030 decides it’s you

The area of Ahan, where Tony is located.

“The situation is a little bad, those kidnappers have been urging more and more in the past two days! Tony, I feel like you need to fill that missile shell with some material to make it more deceptive! ”

Ethan reminded as he helped Tony assemble the Mark prototype.

“If we can cheat one more day, we will have more time!”

Tony shook his head and refused:

“It’s the last minute, Ethan, screw that screw on, then turn on the final drive with the computer, and we’ll be out of this damn place!”

Tony said confidently

“Trust me! This big guy will guard our safety! ”

Underneath the steel shell is Tony Stark’s visibly emaciated face!

His eyes also sunk, appearing even deeper, and the thick dark circles proved that he had been staying up all night for a while!

If you don’t stay up late, you can’t do it during the day!

Hearing that there was a possibility of escape, Ethan’s face did not have much joy.

His family had died in the war, and even if he escaped, he would feel alive.

It was an even sadder reality after leaving the darkness and being illuminated by the light.

Immediately, Ethan hesitated again:

“Tony, is this steel can as powerful as you say? Don’t be unable to withstand the last anti-tank gun! ”

Ethan shook his head:

“You were able to survive before because you were hit from the side, and only a few insignificant small shrapnel hit you!”

“If you are hit head-on, even if you stay in your own private hospital, I don’t think you can save it, let alone in such a ghost place.”

Tony didn’t care about Ethan’s discouraged words, and he looked at the final Mark prototype mecha with burning eyes

“Don’t worry! This little gadget in my heart can keep me alive for a long time, or it can keep this big guy alive for fifteen minutes! ”

“It doesn’t take fifteen minutes, I can kill those bastards in five minutes!”

“Ethan, do me a favor and help assemble these things on me!”



At the same time, dozens of miles outside the cave, a long convoy was rapidly galloping, and it took less than ten minutes to surround the cave.

It was a convoy belonging to the Ten Rings Gang, and the leader was the three leaders of the Ten Rings Gang nicknamed the Sand King!

The leader of the kidnapping organization, Ben, his eyes widened and his face was in disbelief!

He has completely blocked the news, why did the people of the Ten Commandments Gang still come?

Ben is not a fool, and it was quickly determined that someone inside leaked the news!

However, at such a critical juncture, Ben had no time to find traitors to clear the portal.

He ordered him to go down and bring Tony Stark first!

The Ten Rings Gang is menacing, and they don’t plan to resist hard, that is looking for death.

Bring Tony Stark over, whether to send Tony Stark out to surrender, or run directly with Tony Stark, two choices and two roads, it depends on how Ben chooses.

But soon, his men came to report that Tony Stark’s iron door was locked from the inside and could not be opened!

Ben’s eyes widened instantly!

Tony Stark actually dared to resist him?

A bad feeling had risen in his heart.



“Bang bang!”

“Open the door! Hurry up and open the door for me! Tony Stark! Ethan! Do you want to die? ”

Roars and roars in several languages came from outside the door, and the iron door was also smashed and crumbling!

As the iron gate was smashed open, the explosion of the homemade detonator temporarily resisted the attack of the kidnappers!

The remaining kidnappers cowered a little, not daring to act rashly under the threat of the detonator.

Ethan glanced at the progress bar, and after seeing that there was still a little distance left, he gritted his teeth and picked up his rifle and rushed out:

“I’ll go buy you some time!”

“Ethan! Come back! Don’t send it to death, it’ll be fine right away, I’ll take you out in a moment! ”

Stark roared to stop Ethan, but to no avail.

It is difficult for him to even move now, because he has been completely sealed in the Mark prototype!

For safety, this steel can is welded very tightly!


Tony Stark gritted his teeth, hating his own powerlessness and waste.

When he heard the defiant gunfire rapidly decaying until there was no movement, Tony Stark’s blackened face and eyes had turned blood-red!

Tears fell without fighting.

The boy did not flick tears, but he did not reach the sad place.



Just as Tony Stark gritted his teeth and his eyes were blood-red waiting for the Mark prototype to start, a figure had quietly descended here.

“It’s not too late for me to arrive.”

Clark glanced at Ethan, who had been shot and fell to the ground, who was half-lying on the ground, coughing up blood in his mouth and shot in his body, apparently not far from death.

Clark thought about it, and with a flick of his fingers, a bead of vitality energy had already fallen on Ethan’s body.

“The mutant student still lacks a professor of physics, so it is decided that it is you.”

Clark said softly.

There are quite a few teachers at St. Kent College.

But there are not many professional tutors who have enough knowledge to dare to teach those mutant students.

Ethan, more than capable of this errand.

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