Damn, is this too much emphasis on sex over friends? We are your brothers too! Mr. Xin almost died! Galen shouted.

Your sister values ​​sex over friends, I don't agree with who can die! Xin Zhao is rough-skinned and fleshy, let him learn a lesson if he suffers a loss! Okay, you go ahead, I'll go check out the nuclear weapons!

Wait, where is Ahri? Ahri needs support!

You'll know if you go and see for yourself!

Su Zhan said lightly, and the person disappeared!

Galen strode towards Ahri's direction. When he arrived, he was dumbfounded. No wonder Su Zhan wasn't worried at all? The demon who was chasing Ahri was kneeling on the ground and repenting. It looked like he had completely fallen under Ahri's pomegranate skirt!

I just discovered that the goddess among these demons is actually an angel! Ahri said with a giggle.

Galen was speechless and slashed this guy with his sword!

I'll take care of Xin Zhao, Galen, Ahri, you track the lightning target! Wei Ying is always ready to snipe! Although Su Zhan left, everyone felt more at ease knowing that he was nearby, and Jiawen's voice became firmer. , the order was quickly issued.

Su Zhan teleported to the vicinity of Dawn Light 2. At this time, Caitlin was firing at the ground.

Bang bang bang!

The gunshots continued, and Caitlin's eyes were very firm. After several consecutive shots, Su Zhan clearly saw that the two demons who were tracking the transport truck were directly hit, and one was even more unlucky to be shot and flew in front of the transport truck. , was directly run over by the transport truck.

Tsk, tsk, it's really miserable!

After taking one look at the bloody demon, Su Zhan suddenly accelerated and rushed directly in front of the transport truck.

The soldiers in the transport vehicle are obviously still in a state of high concentration. There is only one thought in their heads. They cannot stop. No matter what, they cannot stop and let the enemy get the Donghong nuclear bomb. No matter who it is, they will crush them all the way! So although he saw Su Zhan, he didn't seem to see Su Zhan. He didn't slow down at all and looked as if he was going to hit him directly.

Su Zhan shook his head helplessly, tapped his finger, and in an instant, the entire transport vehicle flew into the air.

The tires were still spinning rapidly, but the car was motionless.

Ding Bing stepped on the accelerator hard, and Su Zhan flew directly to the car door and knocked: Wake up, Ding Bing, I am Su Zhan!

Su, Su Zhan? Hearing the voice, the soldier woke up as if from a dream. Oh my god, why did the car fly?

Nima, you must have learned this from Liu Chuang!

Su Zhan was also drunk when he heard this friendly accent.

Putting the car down casually, Su Zhan said, No need to run, just turn around and drive back.


The soldiers have calmed down. Since Su Zhan is here, there must be no danger. Super Seminary Hero Soldier Lian Su Zhan is a ruthless character who even tortured Monkey King, the Monkey King!

The soldier turned around excitedly and went back. Su Zhan waved to Caitlin and pointed in a direction.

Although Su Zhan's sudden appearance surprised Caitlin, a tacit understanding between them had already been established. In an instant, Caitlin aimed at the gun and fired three times in a row, followed by three screams.

The three demons hiding in the grass who were going to attack Dawn of Light 2 were shot in the head!

Well done!

Su Zhan teleported to Caitlin's side and said with praise.

How did you come?

I just came to take a look. Okay, I guess I won't need you for the rest. You can return home! Su Zhan said.

Listen to him. You can return to the voyage. Now that he has spoken, we don't have to worry. I'll go out and have a cigarette. Dukao said in the headset.

Before Caitlin could reply, she heard Lianfeng's voice. Yuqin, let's go shopping tomorrow.


Dawn Light 2 returns.

Caitlin, Rena and others were speechless, and the few people still on the battlefield were also speechless!

Hey, hey, hey, the battle is not over yet. We are still fighting here. Why go out to smoke, talk about shopping, can you be more serious!

Jiawen and others felt quite helpless!

Focus, focus, I've said it so many times, the battle is not over yet. If you lose, you will be embarrassed! Su Zhan's voice suddenly sounded, instantly drawing their attention back.

I don't know if it was to compete for a moment, or because Su Zhan allowed them to exert their strength very stably here. It didn't take long for them to defeat their opponent.

However, when they sailed back in the light of dawn, no one was happy at all!

If Su Zhan hadn't appeared, the situation would have been completely different. Especially when dealing with the guy with the lightning halberd at the end, Galen was so fierce that he went up and struck him hard, even bending the lightning halberd. I don’t know what happened, but the opponent’s lightning followed Galen’s sword and stunned Ahri!

If Su Zhan hadn't suddenly appeared and killed the guy directly, what might have happened! Although he won,... he still relied on Su Zhan!

Putting all the circumstances together, they really couldn't be happier!

Chapter 0036 Just make a mistake and make a mistake

After Dawn 1 returned, everyone got off the plane with some disinterest. Ducao had been waiting there for a long time. Anyway, he protected Donghong 49 and annihilated two demon squads. The record was still very good. ! So Dukao didn't hesitate to praise him, which really made those dejected guys who were originally hit by the Soviet war feel better!

After they dispersed and left, Dukao said to Su Zhan: Thanks to you this time. If you hadn't followed, I might have asked Sun Wukong to help. However, his memory gene is still unstable and the risk is very high. big!

It's not easy to thank me. Lend them to me for a day! Su Zhan looked at Dukao's guardians with a smile, Lianfeng and Yuqin said with a smile.

Lianfeng rolled his eyes, but Yuqin nodded repeatedly.

She really wanted to spend more time with Su Zhan and learn about magic.

Dukao smiled: I can't make the decision, it depends on them!

Then it's settled, go back and have a good sleep. I'll go find you two tomorrow! Su Zhan said with a smile, and turned around and left without waiting for the two of them to answer.

Back in the dormitory, Ah Li and Wei Ying were still talking about the battle just now. The performance of the two was evenly matched. Although Wei Ying killed an enemy instantly, she was almost stabbed. Ahri also managed to get one, but was stunned at the end. This was the first time for the two of them to participate in actual combat. It tested their ability to fight alone, which gave them a lot of insights, especially some of the things they learned during daily training. After this actual combat, they finally understood and understood the difference. Realize!

You said you were gone, why didn't you tell us? Reina sat next to Su Zhan and said complainingly.

Su Zhan smiled and turned over to lie on Reina's lap. This posture was quite common in the dormitory. Reina was used to it, and others were not surprised.

Lying on Reina's lap, Su Zhan fiddled with Reina's hair and said casually: I just followed him to take a look. If nothing else happens, I didn't plan to take action. By the way, sleep with me tonight Bar?

Ah? Reina was stunned for a moment, then subconsciously looked at the others quietly. Isn't this good? You...what if you are like that? Let's go out?

What are you thinking about? Seeing Reina talking in a low voice, Su Zhan said dumbly, I just want to leave something in your body.

Disgusting! Reina patted her subconsciously and said coquettishly. It's impossible to leave something on my body, let alone in the dormitory!

Come on!

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