028 What are you upset about

“This is what you call hard stubble?”

Glancing at Agent Hill standing outside the doorman, Antonio’s expression remained unchanged, but his eyes were already glancing at the security guard in midair.

Somewhat skeptical.

The two have known each other for many years, it is a lifelong friendship, and you can understand many things with one look:

“Head, that’s her! Definitely not an ordinary person, a ruthless character! ”

The security guard answered Antonio with great certainty in his eyes.

Antonio knew the abilities of the inch-headed security guard, so after the inch-head security guard was confirmed, the alert for Agent Hill was raised again.

Agent Hill lost unjustly.

The security guard is also a mutant, and his mutant ability is that his eyes are very special and can observe some unusual movements.

It is also because of this ability that the inch-headed security guard has been assigned the position of a doorman, that is, let him use his own eyes to find out whether these people who are close to the school are ordinary people or outliers with bad intentions!

Agent Hill was successful in disguise and perfectly dressed herself as a big beauty.

However, in the eyes of the security guard, the latter’s physical fitness and kinetic energy are far beyond ordinary people.

How could a delicate weak woman have such a physique?

Therefore, there is only one truth, this delicate-looking weak woman, she is not an ordinary person at all!

In the face of this kind of opponent, it is difficult for Agent Hill not to reveal his identity!


Antonio stepped forward and looked at Agent Hill through the window.

Security guards also need to be separated by a distance to ensure their own safety.

But Antonio is bold and undaunted!

He opened his mouth wide, his front teeth were dense, and his face was slightly hideous:

“This beauty, seeing that you have been frowning and very unhappy, are you hiding something unhappy in your heart?”

“It’s better to tell what you are unhappy about, so that everyone can listen to it happy and happy!”

Off color! Barbarous! Full of ferocity!

This was Antonio’s first impression of Agent Hill!

At the same time, Agent Hill vaguely found that Antonio’s two large front teeth were soaked with a trace of blood red, which was very strange.


Still is…… Mutant characteristics?

Agent Hill took an unnatural step back, the smile on his face was the same as before, and he did enough surface work.

She spoke again and said slowly

“I’m coming to someone to discuss something with Principal Clark.”

The security captain in front of him, as well as the inch-headed security guard, are not ordinary people.

This St. Kent College is probably really extraordinary.

But Agent Hill didn’t think he was in any danger.

Since Nick Fury let her come here and let her maintain a friendly attitude instead of paying attention to danger, it proves that this mission is not very dangerous.

St. Kent College is a school after all, where can it be dangerous?

The only exception is the security captain in front of you, which is too rude to deal with.

Explaining to civilized people, Agent Hill never worried, because she had a reason to tell the other party.

But in the face of the barbarians … Xiucai met the soldiers, it is reasonable to say!

In fact, this is also Antonio’s special gesture

In the face of the students in the school, Antonio is the dutiful security captain, those students can be very naughty, and Antonio is never angry.

But in the face of outsiders, the prestige of Blood Tooth Antonio has never been earned by eating dry rice, eating two more bowls!

It was bloodily fought with real guns and knives!


Antonio was full of ferocity.

But Agent Hill did not eat this set and said his request with a smile.

Reach out and don’t hit the smiling person.

And this beautiful woman in front of her still came to find Principal Clark with her mouth closed.

This makes Antonio a little difficult.

“So beautiful… Or come directly to Clark to discuss things, it won’t be a leg with Clark, right? ”

Antonio muttered in his heart, glanced at Agent Hill more, and felt more and more that this possibility was the most likely.

He felt something was wrong.

Because now the assistant piano of the college is in charge of the errand in the college.

If you let this beautiful woman meet Jean…

Antonio couldn’t help but snort.

“If she really had a relationship with Clark, and now she happened to encounter Jean, Clark would definitely have picked me up alive afterwards!”

Antonio is a little older than Clark, and it can be said that he watched the principal grow up step by step.

How terrifying Clark is, others do not know, but Antonio and others have been with Clark for many years, and they have a number in their hearts.

The current situation is not good, and if you do not pay attention, you may fall into the most terrible whirlpool and strife.

After thinking about it, Antonio made a decision, that is, let this beautiful woman at the school gate leave quickly!

He should have never seen the latter, and nothing happened today.

If you don’t do things, you can’t do wrong.

Being a shrunken turtle is better than doing something wrong.

He stubbed his face and asked Agent Hill to leave with a look of unapproachability, St. Kent College will not let unrelated people enter the school, if you want to meet with Principal Clark, then make an appointment in advance!

Agent Hill obviously couldn’t help it in the face of Antonio’s soft and hard muddy people.

It is impossible for her to use force.

The use of force may not necessarily have been fought.

The security captain in front of him has a looming fierce aura, but it can’t be obtained as a rice bucket!


Agent Hill rolled his eyebrows, looked to the side, and showed a thoughtful smile:

“I don’t think you need to make a decision, sir… People who can really make decisions have already come. ”

Agent Hill said.

Antonio’s face changed.

He turned to look behind him, and saw a figure with long red hair, several textbooks in his hand, looking at him and the woman in silence.

Antonio’s heart was abrupt, and the corners of his mouth were a little bitter.

This is really afraid of anything!


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