Seeing them leaving, Su Zhan took back his strength and pouted, I thought he would take action, but I didn't expect him to be so cowardly!

If you take action even though you know you can't defeat the master, you are overestimating your capabilities. Astra said from the side.

Su Zhan smiled: Okay, let's continue what we haven't finished yet.

Back inside the base, Su Zhan took the Ultimate Eraser and looked at Ganata, who nodded heavily. Then, the Ultimate Eraser activates.

There was nothing earth-shattering as imagined, nor any special vision.

Su Zhan pressed it, and then... there was no other reaction.

Is this... a success?

Astra asked confused.

Su Zhan said uncertainly: Ganata: How do you feel?

There seems to be some changes. I don't seem to feel so hungry anymore. Moreover, there is an indescribable feeling, as if I feel a lot more relaxed. Ganata felt it for a long time and said slowly.

Then it should be successful, but it would be better to go back and check carefully later.


Ganata nodded.

It seemed that the contents of her body were removed smoothly, and there was no danger like Galactus. Su Zhan asked Ganata to feel it again, check her own condition, and then turned to look at Xingchen.

Stardust acted very calmly, not panicking or resisting.

Su Zhan put the Ultimate Eraser into the system space and was about to figure out how to deal with Stardust when he suddenly felt a vibration in the system space. He glanced subconsciously and found that there was a little guy making a fuss in the system space. It's that special black elf. This little black elf has basically been in the system space since Su Zhan got it, and Su Zhan forgot about it.

He is usually very quiet, but unexpectedly he suddenly became excited.

Su Zhan curiously released it, and as soon as it came out, it flew around Su Zhan a few times as if having fun, and then landed on top of Su Zhan's head, buzzing and saying, I want him!

The little finger pointed at Stardust.

Can you speak? Su Zhan was a little surprised.

The black elf nodded his little head and said, Yes, I learned it.

There was no one there to teach you, how did you learn it? Su Zhan was curious, there was no one in the system space.

The person inside that stone. said the black elf.


Su Zhan was stunned for a moment. There were too many miscellaneous things in the system space. It took him a few seconds to remember what the stone the black elf was talking about was. Turning his palm, Su Zhan asked: Is this the piece?

Yes. The black elf nodded repeatedly.

It turns out it's him!

This stone is the stone that King Wanli had before, which is the gravity particle. There had been no response before, and it seemed that there was no response now. Unexpectedly, the black elf could sense him and even learned to speak with him. It seems that he needs to study it later. With his current devouring ability, there should be no need to bring him back to life and then devouring him. The ability to control the force field is quite good. If it is taken to the extreme, it is also very powerful. It is the icing on the cake. Taking back the stone, Su Zhan asked, What do you mean when you say you want him?

It seemed that Stardust made the black elf excited.

His energy can make me grow up. The black elf said.

Oh? Su Zhan was a little surprised. He didn't expect Stardust's energy to be useful to the black elf? Originally, he planned to swallow Stardust's energy, but now he changed his mind. He really wanted to see what the black elf would do and what it would be like to grow up.

Okay, he gave it to you. Su Zhan responded.

The black elf seemed particularly happy, cheering and flying quickly in front of Stardust. Strangely enough, Xingchen, who was originally calm, seemed to become panicked and nervous when he saw it approaching. Seeing his reaction, Su Zhan immediately froze him.

He saw the black elf floating in front of Stardust, and a strange suction force suddenly appeared on his body. Then the energy from Stardust began to pour into the black elf continuously.

Su Zhan looked at the gradually changing black elf in surprise. The two of them were like balloons. One was shrinking and deflating rapidly, while the other was growing rapidly. After about ten minutes, Stardust really changed. It turned into stardust and dissipated invisible, but the black elf had undergone earth-shaking changes.

Chapter 0689 The changing elves and gravity particles

The azure body is filled with faint star points. The body is much larger than before, almost the same height as an ordinary woman, and has all the physical features, including the long flowing hair. If the original black elf was a little girl, then she has grown up and become a big girl now. Su Zhan could feel the energy emanating from her body. It was very strong and special!

I gave myself a name, called Singularity!

The black elf, no, it should be called the Singularity now. Singularity jumped up and down, looking at his new self, and said to Su Zhan with a smile.

Singular point……?

Su Zhan was stunned. He didn't expect that she would give him this name...

He remembered that there was a team named A. Force in the late Marvel world. This team was composed of female superheroes. The more famous ones include She-Hulk, Sister Grimm, and... Singularity.

Putting She-Hulk aside, Sister Green is the person Su Zhan thought of when Mysterio summoned the Soul Blade from his body in Limbo, who can also summon weapons from his body.

The difference is that her weapon is a magic wand!

Su Zhan never expected that she would call him Singularity. Could it be that... this is fate? Is she destined to become the Singularity?

What's wrong?

Qingdian couldn't help but asked curiously when he saw Su Zhan's surprised look.

Su Zhan shook his head: It's okay, that's a good name. Now that you've grown up, it's no longer easy to put you into the system space. Do you want to stay here, or go to Earth?

I want to go to the Earth! Singularity is full of curiosity about the Earth.

Okay, then come back with me then.

After gaining freedom and growing up, Singularity seemed to be curious about everything. It didn't take long for him to leave Su Zhan and go out to play. After accepting that the black elf had become a singularity, Su Zhan turned his mind back and prepared to study gravity particles.

Back in the room, Su Zhan took out the gravity particles, and his eyes suddenly changed and he could see through them instantly. To be honest, I didn't see any trace of King Wanli at all, and I didn't know what form he was in. But it doesn't matter, it saves trouble. Su Zhan holds the gravity particles in his hand, and his devouring ability is activated instantly.

When he first got it, Su Zhan's devouring ability was not that strong. He originally planned to wait for King Wanli to wake up and then devour it from his body. However, it was naturally different now. Soon, Su Zhan had already felt There is a steady flow of energy pouring into his body.

It lasted for more than ten minutes, and the gravity particles in his hand suddenly shattered into pieces with a crackling sound. At the moment of fragmentation, they seemed to be petrified and turned directly into powder.

Su Zhan turned over the powder and clapped his hands. With a thought, he saw the powder slowly floating.


Su Zhan suddenly turned his hands, and the light powder fell down instantly, as if it was as heavy as a thousand pounds. He heard a popping sound. The ground originally made of steel was penetrated, and many tiny particles appeared like a sieve. of holes.


Su Zhan nodded with satisfaction. Even a small powder can have such power. It is indeed one of the four basic forces of the universe!

Su Zhan is not planning to enhance this ability elsewhere, but is planning to keep it.

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