Of course Proxima Centauri is not convinced, but it's not a head-on fight! But she is not ungrateful. Even if the fight continues, she has no chance of winning. After being silent for a long time, Proxima Centauri nodded and said he was convinced.

Seeing Proxima Centauri, he was convinced and declared his allegiance. Su Zhan smiled softly, accepting her was just an unexpected move, but she already knew her own affairs. It seemed that the Life Tribunal really gathered a lot of people this time, including Thanos, Infinity Stones, and more After receiving the summons from the Tribunal of Life, Su Zhan thought that perhaps everyone in the universe would know about him.

There is a saying that a man is not guilty of his own crime. They may not dare to take the idea of ​​infinite gems, but they are afraid that one day they will take their idea. If they have the opportunity to kill this threat, they will naturally not refuse.

Therefore, it is not an exaggeration to say that Su Zhan is the public enemy of the universe.

I know there is another person nearby who is also very strong.

Now that he has chosen his allegiance, Proxima Centauri is wholeheartedly committed.

Knowing that Su Zhan needed manpower now, he quickly thought of an acquaintance.

She has fought against this person several times. Although she does not have any special abilities, her overall strength is not weak.

Oh? What's your name? Su Zhan asked casually.

Black dwarf. Dark Night Proxima Centauri said.

Su Zhan smiled: It's indeed him, okay, let's go and have a look.

Dark Night Proxima Centauri was slightly surprised. It sounded like he knew him? But she didn't ask any more questions, and quickly led the way and flew away from Proxima Centauri.

Near Proxima Centauri, there is a black dwarf star.

Black dwarfs are also called brown dwarfs.

It seems that they all named themselves after planets, but if you think about it, there is probably no one else on these planets anyway. As the only one, it is normal to have the same name as a planet. This Black Dwarf was also one of the five Obsidian generals. Now that she had acquired Proxima Centauri, she recommended Black Dwarf. Su Zhan thought that if it was possible, he might as well get the five Obsidian generals together. After all, they were all very powerful!

General Deathblade, Proxima Centauri, Black Dwarf, Super Giant, and Ebony Maw, these are the five generals of Obsidian.

Not long after, Su Zhan and Proxima Centauri had arrived at the Black Dwarf.

As soon as they arrived at Black Dwarf, they saw a man standing in front of them.

This man's physique is very thick. Although he is not tall, his whole body is full of shocking muscles. His feet are a bit like bird's-grabbing, with only three fingers. The skin on his body looks like some kind of metal. It is very It's sturdy, it holds a double-edged hatchet in its hand, it's ugly, and the most important thing is that it has teeth! The lower pressure on the left and right sides has emerged, covering the upper lip.

Although many alien humanoid races are not good-looking, they can still look past them, and even feel good after getting used to them, but this guy is indeed too ugly.

Being ugly and being scary are two different things.

It’s unbearable to look at!

Proxima Centauri, have you defected to Su Zhan? Black Dwarf asked.

Dark Night Proxima nodded and said, That's right, I brought my master here to recruit you.

Black Dwarf thought about it and said directly to Su Zhan: I am willing to be loyal.

Well, just follow me from now on. It was not surprising that Black Dwarf agreed so directly with Su Zhan. After all, he had dealt with Proxima Centauri, so he could naturally analyze many things. Secondly, he is also a relatively ordinary one among the five Obsidian generals. Su Zhan recruits him with his current status and status, so he is looking down upon him. Naturally, he has no reason to be pretentious.

Chapter 0646 Transformers 4

The addition of Proxima Centauri and Black Dwarf was just a minor incident for Su Zhan. He wanted to just gather the five Obsidian generals together, but Su Zhan didn't know where the other three were, and there was no need to go out of his way to find them.

The two of them are not good people. Of course, in the Marvel world, you can't simply judge what is good and what is bad.

I'll give you a mission. I'm looking for three more people. The strength of these three people is about the same as yours. As long as you find them and let them join, you can form a separate team under my command, called the Five Black Obsidian Generals! Su Zhan said towards Proxima Centauri and Black Dwarf.

The two of them knew each other somewhat, and it would be a great honor to be able to form a team alone.

After all, so far, although there are many people around Su Zhan, not many have independent names.

General Deathblade, Superstar, Ebony Maw...

It's up to Su Zhan to find out the names and characteristics of these three people. Whether and when they can find them is up to them.

After the explanation was completed, the two of them couldn't wait to set out on the road to find their companions.

Su Zhan almost recovered and appeared directly in the underworld of Heim.

In the underworld of Helm.

Hela and Mysterio were chatting.

Seeing Su Zhan suddenly appear, the two of them were stunned for a moment and showed happy expressions.

After asking them about their situation and telling them about his time in Proxima Centauri, Mysterio was surprised. Hela was relatively calm. With Su Zhan's current reputation, it was normal for him to recruit two people.

Su Zhan stayed in the underworld of Heim for a day, and then returned to Earth with the mysterious guest.

Hellfire Club!

The White Queen was a little depressed and couldn't lift her spirits. She stayed in the office lazily and didn't go out.

Although Su Zhan hadn't been away for long, and he didn't even see him often before and didn't think much of it, but now he misses him so much. Su Zhan appears in his mind from time to time. The feeling of missing him makes the White Queen find it incredible.

How could a strong woman like herself become so affectionate?

But I can't control that feeling, and when I think about it, I become trance-like and distracted.

At this time, Su Zhan and the mysterious guest appeared in the office behind the sofa.

I thought the White Queen would notice it, but after waiting for a moment, I saw her reaction. The White Queen looked like this, which surprised Su Zhan. He came up behind her quietly, covered her eyes with one hand, and pinched her rudely with the other.


The White Queen screamed, but then quickly calmed down and said with some joy: Are you coming back?

Su Zhan let go of Queen White and walked to the front with a smile. How did you know it was me? I saw you so dazed just now. What were you thinking?

I miss you! said the White Queen Yingying.

Su Zhan chuckled: I miss you too, haha. By the way, this is Mysterio, Colossus' sister.

The White Queen glanced at the mysterious guest, then turned to Su Zhan and asked, What are you planning to do?

She doesn't know much about the outside world. She should go to her brother first, and then get familiar with the outside world, and then talk. Su Zhan said.

Why don't you let her stay with me? the White Queen said with her lips raised.

Su Zhan said nonchalantly: That's okay, you can arrange this.

I'll have someone notify Colossus first.

Queen White quickly contacted Colossus using telepathy. Not long after, Colossus arrived. When she saw Mysterio, she cried instantly. Then she kept expressing her gratitude to Su Zhan and Queen White. Colossus was a simple and honest man. Honest man, Su Zhan said a few words of relief, and then the brother and sister went out.

After they left, the White Queen threw herself into Su Zhan's arms. Seeing the White Queen seeming to melt, what else could Su Zhan say.

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