After everyone got up, Jack got on the boat and contacted the situation in the town. He learned that the piranhas had been temporarily contained. People on the beach had been dispersed and no approach was allowed. The hospital was even more overcrowded. However, it has not been completely resolved, and it is best to come back a day or two later.

Fortunately, after the Soviet war, I bought a lot of things. I would have enough food for a day or two, otherwise I would probably have to survive in the wilderness.

There is a first time, there is a second time.

Everyone has seen what happened between Danni and Su Zhan and knows it well. Lucy and Su Zhan were already close, and they even accompanied Su Zhan together. Although Dani was a little uncomfortable with it, under the stimulation of Lucy and Su Zhan, she slowly joined in.

For others, it may be taking refuge.

But for Su Zhan, this is definitely a holiday enjoyment.

Maybe they knew that Su Zhan was a romantic and fun-loving person, so the two girls started to join in the fun. Maybe they were attracted to Su Zhan and knew he was rich, or maybe they were bored on a desert island. In short, Su Zhan had two more girls around him. To add to the fun.

This worried Jack, who kept his eyes on Kelly.

However, Kelly had no intention of participating, and Su Zhan didn't encourage her, which made Jack relieved.

Eating, drinking, and having fun, we spent two days in such a ridiculous way.

News finally came from the town that it was temporarily safe.

Although they don't know the reason, the piranhas disappeared on their own. After several tests and searches, they were unable to find the piranhas, and the piranhas did not appear again. Although it will not be settled, at least the crisis is temporarily lifted.

Let's go. Su Zhan hugged Lucy and Danni, and everyone got on the boat and headed back to the town.

Compared with the bustle and crowds of people when we came, it was much deserted when we came back. There were only a few policemen on the beach who seemed to be patrolling, and one of them was Jack's mother. Seeing Jack and the others come back safe and sound, they relaxed a lot. After taking a breath, he asked, thanked Su Zhan and others and prepared to leave.

You two, we've had a great time getting along these two days. Can these be considered travel expenses? Su Zhan took out two piles of money and stuffed them into the career lines of the two girls. He squeezed a few of them rudely, provoking The two girls were so coquettish that they even didn't want to leave.

However, Su Zhan had no interest in letting them continue to follow.

After returning to the hotel from the small town, Su Zhan lay down directly after entering, and said with a smile: This trip was very interesting, and the memory is profound.

Piranha, can you not be profound? Lucy said.

Dani, come here and talk about my plans for you. Su Zhan waved to Dani to sit over, and then asked Lucy to stop what she was doing and sit down.

Actually, you don't know anything about my identity. At best, you think I might be a rich man! Of course, I do have money, and there's a lot of it. All the money in Japan belongs to me! Su Zhan said with a smile.

Are you kidding? Lucy and Danni thought Su Zhan was joking. Even the Prime Minister of Japan could not own all of Japan's money.

No, Japan is my territory. Of course, the Japan I am talking about is not the Japan you know, but the Japan of another world. To put it simply, I come from another world. Su Zhan finished. He paused and looked at their expressions.

Danni, Lucy and her roommates were all stunned after hearing this. This was simply a fantasy. But...looking at Su Zhan's expression, it seemed like he wasn't joking.

I know you don't believe it. Of course, if it were me and someone told me this, I probably wouldn't believe it either. Su Zhan smiled and said. Let me prove it to you briefly first, for example... like this!

As soon as he finished speaking, Su Zhan's hand suddenly caught fire, startling them.

Su Zhan waved his hand, the flame disappeared, pointed out the window and said: The fog is coming!

The weather that was originally clear and clear suddenly turned into cloudy weather.


Click, the thunder is deafening.


The drifting rain poured down in torrents.


The rain stopped, the fog cleared, and the sun shone again.

Su Zhan said one word, and the situation outside changed once. Now, all three women were stunned.

Do not believe?

Seeing is believing!

This forces me to give you nine points. If you give me one less point, I'm afraid I'll be proud. Seeing the three stunned girls, Su Zhan chuckled teasingly.

This, this is incredible, you can control the weather, you...are you God? The three of them were shocked as they woke up from a dream.

It's not important. What's important is that now you should believe that what I say is not a joke, right? I won't stay in this world for too long. I still have some unfinished things. After I finish them, I will leave this world. Lucy, Dan Ni, do you want to come with me?

Danni, I said I would make a movie for you. If you still want to be a star when you get there, I will be fully responsible for your movies in the future. Su Zhan looked at Dani and said.

Danni paused and smiled: You are doing this because you are worried that I will suffer a loss. It is obvious that you are a male chauvinist. As long as it is yours, even if you don't touch it, you will keep it at home like a canary. Bar.

Clever! Su Zhan laughed.

So, it actually doesn't matter whether we consider it or not. With your character, I don't believe you will let us stay. You will definitely take us away. Danny continued.

Su Zhan smiled and shrugged without denying it.

Even if Danni and Lucy don't want to go with him, Su Zhan will definitely take them away. However, it looks like Danni and Lucy have accepted it. Although they are a little uneasy, it is also due to many aspects, such as the environment of the new world, their plans after going there, etc.

Even if Su Zhan talked about these things now, it would be of no use. Once they were arranged when they returned, they would feel completely at ease.

Chapter 0622 CPH4

For Danni and Lucy, going to another world is not like traveling or going to another city. It is completely strange and unknown. Putting aside these things, it is not certain whether I can come back after this departure, so there are many things to deal with.

Whether it's Lucy's job search after graduation, Dani's desire to become a star, or her family, there's a lot to deal with.

It happened that Su Zhan also planned to use this time to complete the task, so he simply sent Dani and Lucy back one after another, letting them deal with trivial matters, and then picked them up after he was done.

And me?

She asked suspiciously when she saw Su Zhan sending Danni and Lucy away separately, leaving her alone.

Follow me first. Su Zhan said calmly, By the way, what's your name?

Caroline. She was a little depressed. Su Zhan still hadn't remembered her name at this time. It seemed that she really didn't have any status in his heart.

I have something to do, please follow me first!

Su Zhan said, grabbing Caroline and teleporting away.

The next second the two returned to Taipei.

Lucy did not return to Taipei, but returned to her hometown.

The reason Su Zhan returned to Taipei was because Richard was in Taipei.

This little guy is indeed a bit clever. He had already escaped, but after a while he came back. Perhaps he felt that Mr. Zhang would definitely look for him if he knew he had run away and would not stay in Taipei for a long time, so he killed him and came back.

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