086 Antonio was a little dareless

Office of the President of St. Kent College.

At this time, a simple recruitment is underway, which cannot be said to be recruitment, it should be regarded as a simple formality.

Sitting in the row with Clark were piano and gears.

Originally, the position of the gear should be sat by Antonio, after all, under the premise that the position of director of education is vacant, Antonio is the replacement for the Big Three seat in St. Kent College.

But thinking of today’s special situation, Antonio is a little afraid to come over.

There is no problem with Clark.

Whether he was on the same front or not, at least his principal was reasonable—at least when dealing with the people in the school.

But when he met Jean, Antonio wondered if he had any different opinions, he was afraid that he would not be able to see the sun tomorrow.

Can’t afford to mess with it, or hide.

Antonio did not dare to come, and in order to make up enough for the number of three, Jean forcibly pulled the gear over.

Recently, she has a good relationship with Gear, after all, Gear’s research room funding is agreed to by Jean.

With such an ally on the same front, wouldn’t it be safe to vote two to one when the time comes?

It’s beautiful to think about.

Clark frowned and looked at the listless gear for a long time, and finally pinched his nose and agreed.

The recruitment content is very simple, it is to recruit college tutors.

By the end of the semester, Clark had decided to expand his enrollment.

The more students, the more tutors, especially the tutors of special classes, are the most important.

But the person who came to apply today obviously did not meet Qin’s requirements.

The person who came was Aesop, and the latter’s instincts were not mentioned, and in Jean’s opinion, it was definitely not material to be a teacher.

As for Clark, he had no opinion.

After all, looking at Aesop’s smiling appearance, it is estimated that he is well prepared.

Maybe the latter has changed his personality, seems not so lost, and has become optimistic.

According to Clark’s idea, it is reluctant to let the latter intern for a period of time.

It’s done.

Not…… You only need to manage food and control, and you don’t have to pay wages, no matter how you calculate it, you will earn it.

But Jean felt that Clark’s idea was problematic and firmly opposed it.

So the contradiction arises, two people one vote, need the gear this third vote opinion.

Qin Xiao’s eyes were a little proud.

Gear is her person, this is not a stable thing?

At this moment, Clark seemed to hear something, stood up and turned his head from the glass window to look in the direction of Queens.

St. Kent College is located in Manhattan.

The Osborne Building is a landmark building in Queens.

Jean noticed that Clark’s face was different, and she who was familiar with the latter immediately knew that something had happened, and couldn’t help but ask:

“What happened?”

Clark shook his head, not paying much attention:

“A small thing, an experimental accident, it is estimated that it will calm down soon.”

Jean thoughtfully:

“Have something to do with us?”

Clark nodded:

“It’s a little related, but it’s not rooted, and in general it has nothing to do with us.”

Clark was pretty sure of that.

Peter Parker plus his uncle, the two Spider-Man attack together, that is double the joy.

It is unlikely that Dr. Lizard wants to fall out.

Unless both Spider-Men collapse.

Clark looked at several people in the interview:

“Regardless of that, let’s continue with the previous discussion.”

“Regarding Aesop’s affairs, I agree with Aesop’s entry, and Jean is against it.”

“Let the gears make the final decision.”

Aesop had a smile on his face, and did not seem to be worried about being vetoed.

She looked at Clark happily and said:

“Call me Yi Jam! Let the previous frustration Aesop disappear. ”

Jean is firmly opposed:

“After being your senior sister for three years, and then being your mentor for another year, Aesop, can I still understand your character?”

“If you can change your own personality, is it fake that I have been getting along with you in the past few years?”

Aesop rubbed his green flowing hair, looking a little distressed:

“Naw, na… Sister Qin said everything right, and I did like to say disappointing things in the past. ”

“But I have worked hard to correct it, and Senior Sister Qin must also believe in my efforts!” I don’t want to leave the academy, the outside world is like a big monster that eats people, I don’t want to face it! ”

As Aesop spoke, his eyes were already looking at the listless, sleep-like gear:

“Senior Sister Gear, quickly agree, when the time comes, I will take over your work, and you can concentrate on studying in the research room, or sleep well!”

Jean’s face changed, and there was a bad premonition.

Before she felt that this vote of the gear was against stable, now look at it…

It seems that Aesop and Gear have long conspired?

Gear yawned and stretched out a finger:

“First, don’t call me Senior Sister, you’re a year older than me!”

“Second, in addition to having full authority over my duties, you must also cooperate with my experiments in the laboratory.”

“Third! And the most important point! After that, Senior Sister Qin’s accountability, you stopped it for me, otherwise I wouldn’t agree!” ”

Qin Gray’s face was faintly blue:

“Gear, when were you bought by Aesop?”

The gear did not speak, and yawned again by the way.

Aesop replied cheerfully:

“Although Senior Gear is one year younger than me, she is a genius admitted by the old principal himself, she completed her studies at the age of ten, and then began to sleep all day and woke up to go to class.”

“Later, I felt that it would not work like this, coupled with the reprimand of the old principal as a whole, so I didn’t sleep, and began to build my own research room, tossing some inventions!”

“Senior Sister Qin! How could a genius girl like Senior Gear succumb to your power? ”

Aesop snorted, then looked at the gears and said loudly:

“I agree to all three conditions to ensure that Senior Gear is satisfied!”

Gear nodded, and then looked at Clark sleepily:

“If so.”

“I vote for you and agree to Aesop’s entry.”

Aesop suddenly cheered:


Seeing that Jean’s face was ugly, and he seemed to be ready to roll his sleeves and break his wrists, Clark hurriedly stood up and said:

“Okay, don’t be angry, today I will personally go to the kitchen to let you try my craft.”

Jean had some doubts:

“Do you know how to cook?”

It used to be cooked by the piano, and Clark went to eat and drink.

Clark scratched his head:

“People always grow.”

In fact, Clark’s cooking skills are drawn from the ordinary gift bag of the principal’s system, and he is a master chef.

In this way, the ordinary gift package of the principal’s system is also quite useful, and it is not as wasted as expected.


Meanwhile, Ben Parker was still on his way to the horse.

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