Super Seminary. As a goddess, especially a goddess who felt unhappy, Reina's first lesson was unforgettable for everyone.

Wearing a long and wide windbreaker, black stockings, denim shorts and a black T-shirt, everyone can see what a true goddess is as soon as she appears. Lena, who appeared in Durban, wanted to show her strength as a goddess, but she forgot that this was not her era and needed to be repositioned. As a result, the three gay brothers came out to dance. Xin Zhao was full of confidence, but was beaten by Lei Na. Na kicked them away, and then one after another they were pushed out of the window by Reina.

Three brothers, plus Liu Chuang!

After finishing Durban, Reina went to Noban happily. She was looking forward to the scene of throwing Su Zhan out, but as soon as she entered, she found that Su Zhan was not there, and neither Caitlin nor Du Qiangwei was there. This made her Reina was so disappointed that she could only train those four guys first. But when she got there, Reina saw Su Zhan sitting aside, and Caitlin and Du Qiangwei were there.

The four guys looked like they were being beaten up and squatted on the ground with their heads in their hands.

Humph, I let you escape once. Reina snorted in her heart, walked to the front and said to the four guys: Why are you all crying and sad? You are already doing well, you should be happy. Look, if If you are thrown from upstairs, you will be thrown to death. I basically don’t even look at them, which means you are very tough and can satisfy the appetite of this goddess!


Su Zhan interrupted.

Reina turned around and glared, with such a vulgar expression and tone, hum!

It's true. I thought I was dead at first. But it turned out that it was okay if I fell. Galen looked at himself belatedly and said in amazement.

Would you like to try from the fifth floor? Reina asked.

No, no, no, no... Galen waved his hand and refused.

I said you are so cowardly? Isn't there anyone who wants to resist? Reina's disappointed Yaoyaotu said in a rather contemptuous tone.

The four guys looked at each other, and the somewhat inexperienced Xin Zhao stood up.

As expected of Master Xin! Seeing Xin Zhao's actions, Jiawen was about to praise him a few words, when he saw Xin Zhao standing up, spinning around, turning around and squatting down again.


You can't see me, you can't see me, you can't see. Xin Zhao hypnotized himself, completely ignoring their contempt.

Galen shook his head: It seems like I'm the hardest, how about I give it a try?

Get up, walk towards Lena, fly out, and fall.

The whole process is like flowing clouds and water, extremely fast.

Seeing Galen lying down, Liu Chuang stood up. I'll do it.

Clenching his fists, he walked over.

Lie down!

Master Xin, who have I ever been afraid of?


Look, they are all lying down, so why don't I try? Jiawen looked at the three guys lying down and asked in a flattering way.

Humph, you don't even have the courage to be beaten, so you have to be inferior to them. They can hug my thighs, but you... can only hug my toes. Reina raised the corners of her mouth and raised her head to mock. road.

I'm going, this can't be tolerated, I want to hug your waist! Jiawen shouted, and rushed over with open arms. Reina raised her hand slightly and punched him directly. Ah... don't slap me in the face! Yachudie!

Jiawen fell to the ground suddenly.

The four guys were lying down, and Reina turned to Su Zhan with a casual look and asked, Do you want to give it a try?

Let's go back and try again at night. Su Zhan said casually: You will know how hard I am by then. After all...there are people here in broad daylight. I'm afraid you will be embarrassed.

What are you thinking about? Reina was so angry that she wanted to take action, but she felt an aura inexplicably. For a moment, Reina felt afraid. She looked at the smiling Su Zhan, snorted at the end, turned around and said to the four guys, You weaklings are not even as good as one of Pan Sen's fingers.

Pan Sen, who is it? Xin Zhao looked up and asked.

Are you a man? Jiawen raised his head and asked.

As soon as he finished speaking, Jiawen felt that he was flying again... It was strange why he said it again...

Su Zhan calmly retracted his legs and sat down again.

Ahem, if that coward is still alive, crawl back quickly. Reina coughed and shouted towards Jiawen.

When Jiawen limped up, Reina secretly glanced at Su Zhan.

So fast!

She didn't see when Su Zhan moved or took action just now.

Where is this place? This is the Super Seminary. What am I? God, Super God is Super Self. Can you do it? To be honest, I don't even know what Teacher Liu is thinking. Why are you Super? God? His strength is too far behind, right?

What if we really have the potential to be super gods? Being belittled by a woman in this way, Jiawen's pride exploded.

If one of you can really show the potential of a super god, I will get off work early today. Reina said carelessly.

Then let me get up first!

Oh, okay, haha! Reina smiled dryly and lifted the foot that was on Jiawen.

Chapter 0007 Goddess becomes maid

Jiawen stood up unsteadily, and the sudden rock turmoil on the ground around him startled Reina.

Su Zhan also became a little more serious and watched with interest.

I'm really afraid, it's too destructive. The swaying Jiawen said in a deep voice.

How big can it be? Reina disagreed.


The ground exploded again, almost knocking Xin Zhao away.

Jiawen glanced at it. The repairs here are so good. What if public property is damaged?

It doesn't matter, I'll compensate! Reina said.

Okay, this is what you said.

Jiawen shouted loudly, spread his hands, and a powerful aura was released instantly. In an instant, flying rocks scattered around, the earth shook, the ground began to bulge rapidly, and the sky... seemed to have become dark... I, Jiawen, swear in the name of the Light Shield family... ah ah ah...

A hysterical roar sounded, and the aura became stronger and stronger.

The stones on the ground came together piece by piece, and in an instant they turned into a towering wall, completely trapping the surrounding area inside.

Oh my god, the sky is falling apart. Xin Zhao shouted in shock.

Hahaha, hahahaha... Jiawen looked up to the sky and laughed wildly. I succeeded, I succeeded, Father, I succeeded, I succeeded, Father!

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