Flying on a broomstick!

This is also one of the characteristics of the magic school.

Almost everyone has a magic broomstick, and Hermione and the three of them are no exception. During the flying lesson, Harry and Ron were able to do it just fine, but Hermione seemed to be very bad at this and tried several times. None of them were successful, which made it difficult for Hermione, as a genius and a top student, to accept it, especially when she heard the whispers from people around her.

Our little princess, what's going on? She looks a little unhappy!

After all, Hermione was still a little girl, and she couldn't hide things in her heart, so her unhappy face naturally showed on her face.

Teacher, is there any way you can help me learn flying lessons? Hermione looked at Su Zhan expectantly.

Su Zhan smiled: So that's it, aren't you good at flying?

Well, it seems like flying is what I'm worst at.

It's easy! Su Zhan said with a smile: Actually, it's quite ugly how they fly around on broomsticks. What's more, you're still a girl, how do you look like riding a broomstick? It's so ugly, so don't worry.

But, everyone in the school knows it. Wouldn't it be embarrassing if I couldn't? Hermione said.

It's just that you don't have to ride a broom. It's not like you can't fly without a broom.

To be honest, for children, flying around on a broomstick seems quite interesting, but when they grow up, riding a broomstick will not look good, it is too classy.

Forget it about Harry and Ron, Su Zhan can't imagine what Hermione will look like riding a broom when she grows up!

How can you fly without a broom? Hermione thought for a long time, wondering how she could fly without a broom.

You will know this by then. If you want to fly, you must first get used to the feeling of flying.

After Su Zhan finished speaking, he moved his hand slightly toward Hermione. In an instant, Hermione saw that there seemed to be a very special energy around her. Then, as Su Zhan swung his fingers, she slowly Flying up.

Ahhhhh. Hermione screamed in fright.

Don't be afraid, I won't knock you down. Feel the floating feeling and master your balance! Su Zhan comforted with a smile.

Su Zhan's words made Hermione feel at ease quickly. This kind of opportunity was rare, so she quickly felt it carefully.

In the distance, Hagrid was shocked when he saw this scene. He never expected that Su Zhan had such ability.

Once the fear subsides, all that's left is excitement. Seeing that Hermione was no longer afraid, Su Zhan's movements became wider and faster, and soon he saw Hermione flying around quickly in the air, whining excitedly.

This unique teaching method made Hermione very excited. After landing, she kept begging not to leave it to Harry and the others. After her schoolwork was over every morning, Hermione would stay and quietly learn to fly from Su Zhan.

After seven or eight days, Hermione was no longer afraid of flying. She could even fly very fast on her own without Su Zhan controlling her. If she just used a broom, it would still be a little worse. Maybe she was destined to be unable to fly on a broom.

Teacher, when can I really fly by myself? Hermione was no longer satisfied with relying on the teacher's power to fly.

It's okay now, but before that, you need something. Su Zhan said with a smile.

What is it?


Wings, wings? Hermione was stunned. She had been guessing what it would be, but she didn't expect it to be wings. How could this be possible?

Do you like white, black, or colorful? Su Zhan asked with a smile, ignoring Hermione's surprise.

Colorful, colorful. Hermione replied subconsciously.

Su Zhan chuckled, and the power of chaos was suddenly released. In an instant, Hermione felt a powerful energy moving through her body, and then this force seemed to be concentrated on her back, as if it was about to come out. Same.


The magic robe was shattered, and a pair of colorful wings stretched out.

Hermione was completely stunned. This, these are my wings? How amazing, I can feel that they are as controllable as my arms!

Of course, you are the first magician to fly with wings. These wings not only help you fly, but also have extremely strong defense capabilities. They don't exist at all when you don't need them. I guarantee that you won't feel... The body is affected. Su Zhan said with a smile: If you don't believe it, you can go in and look in the mirror.

Women all love beauty.

Although Hermione was still a little girl and liked her wings very much, she was worried about the appearance when she folded them up. So I quickly ran into the house and looked in the mirror. Sure enough, the back was smooth and had nothing on it!

This completely reassured her.

Teacher, is this magic too?

Hermione asked excitedly as she hurried back.

No, this is divine power! These are the wings I gave you! Su Zhan said with a smile.

Teacher, are you a god?

God? I am the Lord of the Gods, and Hebe is the god, the goddess of youth. You can please her and let her help you stay young forever in the future. Su Zhan said with a smile.

Hermione shook her head and said, I just need to please the teacher. After all, Sister Hebe is the teacher's servant!

You are so smart!

Su Zhan smiled, pinched Hermione's little face, and said with a smile.

Chapter 0949 Three-Headed Dog and Troll

Unlike Hermione, Harry is very talented at flying broomsticks. Professor McGonagall of Gryffindor even planned to let Harry be the seeker of the new Quidditch match. Unfortunately... Harry does not belong. Gryffindor, otherwise he would be the youngest Seeker!

This somewhat disappointed Harry.

However, there are too few people in their department, only three. Even if they are qualified to participate in the competition, the number is not enough.

Don't be depressed. If it doesn't work this year, there will be next year. When the new students come next year, the teacher will definitely accept new students. By then, there will be enough people.

Hermione and the three were walking on the stairs of the school, preparing to go to the school's dark arts class. As a result, the staircase changed automatically. It was supposed to lead to the second floor, but it was inexplicably moved to the third floor.

Although I had known that the stairs would move for a long time, this was the first time that they led to the third floor.

There was no way out but to head towards the third floor.

Opening the door and walking in, it was dark and eerie inside, with a demon-like statue standing there.

Shouldn't we be here? Ron whispered.

Remember? The third floor of the school seems to be a forbidden area and is forbidden to enter. Hermione whispered.

Let's go out first. Harry said, and the three of them turned to go back.

Who knew that the door suddenly closed at this time, and when they turned around, they saw a cat standing in front of them, looking at them with that weird look.

Oops, that's Filch's cat!

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