He shouted in a rich voice and stood in front of everyone holding a hammer. My name is Justin, your military instructor. In future military classes, you must obey my command!

Operation Abrara, which shocked the world, was commanded by me. Have you heard of it?

No. Everyone looked at each other and shook their heads in unison.

Forget it. Justin sighed and shook his head, walking up to Reina who was standing on the edge. Now let's start the roll call. What's your name?

The incarnation of the sun, your goddess. Rena said disapprovingly.

My goddess is this hammer! But you are now the squad leader of the Super God Class! Justin knew Rena's identity and retorted, then turned and walked towards the next one. May I have your name!

My name is Galen.

louder please.

My name is Galen.

Please say SIR!




Do it all over again, adding SIR at the end!

Do it all over again, adding SIR at the end!

Justin glanced at Galen and said solemnly: Wrong, sign up, add SIR, and try again!

I am Galen, SIR! Galen yelled.

Yes, next one!

Justin moved on to the next one.

Can we not bother? SIR! Jiawen shouted.

No, sign up! James said without changing his expression.

I'm Jarvan, SIR!




My name is Su Zhan!

The voice is too low, no SIR added, try again! Justin stood in front of Su Zhan.

Su Zhan frowned and said, My name is Su Zhan, SIR!

The voice is too low, try again! said Justin.

Su Zhan didn't speak, but looked at Jacques Din, who also looked at him. The two seemed to be... at loggerheads.

I don't hate this form. After all, it's a military exercise, and it can always improve your energy. But the purpose of your tossing like this is nothing more than to prove your identity and status as an instructor. I've given you enough face, almost. That’s it.”

The voice is too low, try again! James repeated, obviously unwilling to let it go.

Su Zhan shook his head: My voice is too soft, right? OK, I'll satisfy you, and I promise you that you won't think my voice is too soft in the future.

My name is Su Zhan, SRI!

Su Zhan suddenly spoke, and in an instant, a powerful sound wave came out of his mouth. Every word seemed to carry a power that could destroy everything. Everyone was so shocked that they squatted down and covered their ears.

And Jégustin, who was facing Su Zhan, was directly thrown away by the sound wave, gliding seven to eight meters in an instant.


Before anyone could see clearly, Su Zhan had already arrived in front of Jacques Ding. He looked down at the pained Jacques Ding and said, Instructor, is your voice loud enough?

What did you say? I can't hear you? James shouted.

Su Zhan was speechless, shook his head and turned back.

Damn, this is too confusing, this is simply a lion's roar.

This is called the ear-piercing magic sound.

The three Cao Cong brothers couldn't help but started discussing.

Returning to his original position, Old God Su Zhan was standing there waiting.

After a while, Justin stood up unsteadily and walked over, playing with his ears for a long time, and then said loudly: Ahem, from today on we will have high-intensity training. The purpose is very simple. , everyone look to the sky...

The sound is very loud, which is the sequela of temporary deafness.

As for the matter of naming just now, it is obviously in the past.

Seeing the serious and solemn James saying look at the sky, everyone subconsciously raised their heads...

Do not move!

Calling to the students who were shaking because they raised their heads, Justin continued: We will be the first batch of warriors of the Super Seminary. In order to deal with all possible crises, do you have confidence?

Do you have

The sound is messy.

Is there any? roared Justin.

Yes! It was finally tidy.

Okay, turn right, go forward 50,000 meters, run!


The students who were about to run were frightened and staggered when they heard the fifty thousand meters. However, Su Zhan had already ran out slowly.

He has no intention of being independent at all, as long as he doesn't show off to himself, it's only 50,000 meters, and the intensity is not too high, so it has no impact on him at all.

They ran away when they saw Su Zhan, what can anyone else say, just run!

Su Zhan ran the 50,000 meters leisurely, without blushing or out of breath. Then he walked leisurely to the cafeteria under the astonished and envious eyes of everyone. When he finished lunch, he saw everyone with weak legs. The students who looked like soft-footed shrimps came back and walked away again under their envious eyes.

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